Wednesday, August 09, 2006
happy birthday SINGAPORE!!! @ 8/09/2006 06:58:00 PM
well. today is Singapore 41st birthday!!! come to think of it. really thank God for this peaceful and well managed country! aren't singaporeans fortunate??? to have a country that does not have corrupted government. and then have goverment that govern the country that well. so more there isn't any racial riots and religion banation. what a racial harmony country and what a country that you are free to choose what religion you want to be in!!! what more to complaint about there's no life staying in singapore??? [i want to make thing clear here arzz. christianity is not a religion but a relationship!!!]- though i'm one of them=) but i didn't claim to change my citizenship ya. i just want to study overseas. this is to experience a different way of living. how can i forsake my homeland? haha. i will definately miss singapore's food and everything!!! but not the rush here and there lifestyle. the fast paced life in singapore. sometime we just have to slow down and know what's going on and what went wrong etc. there's a saying, slow and steady wins the race.
- people do you think this year's theme song talk sense to us??? especially youth!!! well. i don't know for you people. but for me it does. it's maybe a way of telling me to love our country, singapore!!! because youth nowadays just don't treasure and cherish what's being provided. there's this verse in the song saying, 'my island home wherever i may be i never will forget her nor will she forget me.' the nor will she forget me really touches my heart man. it's like a way that God wants me to reflect on. God had made singapore the way that it is now and what should i do for his kingdom in singapore??? CHLOE BETTER DON'T PROCRASTINATE UPON SHARING ABOUT God!!!! point to ponder about: what have you contribute to the society of singapore???
- enough of thoughts. now i'm going to report on what have i done today=) woke up at 1145. haha. finaaly can sleep till like so EARLY li. then had my shower and went to westmall to pass jia my checkered dree. she need it for something. and then i went to posb bank deposite money machine. i was like a gondoo there. forcing to insert my atm card into the machine and then after a few tries then realised that the machine is not available for depositing of money today. hmmm what a privilage ya? machine also get to have it's day off on national day. sorry i'm crappy here. haha. i then headed gombak's mac to revise on my law. so happen i saw this ty collection bear in mac. though it has 'macdonald' printed on the bear. i don't mind buying=)
- oh no have to get the soup boiling to remember the facts and chew the cases into my body. marinate them into my bone and so i'll be ready for tomorrow test. poor me. have to study during this public holiday. no fireworks for me. no jb outing for me too!!! sob.
message to all: if you are going to have mac these few day can you just like help me buy the bear??? i had the red one already=) let me know then i arrange a date to meet up with you and return you the money kkz??? please!!! thankie very much=)
message to singapore: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! may you prosper and achieve more awards and reputation in other country!!!
Tibits for the day=)

This year's logo embraces our theme "Our Global City, Our Home". It depicts a globe with the little red island of Singapore as its focal point. Despite our small size, our island is widely recognized for its thriving economy, its connectivity to the world and its emerging role on the international stage.
The use of multi-coloured brushstrokes demonstrates our vibrancy as a nation. The merging of the different colours into one icon connotes our unity and harmony as a multi-racial and multi-religious society. The treatment of the brushstrokes gives the logo an Asian feel. It denotes that while Singapore is evolving into a global city, we do not forget our roots and Asian values.
The futuristic black font shows our boldness and that we are forward looking in shaping our future as a nation. this is what i have for today's entry=) [[belong]]