Wednesday, August 02, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAFIQ!!! @ 8/02/2006 10:53:00 PM
it's syafiq birthday today!!!oh no forgot what's my introduction for today already. let me do some recalling work first ya.- well reach school late today as in it's told by lecturer to turn up at 1000 instead of 0900. but people like richard never listen in class. turn up for lesson at 0900. my goodness. can sleep longer don't want sleep. after entering the class, we are trying ways and means to hide birthday cake and pressie for syafiq.
- today's lecture ended early. then had syafiq's birthday celebration in class. haha. took photo again. my 1b22 album is going to explode. haha. though there's so many cocked up and yet syafiq don't anything. he wasn't aware that we are giving him a birthday surprise. haha. we're good at acting ya?? credits go to christine and el for all the plots and everything.
- after celebration, went to foodcourt 1 for lunch again. christine, ping, shan, dion and myself were like having a chat about how we first know one another. haha. our first day of school etc. my goodness. before we realise it's august li. we've know each other for like 4 months already??? and now we're in the midst of having exam. jia you jia you!!! everybody must jia you ya! then we can get into the same class again=)
- left school at about 1415. headed SGH. grandma admitted to hospital. well. go visit her. she looks better. look like she's feeling better. PRAISE THE LORD!!! just pray that she'll accept the Lord soon! maybe she has but i'm not aware of that? coz i said i'm going to pray for her then she closes her eyes. anyway as long as God knows can already=)
- took train home after that and i fell asleep on the train that i missed my stop. before i realised the train door is closing. then go lot 1 to shop=) haha. but awhile later go home li.
- had law revision on misrepresentation. haha. at least did study unlike yesterday, fell asleep before i get the ball rolling. haha.
message to syafiq: happy birthday to you=)
message to charis: don't be stress over your current situation. just leave and commit it to God. he'll smoothen your path=)
people. must study hard ya! then we can play even harder after that!!!=) [[panda eyes]]
is this pretty?? it's snow mountain in new zealand. sent by jiachi. he took it when he's in the plane.