Wednesday, August 09, 2006
thoughts... @ 8/09/2006 01:06:00 AM
well decide to have a long and naggy and interesting and exciting entries by sharing with you people my thoughts=) hmmm. this entry will take me quite some time=)
- hmmm. for me i loved childrens=) be it from baby to like primary kids. that's why my first choice for poly entry is early childhood education. but God somehow wanted me to take property developement and facilities management (what i'm studying now). all along i wanted to serve in children ministry in church. BUT... the children in my church are limited. prayer for the day will be: bring more families into God's kingdom. why families??? it's because it's lao shao xian yi mah=) (in simple words will be anyone from the age of 1 to 100??)
- yesterday night (mon's night) dionnie sent me the clip on children singing song of the Lord. really have the urge to serve in children ministry man! haha. then this morning as i'm on my way to school. i saw kids dressed in red and white. this is due to the celebration of national day in school? i guess so. hmmm. the thought of 'how are they going to behave when they grew up??' will they be like youth nowadays?? so violent and uncivilised??
- after cadd test. i went home coz i seriously wanted to catch a nap. sorry people for not joining lunch with your. then i bought my lunch at the coffee shop near my house. while waiting for my food to be ready. i witness this malay boy and his mum sitting down enjoying their drink. they are happily chatting and the boy even offer to fill the cup for his mummy. what a lovely scene! and then i was thinking. if every child is to keep a good and loving and most of all communicated relationship with their parents. isn't it wonderful???
- on my way to work, there's this group of people that asking for donation. (their flag day??) whatever it is i manage to find out where the donation goes to. and it's for children cancer society. i don't mind donating like 10 bucks. don't you think having cancer at such age is like so pitiful?? by right these children should be enjoying their childhood man. and not undergoing treatments and therapies! poor kids. and yet they're still able to continue to face their life positively though it's a painful and torturous process. however, youths nowadays will kick a big fuss over jumping off the building, killing themselves, hurting themselves by cutting on their wraist over small matters (eg: boy girl relationship.) why like that, why like that??!!??
why would i have these thoughts is because... well give your a brief background about me kkz. hmmm. since young i'm staying with my granny. then my mummy and daddy were like working and i didn't really get to see them. in fact i should say hardly. this then drifted our relationship. more often than not i'm like asking myself do i really have parents or i'm just an orphan??? anyway it's God's will for me to be in this situation so that i'll know him=) thank God i've know him if not i'll be like anyone out there living without a purpose.
my passion for children is mainly because i don't wish children to grow up in emptiness but of joy and love=) other than that i believe that educate children at young age is the best way of bring up a good person. it is because since young they are taught not to be like this and be someone like this. it naturally become a principle in them. last of all is that i love seeing children with their native thoughts and inqusitive mind=) so people if you're a volunteer in some orphanage or you are aware of some orpahnage that requires people like me to work for them please let me know. i'll be more than happy enough to dig out time to help and contribute what i can for them=)
message to dionnie: don't be stress up ya!!! no point grieving over the spilled milk. just do your very best. as long as you know that you had did your very best then it's like worth it already=)
that's all people. falling asleep??? haha. [[expressing]]
is this interesting??? sometime we just have to stop and think about what went wrong.