Saturday, August 05, 2006
exam timetable!!! @ 8/05/2006 10:44:00 PM

short and not so eventful day=) a day of revision and rest.

message to anyone who wants to ask me out: i won't be available untill 24 august. your'll be wondering why 24 when my exam ends at 21 right?? coz 21-23 my group and i will be chionging for one final presentation!!!

message to 1b22: don't go wrong venue for papers arzz!!!

that's all for today=) [[remembering]]

my exam timtable is as follow:-

Module code: DE 210Y
Module: ECT&P
Day:07Aug (mon)
Time: 0900-1110

Module code: DE 2105
Module: CADD
Day: 08Aug (tue)
Time: 0900-1200
Venue: T324

Module code: DE 211Y
Module: Law
Day: 10Aug (thur)
Time: 1030-1240
Venue: T3A11

Module code: DE 2108
Module: BMA
Day: 15Aug (tue)
Time: 0900-1110
Venue: T1A56

Module code: DE 2103
Module: Building Science
Day: 21Aug (mon)

Time: 0900-1110
Venue: T3A14

this is created by mingjie using don't know what programme. saying 4e2 eagles.

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Updated By: CHLOE=)


happy reading=)

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