Monday, August 07, 2006
it's balloting day=) @ 8/07/2006 10:54:00 PM
today is a big day for those going for KL study trip. it's because we have to ballot whether are we selected or not. there it goes....- this morning i seriously don't feel like waking up man. but have to. if not my effort on studying and absorbing ectp notes will be like gone down the drain. Good thing i'm not late or what for the paper. just in time=) hmmm. can say the paper is manageble. it's tose that if you got memorise the notes and chew it inside out then you'll be able to score with flying colours. but for me arzz. not much confidence though i'm able to complete the paper. anyway, just leave it to God to decide=)
- after test. it's the time already the exciting and nervous part of the day. it's the balloting for the entries to KL in september. for my group of frineds. we're like one for all and all for one. then if one cannot go then all don't go. so happen that ping got the number that says, you're out. and the whole group was like, huh... and we waited for someone to withdraw. haha. and thank God in the end everyone from my group are able to go=) hurray!!!
- after balloting, we headed foodcourt 1 for lunch. foodcourt 1 again??? haha. er. coz it's the nearest. then saw miss jean and we chatted for a while and realised that we had to wear another round of formal wear on 24august for the final of the finest ideas presentation. think it'll be photo session again??? haha.
- headed town for a window shop. haha. then had a desert with fen and we go home=)
- and home sweet home already do some nonsense surfing online. and then get the ball rolling with the practice of cadd. and it made me feel dizzy with all the 3d diagrams. upon that, there's also noise contributed by the seventh month 'ger tai' again. my goodness. trying very hard to concentrate. anyway. just do my best and i'm happy enough=)
message to jia: remember to go and get an external harddisk to store all your pictures. have fun!
message to ju: all the best to your papers too=) really hope to see you soon!
message to cousins xin and ting: if so happen you are reading this. shall meet up one day for some chit chatting cum chilling session!!!
message to S.H.I.T (geok, reen, zhu) , fen and vonne: going for sushi deal next tue(15aug) at lot 1. please comfirm with me timing and whether are you able to make it again=)
message to joanne: buddy! long time no see li. we have been saying about meeting up don't know since when. and til now also haven't meet up. now have to jia you jia you for your coming papers arzz!
sorry people for my long and naggy entries. hmmm. i shall take pictures constantly to edify my entires. so i should start investing in buying a good camera=) got my hint people??? haha. kidding. [[beancurd]]
this is snow mountain from japan. brother jonathan sent me=)