Friday, August 04, 2006
go the extra mile!!! @ 8/04/2006 10:59:00 PM
does this sound familiar 1b22??? haha. well, why izzit my title??? because i just realise that this speaks to me man. it goes like this....- for anyone else reading my blog and that doesn't know why i say 'go the extra mile' is familiar to 1b22 (my class) is because during one lesson in this particular module named comminication skill. we're taught to SMILE in CRS (critical reasoning skill). then one of the pointer in SMILE is go the extra mile lor=)
- here it goes. today's CS role play made this 'go the extra mile' popping up to me=) it's like keep rushing and running through my mind during today's prayer meeting. why arzz??? all because God wanted me to do something and i was still waiting for the right opportunity. don't have the courage to carry it out. haiz. CHLOE CHLOE!!! time to wakie li!!!. today's prayer meeting really speaks to me man!!! God is like telling me 'don't wait', 'don't procratinate', 'just do it' this whole week li. and i decided! i'll just give it a shot! do it with the faith that God will make it happened!
- alright alright. start proper now. hmmm. today ping called me and remind me about my role play timing. haha. coz last night there's a confusion over the timing. good thing ping called me. haha. if not i think i'll be like overslept and missed the cs role play. haha. hmmm. the role play was kinda alright but in the beginning me and dion was like. er. how??? kinda retarded upon answering mis tan. anyway. did kinda well? in b range. miss tan peng peng gonna misss us!!! she mentioned that. cool. we're so happening that made her remembers us?? haha. we'll miss you too=) she's the lecturer that will award us with lollipop and rabina sweets. haha. made me remember of kindergarden days.
- after role play had a short ectp lesson. and during the lesson. ping cheated me!! dion's sis went to perth and she bought noughut (wrong spelling). then dion brought to class. and we gals share among us. then ping said very soft one. then i was like so stupd go bite. then my tooth!!! it's so hard!!! laughing so loud til my face was feeling hot and burning. haha. we then went to t1a to see roof. haha. part of our learning=) putting what we've been studying into vision.
- went to foodcourt 1 for lunch. had chicken chop. people if you're not aware. sp foodcourt 1 has the best chicken chop! it's was cheap and nice. worth it right. but i was too full to finish it all. for drink, i had watermelon yakult. people are you aware that fruit plus yakult equal to a drink?? it's sp's speciality too. i was too full to even move but anyway headed t3a computer lab to print stuff and watched part of 'the terminal'. continue watching when have time=)
- head church after that for short revision for ectp and then went to the coffee shop behind to buy dinner for the gals and had a chitchat session with sarah=) and here i am blogging and onlining to the fullest before any revision starts.
message to 1b22: study hard for the coming tests and exams ya!!! remind each other the timing for the paper. don't overslept and late for the paper more than 40 minutes!!!!!!! once it's over we can play like never before alright=) all the best people!
tibit for today: being happy makes your mind generate better. think positively! [[sleepy]]
this is victoria with the sweetest smile=) cute uh?

this is victoria again. but with the sheep by the side. think should be one of th sheep farm in japan. jonathan and wife and victoria is over at japan now. miss them!!!