Friday, July 28, 2006
Formal presentation! @ 7/28/2006 11:21:00 PM
hello people. so sorry that didn't update my blog that faithfully. what did i do yesterday that caused me not to update my entry? er. well busy preparing today's presentation. no wonder.
well, today had a busy and fun day=)
- wake up early at about 6 to prepare breakfast for ping, dion and shan. see i so good. haha. thankie dion, ping and shijia for messaging me or even call me to make sure i'm awake=)
- able to squeeze into the train to school at about 0736. my goodness! i'm late coz we're meeting at 0730. don't understand why singaporean is so typical!!! in train, knew that at entrance will be squeezy and yet didn't move in and at least create some space for those that wants to board the train. how i wish i have the authority to shout please be considerate and move in! and i'll set the rules of not being able to read anything books, newspaper during peak hour. coz when they read newspaper or book arz. they'll tend to occupy more space then is like so inconsiderate. those wanted to board the train end up waiting for the next train. whatever it is. want to PRAISE God for enabling me to squeeze through=)
- today had our first and foremost whole class formal presentation. my goodness. so funny. wear like go work but in fact is go school. haha. my granny thought what special event that i no need go school. haha. after cs lesson then immediately eveyone are ready for photo taking session li. haha. so far study for 3 months and i had like more than 5 folders of pictures already. Thankie kenny for lending your lappy for us to do all the transferring of pictures taken today=)
- after lunch went to discuss bma project and do law tutorial in the library then my dearest dionne took my admin card and didn't return me before she left. still pretend that she didn't take.
- met charis at dover and she wanted had a walk in sp while waiting for sarah. we ended up chilling out in cafe at t16. there came sarah!!! and my feet saviour!!!! thankie jie for bring slipper for me to change=)
- went to clementi to buy dinner. saw shunping. haha.
- headed church after that=)
message to charis: don't be stress over ce points ya. pray and ask God for strength and help=)
message to dionnie: don't be stress over projects ya=) must be slow and steady just like ping and myself. haha. need help just call us=) we are 24/7 on call one.
so happening today=) [[ BRAND NEW day]]
some pictures taken:
i. what're we looking at?? it's just zhixiang mah.

ii. strips of the day

iii. addition to my class photo album=) syafiq i didn't do this on purpose. your face!!!