Wednesday, August 16, 2006
indescribable... @ 8/16/2006 08:51:00 PM
oh my goodness!!! you know what??? yesterday i didn't blog. for once ya=) here it goes...
- well. yesterday i'm too tired! after BMA paper. i just head straight home and surf net then slept for like 15 mins??? then extend to half an hour. haha. and obviously i'm late!!! supposingly i'm meeting fen at 1415. and i reached at about 1450?? because i took a bath before going out.
- and we go eat sushi!!! haha. sushi buffet. oh my goodness. got to eat those that i like (eg. the octupus???) and many many more. and i ate until i'm like pregnant!!! so full. my stomach was filled to the brim man. and remembered someone told me that i should not eat buffet because if i eat huh. it's like not worth it. not the restaurant 'loogy' but me. haha. because i can't really eat much. when i finished my 3rd sushi i was like telling fen that i'm fulled. haha. but i must eat till my money worth the amount. haha. and i'm like looking and spying on all cream puffs. hoping that other table don't take it=) because we're sitting on the last few seats before the conveyor belt ends. in the end we like sit there for 2 hours!!! eat and talk at the same time=)
- hmmm. after that we walk around and then go home li=) and i was like watching tv for 1 hour and decided to take a nap and ended up me sleep till this morning. so i say i'll put on some weight this week man.
- and this morning i woke up at 0500!!! so early!!! because i have to report to work at 0700. and i worked till 1900. my goodness. so tiring. all because of crew not turning up to work. so irresponsible ya?? and then lack of crew so more!! planing to study after i reached home one. then this happened!!! it's alright. i can study later=)
- that's all for my daily report. and now i'm moving on to my thoughts for today=)
i really don't understand why youth with parents cannot turn out to be someone responsible, polite, caring, considerate. and me??? when my parents don't really bother me??? hmmm. it's by God's grace and mercy that i turned out to be who i'm today. just don't know how and why??? now though i'm leading a tough years. but i believe and trust that something good is installed for me=) whatever i'm facing and doing now is just like a training session for me. maybe 10 years down the road all these some little hardship is nothing to me anymore=) CHLOE SINGAPORE IS JUST A TRAING GROUND FOR YOU!!!! SO IF GOD SENDS YOU OUT TO ANY OTHER COUNTRY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THERE!!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! alright enough. sorry people. that's to remind and motivate myself to keep on pushing and moving forward.
message to nadiah, lilian and weijun: happy birthday people!!! wish your earlier first before i forget=)
message to alvin: thankie for the message to remind me to pray=) haha. er. i saw evan on monday. the one we team up together during the narnia carnival. remember???
an entry of indescribable feeling. end here. [[cheers]]
here are some funny pictures:
i. funny uh?? it's a candid shot. i think is jia took it when i'm like so engross looking at the pic i took during racial harmony=)

ii. itchy itcht scratchy scratchy. haha.

iii. see no evil. hear no evil. say no evil.