Monday, August 21, 2006
finally exam's OVER!!! @ 8/21/2006 11:16:00 PM
hurray!!! no more exams for this semester!!! congratulation to me??? haha. well. i'm over excited! finally i can catch up with some sleep=))- well, i woke up at around 0600 today. i'm like jumped out of my bed. because supposingly i wanted to take a nap and planned to study after the nap. i'm so angry man!!! i slept throughout untill this morning! my goodness. i am like haven't really finish studying for my today's paper man. anyway. just browse through and then went for the paper. Thank God that it was a manageable paper! able to complete all though. hmmm. for the faring part, have to really pray hard that i will do well in the papers=) or at least a pass will do. then i can move on and not stuck with the same old modules.
- hmmm. after paper. went to foodcourt 1 for nana's and lilian's belated birthday celebration. it's a nice cake=) er. then me had beef set and watermelon yakult for lunch=) what else??? oh ya. headed library to book project room. while waiting for our room, went to any seats for 5 of us to sit down and really slack. haha. we are like chatting about what nonsense things that we did in secondary school. come to think of it. it's really stupid and crazy man. haha. then headed project room for ideas!!! and for the following 2 days we will be chioning for the ideas project. because we will be having the final and the finest presentation this coming thursday!
- after discussion, it forever took us some time to decide where to go and do project man. and then we stood outside library together with christine's group. el suddenly said, lets go and do something but don't go home can??? then we came out of a lot of nonsense ideas like go ice-skating, cycling, watch movie etc... the result is that we go watch movie at the new cathay. next to plaza sing. we watched my super ex- girlfriend. oh my goodness. it really has to be rated man!!! what a lamo show.
- shopped around and then christne wanted to eat long john silver then she ate and soon after that we headed home.
- and now i have to do my slides and peroposal for my ideas. oh my goodness.
- fell asleep halfway. so tired!!!
that's all for my posting today. really tired. gotta work hard for my ideas now. post more about my malaysai trip ya=))
message to peishan: all the beat for your oral! jia you!!!
here is the group picture we had during the belated birthday celebration=))