Tuesday, August 22, 2006
chionging for ideas!!!! @ 8/22/2006 10:53:00 PM
well. believe all my classmates are 'chionging' for ideas final presenattion ya??? my goodness. lack of sleep not because of exams but of this presentation. can you imagine???- slept at 0400 this morning because i'm preparing my slides for the presentation. then woke up at 0800. i'm like so so tired man!!! can you imagine when i reached school, my group members consisting of ping, shan, dionnie and lilian, we're like in the project room from around 1015 till 1500??? without any break, we're doing and working on our slides and propasal. my goodness. we're really seriuos at work man!
- after 1500. because of no extension of project room we have to 'shift house'. and we went to the study area outside library while waiting for our another booked project room. we actually stonned there and decided to give up the room because it's so cold. and we continued our work there till around 1800. and all of us were hungry!!! because we didn't had lunch.
- after project ping, shan, dionnie, el, christine, christine's archery friend and myself went to plaza singapura for waffle ice-cream at Gelare=)) yum yum=Ppp christine and her friend went to catch lakehouse remaining the 5 of us. haha. christine romantic arzz=) finally we get to eat the waffle ice-cream!!! after so long of saying tuesday is the waffle's day. haha. why tuesday??? because tuesday got 50% discount for student off the waffle mah=)
- then go home and now. trying hard to spot any mistakes inside the presentation. but after a long day of facing the computer. my eyes seriously cannot make it already!!! that's why wanted to blog blog and blog!!!
message to huimin, shufang, mingjie, weijun and whoever having exams: all the best people!!! do your very best arz if not i'll lecture your next time round to make sure your study and do the paper with all you can=)
hmmm. i only have 4 weeks of holiday. sob. while most of the other poly has 7 weeks. it's alright. my holiday will be a fulfilling one=) why??? because i'll be attending courses and then will going to KL study trip and then bangkok for holiday=)) don't be jealous ya=) [[excited]]
this is my product. Mr. Beam=) this is the fellow we've been working on for the presentation. cool huh??

the creators of Mr. Beam=Ppp