Saturday, November 24, 2007
more than words. @ 11/24/2007 12:04:00 AM
heyhey people.
not that i don't want to update pictures on the birthday princes and princesses arzz.
it's just that blogspot don't allow me to.
and i don't have some of the pictures yet=)
as usual, i'm being nagged to update=Ppp
so today, i'm going to post something that's close to my heart!
a few weeks back, Dad preached on God's love is more than words.
but i'm not going to summarise what's preached.for now, what's more than words?--> love for one another.i don't know how and don't know why i get to know these people who eventually becomes my friend=) probably it's an appointment for me to know them. or could it be something else.
whatever it is, i always thank God for the friends i've got=D be it they are kind, smart, ugly, fat, slim, friendly, lovely etc. * i just love them for who they are!
** friendship occurs and often test is set for friends to overcome together. it's a matter of accepting it or abandoning it? in order to keep the friendship on the ball, we really have to work out any unhappiness with each other. if accumulation of unhappiness with one and other and not identifying with the caused. one fine day, that someone will explode once something really up to his/her limit triggers.*** friendship is also a matter of understanding. the more you understand that friend of yours, the more you know about that friend. conflicts and miscommunications do occurs! however, what's important is how you actually go about dealing that problem. because, it's easy to break a trust but building trust up again is super-uber difficult.**** i always believe in tender loving care in a friendship. who doesn't like to be loved, pampered and being trust? call me stubborn or what, i always give people a second chance. no matter how wrong that friend behaves. i believe that; that friend will be "renewed" if he/she is given a second chance to mend the mistake that he/she had committed.i might sound idealistic my friends.
i'm just er...
want things to turn out for the good!
everyday is a brand new day! live everyday with a joyful heart and things will turn out better i guess=Ppp
seriously speaking, if situations just turn out to be the worst.
what we can do is to really start the friendship anew. (that's the last resort.)
[[ things that i just don't understand.]]
Friday, November 09, 2007
el's birthday=) @ 11/09/2007 11:32:00 PM
woah! Birthday after birthdays.
1st birthday update.
el's birthday caused so many of us to lose our beauty sleep can!!!!
EL you better be guilty about it=Pppp
happy birthday to you! played and lead by Richard su wen jie=D
look at how ric's girlfriend and ping enjoyed the singing of Birthday song=)

the birthday gal requested for a "double decker" cake.
and we made it just for her!

costume party=)
don't know where's the rest.
cleaning up the mess we've created.
off we go to school.
so tired!!!
i caught you sleeping charles and kenny!

due to excessive toilet rolls lying around.
this is my extra door gift to participants=)
some of them missing, because they used it!!!

post celebration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A pressie money can't buy=Ppp
we've produced a video through loads of hardwork and edits.
trying to upload it. but there's error or something.
that's all folks=D
upcoming birthday updates.
stay tuned!!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
true friends. @ 11/08/2007 01:05:00 AM
as i promised. i will update my blog=D
hmmm, i'm reminded of oliver's (my brother in Christ cum student) three friends=Ppp
leading me to this topic on true friends.
stay tuned! it's another lengthy and wordy entry.
i'm sorry. i don't have picture that is able to replace my expression of words in the conveying of this entry=)
truely Great friends are HARD to find. DIFFICULT to leave and IMPOSSIBLE to forget! - a quote i've gotten from a poster that my secondary school class gave me=)yeah! don't you think this is so true?that's why i've been telling and nagging and whinning and whatever you called it. about the meeting up in 10 years down the road and etc. P.S.: friends your will know yeah=)photos i have many. but those that are developed, pasted and commented somewhere in the photo album meant something.i'm afraid that one day i might lose my memory, at least i can still referred to my photo album=Ddon't say i'm "tv-lised" with all the similar plots and everything. but it's really what i feel. i'm someone that can simply look at the photos taken and laugh and smile and recall about the happy time spent together.The language of friendship lies NOT in words but in the HEART.
this is what i meant by, knowing your friend from deep within.
in a way, you won't be offended easily.
because there's this bond in the friendship that you know he/she say such things is just a joking matter.
could the tone be serious or not.
if the friendship is strong enough, both of your will sit down and talk about it.
also to get rid of the misunderstanding. without the feeling of being embarrassed or anything.
one good example that my dearest son, xiang always gave: "we communicate through heart."
Friendship is like a flower. with GREAT care, it is in FULL BLOOM.i always believe in tender, loving, care=)
oh ya, do your guys know what's the meaning of my name?
CHLOE = bloom=D
yeah! i'm given this name so as to bloom like a flower.
in various and many aspects.
back to friendship. care and concern from deep within shows whether or not you've got the right friend.
a true friend won't abandon you. neither will they mock at your mistakes . definately they won't flare up for the slightest matter.
a true friend will be willing to go through the thick and thins, happy and sorrowful moment in your life.
someone emailed me about:I like you because of who you are to me... A true friend.
A good friend will come bail you out of jail....
But a true friend will be sitting next to you saying
WE screwed up, but we had fun!
Proud to be your Friend!
I've learned... that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I've learned... that we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.
I've learned... that money doesn't buy class.
I've learned... that it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I've learned... that under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I've learned... that the Lord didn't do it all in one day.
What makes me think I can?
I've learned... that to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
I've learned.
Show your friends how much you care.
i might not be the greatest friend around. but i'm learning how to be one=)dudes, please forgive me for my irrational-ness, irritate-ness, attitude-ness and whatever you can think of.
someone mentioned this --> friends are my greatest asset.
yeah, that applies to me too=)
and i really love this saying (i mentioned it in the last entry), "friend is a person who likes you for what you are and who you are. in spite of all your faults and all your shortcomings."