Friday, November 09, 2007
el's birthday=) @ 11/09/2007 11:32:00 PM
woah! Birthday after birthdays.
1st birthday update.
el's birthday caused so many of us to lose our beauty sleep can!!!!
EL you better be guilty about it=Pppp
happy birthday to you! played and lead by Richard su wen jie=D
look at how ric's girlfriend and ping enjoyed the singing of Birthday song=)

the birthday gal requested for a "double decker" cake.
and we made it just for her!

costume party=)
don't know where's the rest.
cleaning up the mess we've created.
off we go to school.
so tired!!!
i caught you sleeping charles and kenny!

due to excessive toilet rolls lying around.
this is my extra door gift to participants=)
some of them missing, because they used it!!!

post celebration.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A pressie money can't buy=Ppp
we've produced a video through loads of hardwork and edits.
trying to upload it. but there's error or something.
that's all folks=D
upcoming birthday updates.
stay tuned!!!