Monday, August 20, 2007
@ 8/20/2007 11:25:00 PM

-haw par villa-
participants: cai, tian tian - cai's boyfriend, ping, el, dionnie,
xiang, uncle chen, zhixiang and me=D

i insisted to go haw par villa=)
since cai say she wants to go and explore.
because it's like uptten years we haven't been there already.
all of us went for the sole purpose of visting the dragon's mouth.
but it's closed for renovation.
we roamed around under the hot sun.

zhixiang, ping and cai are born in the year of dragon.

piggies of the day=D

woah!!! big red mask!!!

-minds cafe-
participants: those who went to haw par villa=)

headed minds cafe after haw par villa.
since it's still early=Pppp
a random decision.
went anyway, to enjoy and experience playing games in a huge group!

this game made us yelled and screamed!!!
all of us had a bone.
you'll know what's the bone for when you tried playing it=Ppp

lucky draw!!!
everyone is awarded with some titles.
except ping - miss unlucky=)

-fort canning park-
participants: ping, cai, dionnie, el, xiang,
uncle chen, richard and me=)

wanted to catch a movie.
but this time round i said that i want to go fort canning park.
we went, we sweat like crazy and we know each other better=D

uncle chen emo elmo, then took this candid pic.

trying hard to squeeze ourselves into the camera after many tries.

uses timed-mode.

ping, el, xiang and me!

we girls.

p.s.: can you spot the difference between camera phone and digital camera?
more pictures? - fiq's birthday, nana & lian's birthday and fireworks!

these activities are carried out during my exam period. opps!
i confess, out of 3. 2 of them are suggested by me=)
oh well, this shows - study hard, play even harder=D

Updated By: CHLOE=)

Friday, August 17, 2007
lesson learnt. @ 8/17/2007 11:14:00 AM

good morning eveyone!
though it's a very good morning to sleep in=D
i've the sudden urge to post something about what i've learnt=)

here i go...
i met up with dad yesterday for lunch.
and the one thing that really speaks to me is, " i feel that relationship is hindering our growth." and "wisdom is not primarily knowing the truth, although it certainly includes that; it is actually the skill of living it out."
this is not the exact word dad used, but the meaning is somehow there.
i always understand that relationship is the toughest problem on earth.
didn't did i expect it will somehow hinder one person's growth - emotionally, physically, spritially and mentally's terms.
we can easily impress people from a distance. if we can just manage to put our best foot forward for a short time, we can give strangers a really good (thought maybe not accurate) impression about who we are.
friends and family are different. they know us close and personal. they see us, they know our strengths and weaknesses and all. they love us despite our ugly qualities, but no way are we going to fool them.
loving in truth and actions. love is all about being selfless.
* my additions and some of it was inspire by a section of Jesus Bible - xtraodinary, but true.
--> all the more you shouldn't upset, hurt the love ones around you!
love not neccessarily is like always receive the soft, gentle reminders - and nothing is done to it.
sometimes love can be in the harsh way, scolding, spanking - and you get something out of it=)
growth = process of growing; increasing; to become mature.
mature = fully developed in body and mind; pertaining to or characteristic of full development.
this paragrah speaks to me, in a way it made me reflect much.
quoted from the message, James 1:2-4,
consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. you know that under pressure, your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. so don't try to get out of anything prematurely. let it do its work so you become mature and well developed, not deficient in any way.
--> yes! when we faced problem, do we shrink back? or do we faced it boldly?
how we handle things and situations show a lot of you.
whether are you matured? or are you just a little weakling?
in order to grow, we learn! - did i mentioned something like that before in my recent post? =)
in order to mature = get out of our comfort zone and look things differently, in different perpectives.
knowing many things, a lot of things i should say - in terms of knowledge, it's useless!
it's the application that does the wonders=)
the living it out!!!
oh well, after reading this post. i somehow don't know how to link them up.
it's just what i feel like sharing=) opps.

Updated By: CHLOE=)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
here i am=) @ 8/15/2007 12:20:00 AM

oh my goodness!!!!
i'm like mute and dumb these few days can=Pp

mute because...
eee, hardly talk more than 50 sentences.
picked up the phone, taught my students and
a few short and sweet conversation with my granny.

dumb because...
i'm like studying alone.
because my hang-outs are around west side of singapore.
while my friends are like all over singapore!
i'm doing weird things, like fixing wooden model.
painted the model that i've fixed.
sprayed and designed 2 pairs of shoe - one for charis, just because she asked for it!=D

i'm a macdonald ambassador - ping said it=)
just because i've been macdonald hopping.
and out of 5 times, i saw shunping thrice.
shunping = my secondary classmate.
studying at mac, reminds me of ...
charis, jia and me staying overnight at mac during the the o's period.
doing real stupid stuff those times=) haha!
and today, saw my sister chan also!
gave me a shock of my life!!!!
he's like blindfolded me!!!! and said, huh come study alone huh!!!
yeah, he's studying too=)

never have i felt so "no heart" to study man!
can i watch like movies after movies?
seriously, i can't wait for next thursday to arrive!!!=D

attention to 2b22: we're watching fireworks together on saturday aren't we?
** people out there, it's fireworks festival this coming friday and saturday=) it's accompanied with music, said channelnewsasia=Ppp

i'm dying of not talking=)) real talk man. not msn, msg etc.

[[ one common love ]]

Updated By: CHLOE=)

Saturday, August 11, 2007
battle in your mind. @ 8/11/2007 09:52:00 PM


happened that i'm reading my post, and i want to point out my views about it.
in a way to remind myself at the same time share with anyone who's reading=)

"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at crossroads, afraid, confused, without a road map. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But once in a while, people push on to something better,something found just beyond the pain of going it alone, and just beyond the the pain of going it alone, and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in, or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief, beyond heartache and fear of what lies ahead."

--> decision lies in our hand; we are the one in control over our emotions.
there's a saying that goes, "every action has its own consquence."
our action = our choice = how you go about handle certain things.
for example, to retreat? to collaborate? during a conflict with a friend?

--> everyone is tested, in order to release the goodness in us.
often than not, we learnt from small, medium, huge encounters of our life.
not only pick up and be corrected from our very own mistake made, but also learning from other's mistake.
learnt = not commiting the same mistake again.

we have to fight our own battle with our own hand.
especially those inner thoughts and feeling and emotions and etc.
fight a good fight and bid good-bye to the battle.
dealt with it and never again let it hinder you again!!!
just like when you're an adult, you can't be saying that i'm a child.

[[ if you want rainbow, sometimes you have to deal with the rain. ]]


Updated By: CHLOE=)

Friday, August 10, 2007
just for dionnie=) @ 8/10/2007 03:47:00 PM

a post specially for my dearest dionnie!!!

remember the caption i've written on the book for you on your birthday?

i wanted to msg you on wednesday itself to tell you the following.
i'm sorry that i forgot, in fact i'm too tired. SORRY!!!
cheers my dear!!! it's alright, everything will be fine yeah=)
i might not experience what you are feeling that day. that you even burst out into tears.
what i can say is that, everything will be fine. i promise!
at least if it doesn't, i'll study together with you alright!!!
anything you don't know can ask me!!! but not over the phone=Ppp
because over the phone = i'm home = i'll be tempted to sleep=D
don't worry!!! worries adds on to your wrinkles!!!! opps=)

remember always, i love you!!!!!!!
don't you feel a bit touched? haha=)

Updated By: CHLOE=)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
a quickie post=) @ 8/01/2007 01:14:00 PM

here my quickie post!!!
today is my self-declare holiday!!!
sort of official that i don't need to go to school=)
because the morning lecture is cancelled and tutorial is cancelled too as the whole class requested for it.

oh well, will be busy for the coming 2 weeks.
due to tests and exams!!!
woah!!! my favourite!!! haha=)
say hello to sleepless nights!!!
and of course say hello to our notes people=Ppp

notes to all in the midst of having tests and exams!!!
- please have ample supply of water and fruits yeah=)
- feeling stress??? call me=D
- don't forget to have some fun in between your revision=D

exams and tests are fact of life. argh!!!
update my heartwarming sessions when my inspiration strikes alright=)

Updated By: CHLOE=)


happy reading=)

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