to charis: whetehr you see this or not. tell you a secret.
i got a taste of it. and it's definately more than 5=Ppp
2. Kenny's contibutions=)
i specially orderd this from kenny=)
since he don't want to charge me, so i'm sharing it with the whole class. a japanese snack? taste of cinnamon and red bean / green tea.
look like dumpling=)gummy!!! but before i realised it, it's eaten up already=(
pocky!!! mango flavour!!! yummy yummy!!!
a must try!!!=D
pocky that is of tiramisu flavour=)
3. zhi xiang's contribution. he went to taiwan.
this is like, nuts plus some caramel=)
4. my CRS lecturer's contribution.
macdonald breakfast!!!
as an apology of being late - caught in a traffic jam.
5. xiang's gift=)
he went to hong kong.
cool arzz=) so sweet of him to buy all of us a pen.
my tofu man in action!!!
emo elmo arz=)
alright, end of post=D
[[ don't be kpo mode=) ]]
my way to tioman was hectic! because we have to take a coach then a ferry.
duration of each transport is about 2 hours.
this is what i saw throughout the whole ferry journey.
and of course the endless sea.
this is a little pathway to my "hotel" - room=)
this is how my "hotel" look like=)
this is the main eating place, what we call the canteen.
the small little room, is where divers collect their equipments etc.
the overview of my "corridor"
this is what i saw when i open my door wide!!
the sky, the sand and the sea!!!=D
this small little speed boat is what i took to other destination to snokel=)
the kampong road!
this leads us to our so called emporium=)
along this road, they sells nice ramly burger!!! yummy yummy=D
this is little gal, bidding us goodbye=)
she's the owner's daughter.
while waiting for our ferry=)
look at the water!!!
have you ever seen this crystal clear blue sea water?
this tioman trip = a church camp for me=)
it's known as the renewal weekend.
by which, we have teaching sessions as well as service out of the ordinary place=)
instead of having it at our church' building - The Spire we had it at tioman.
at tioman, i felt so relaxed! it's like, you are out of urban area.
no hectic life, no rushing here and there.
it's just me and God's creations=)
i get to see fishes upclose! play with sand like almost everyday.
walk by the beach everyday! enjoy rocking on hammock, what i call swing=)
one thing i don't like about tioman is that, the mosquitos kisses are like free!!!
as you people, know i hate scratching.
and on my last day, when i woke up. i feel that my cheeks were like higher.
you know why??? mr. mosquito kissed me!!! shiok!
i like, i mode. - as if!!!!
one thing i want to comment is --> the toilet is like those kampong toilet.
i have to apply what i've learnt in school,
the meaning of trowelled smooth and the purpose of having wall, floor finishes=)
anyway, the owner is going to revamp the resorts.
so i'm hoping that, the next time i visit the same place again.
--> the facilities will be like repaired and sort of make the place nicer.
( not that it's not nice but make it nicer=Ppp )
overall, i enjoyed the trip.
at least i get to see and experience the life of fisherman. haha=)
i'm planning to go trekking the next time i visit tioman.
because i heard that there's 4 waterfalls there! yeah!!!
one last thing!!!! i made a friend on my way to tioman=)
cool arzz=D it's like a... hmmm...
how do i put it. something like, it's meant to be. haha=D