Sunday, June 24, 2007
piggies!!! @ 6/24/2007 07:39:00 PM
Summerbouquet says: our class like so powerful!!!!!
yeah!! and i'm going to post an entry because of this.
believe it or not.
my class is super wonderful!!!!
symptoms of being so wonderful and powerful:
1. always gather gather no matter what.
- it's like we're seeing each other like 5 days a week. and that's not enough???? haha=Pppp
2. one outing = 100 over pictures uploaded.
- because of this, dionnie and the rest wants to get a thumbdrive or external hard-disk just for the pictures=)
3. all we know is eat.
- we can be thinking of where to eat during lectures. even just after we finish a meal=D
4. there's company organisation and family relations among us.
- can you imagine this??? we're like in poly now=)

this is one of the stupid thing we do=)
oh well, this is how my fun-loving classmates behave.
all i have to say is --> eat, sleep and fun is all we want.
people!!!! let your dreams take flight!!
do what you feel like doing now! before you are too old to do them=D
p.s.: the thing that you want to do have to be right yeah. no illegal acts=)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
it's a jolly well catching up session=) @ 6/21/2007 10:16:00 PM
puting words into actions=)
just as the sayings goes, "action speaks louder than words."my checklist on things to be done:
1. house party
2. low profile activity with girls
3. meeting up session with theresa and jiyou
4. meeting up session with jia
5. buy pain-a-trate for my granny
6. visit candy empire
all fulfilled!!!! --> job done=)
3 cheers for me please=Pppp
people, action really speaks louder than words!!!
if you never put your words into action...
you are:1. procrastinating.2. waiting for the sky to drop.3. things will never happen.4. wait long long will occur.5. your friends' necks will be as long as a giraffe.REALLY!!!! i'm not lying=Dafter accomplishing all the long waiting list of things that have to be done. you feel er.a little bit light?happy?satisfied?haha=) aiya, what i'm trying to say here is. ACTION!!!!
don't wait. if not it'll never be done=)[[ just random. ]]
house party! @ 6/21/2007 01:02:00 AM
finally our long waiting house party....
stay tuned=)
this is our dearest host: Mr. Kenny!!!
thankie for opening up your house=)

LOOK!!! --> my dearest son at work!
he's in charge of toasting the bread.
and where's his helper kenny???

sandwiches and desert making station.
our director forever posing for the best picture=)

woah!!! director in the move!!!
she's cooking pasta sauce!!! --> don't play play arz=)

i'm the one who postioned out the spaghetti yeah=)
look all those hungry ghost around me=Ppp

the girls giving out pasta sauce=)
do we really need that many people just to give out sauce???

woah! what a nice candid shot=)

hungry hungry hippos!!!
aren't this cool???
thankie to kenny and xiang's lousiness=)

desert of the day: cornflake coated with chocolate.
this should be the product instead of that white heart=)

greedy us=)
we girls posing with the cookie that el baked for us=)
thankie el!!!
Tau Pok session!!!!

yeah!!! we tau pok director cai!!!

out of a blue...
i'm the victim=)
Fiq forever finding something in replacement for a mike.
--> kenny's iron.
we're advertising for mini connetto=D

dionnie's expression shows that fiq's feet is
xiang is being kicked out of the house=)
look at these evil people=)
posing while xiang's in agony=Ppp

hey you!!! don't you ever bully my son!!!
STupid POses!!
Survival of the day=)
aren't we cool=)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
dionnie's made me read this=) @ 6/20/2007 02:32:00 PM
"There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at crossroads, afraid, confused, without a road map. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But once in a while, people push on to something better,something found just beyond the pain of going it alone, and just beyond the the pain of going it alone, and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in, or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief, beyond heartache and fear of what lies ahead."hope this will somehow encourage you=)
you = those who are down.courtesy from dionnie, my dear=)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
words just cannot express my feeling. @ 6/17/2007 11:34:00 PM
i'm feeling:
1. happy?
2. sad?
3. disappointed?
4. excited?
5. crazy?
6. weird?
7. frustrated?
8. enthusiastic?
9. disgusted?
10. mixed?
i don't know???
oh well, allow me to sleep all day long can?
to replenish some energy=))
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
specially for my veggie!!!! @ 6/13/2007 10:32:00 PM
hello everybody!!!!=)so happy and feeling satisfied for changing my blog skin all by myself=Dno longer have the feeling of being a computer idoit=)haha=)this entry is for miss Cai Peishan!!!!she asked for a post specially just for her.she's my cai = veggie.surprisingly, she doesn't eat veggie=)she's the director of cai's company.she's also known as lawyer cai or chef cai.she doesn't fancy BBQ food.she love cooking. she love sleeping.she doesn't talk much when she find you new.but when the time of friendship is ripe, she'll become times, became crazy=) opps.=Ppppwhat else??? she's the world's prettiest girl!!!! (this is what she wants. shhhh.)
Monday, June 11, 2007
yeah! @ 6/11/2007 11:29:00 AM
rejoice with me people! REJOICE!!!for mt term tests are over!!!=) woah!! last week was a headache for me man!
can you imagine -- sleeping less than 24 hours for the entire week?
shiok! that's madness!!!!
studying memorising and eating notes!!!yeah!!! check it out!! haha=)
what a busy week for me ahead!!
1. heart to heart sessions.
2. house party over at Kenny's place
3. heading JB for movie and to eat!!!
4. father's day lunch.
5. tioman here i come!=)
more updates after i gathered my thoughts alright=)
stay tuned=) haha=Pppmessage to chester: no! when?
message to jia: hey!!! our meeting up is taking forever and ever man!
message to S.H.I.T.: can you gals spare 21.june.2007 for our long waiting cathing up?
message to my girls: we seriously need more heart to heart sessions! haha=)
message to xiang: son!!! hope you won't take it to heart what i've said k? i'm just too.... argh! don't know what i'm saying!
[[ look forward and don't turn back! ]]
Friday, June 01, 2007
enlightenment of the day. @ 6/01/2007 11:01:00 PM
hello everybody!!!
i know my classmates will scold me for not studying.
because here i am wasting my time to blog.
oh well, if people that know me well enough.
will know that, i'm someone that will share what's really interest me.
if not i'll feel super uneasy=)
thus i'm here to share with you guys about how i feel and what i've learnt that i think it's applicable for our daily activities and etc.
where should i start??
alright, here i go!1. Recognising emotions in others.- as a human, we feel and we have feelings, but often than not we forget that others do feel and have feelings too.
- what i want to bring across here is that --> as a friend, buddy, family etc. (the listener, adviser). we need to know and be aware how the other party feel and why he/she felt that way.
- in order to help that "victim", we have to put ourselves into other's shoe and see things from other's perspective. in other words, being empathetic.
** if negative emotions (anger) occurs.
- important to calm down first before deciding what to do.
- be objective about own and the other party's feeling.
- sit down, talk things through, knowing when to back off and discuss the matter another time -- if the situation turn hostile.
- always ask if you are not unsure! make effort to understand.
- encourage open discussion=) keeping in mind not to take offence.
- because often, we asked for honest opinion but we're not prepared for the consequences.
2. Managing your thoughts.- all of us need "TIME LOCK"! --> block out distractions.- one good example will be: during exam period, study is your focus. and what we have to do is to lock our time to study and not playing computer games etc. but remember to reward yourself a tiny "time out" when neccessary=)- but the situation now is that --> for example, when one is troubled, he/she will bring the troubled looking face with him/her. so the time lock here is: he/she have to really concentrate and enjoy the accompany of friends and the activities. locking the thoughts of being troubled.**remember this --> nothing can make you feel inferior without your consent!!!3. Emotions and motivations are related!!!- when your are down, what cheers you up?- being a human being, we need human being's support.- i always believe that supportive surrounding (friends, family etc.) plays an important part=)- for example, when we are in a crisis. we can lose our perspective about how to get out, this is when supportive friends step in.- and this leads me to point 4=)4. Motivational realtionship.- mutually motivation ought to be practice. sound's "chim"! --> it's actually how you go about
sharing your thought and how to go about reciprocate (counter attack) it.
- know eactly what you are feeling and just share it with someone you are comfortable with.
- take note: if you are unhappy with A, you have to also share your unhappy feeling to A. this is to address the issue and sort things out=) --> then there'll be rainbow after rain=D
- how to reciprocate? --> mutually supporting one another, so no one feels used, taken advantaged of.
- always provide alternative solutions. allow the "victim" to weigh it himself/herself.
- lastly, relationship is all about compromising, loving each other, forgiving & forgetting and giving & taking=)people can "catch the ball?" because i sort of like lost my point=)
but it's something that really speaks to me and caused me to ponder about it=D