Thursday, March 22, 2007
is every minute fully utilised? @ 3/22/2007 11:15:00 PM
chloe is here reporting another entry of words for thought again=)
sorry people. i'm like so lazy to type sometimes.
on top of that. when i really about to get started for another new entry, something copped up and i have to sort of settle it.
so i have actually gathered my thogughts these few days for this entry. yeah=)
- first of all, i must say: quality time is what everyone needs!
resaon for this is because: when we spend quality time with one another you will just feel that bonds are closer to each other. at the same time getting to know each other you need quality time!
quality time as in. instead of spending you meeting up session watching a movie, you spent your meeting up session over at a cafe? chit chatting, get to know one another better through conversations. not neccessarily spending it over a cafe, you can do it as you shop too. well, i believe guys seldom had the patience to sit on the same seat for like more than 1 hour. and what's more, merely surviving on a drink and conversations.
but i have to say that those guy friends i had, they are pretty patient when my whole jing group sits down and someone just started something that like sort of kickstart them to start to chit chat with my girls. yeah!!! and the whole group practically sound like a market=) with laughters and conversations=)
quality time can also be. maybe doing your work, you need to like seriously sit down with a pen or pencil and start planning what's is going to do next? what's my goal? what are things that i need to prioritise? etc. - GEM - going extra mile.
how this GEM campign starts in me is on tuesday, when i met up with sarah jie jie. i just kept emphasizing this. yeah!!! and i believe it's something that really helps. especially you are doing it for someone. how can i phrase it? er. as in you know. let me just give you one example! when your dear friend is sick, and you are aware of it. instead of just a few words of '' get well soon!'' you can like maybe make an effort to boil herbal tea or make something special for the dear sick friend of yours yeah=) this is what i meant by GEM!
alright. good enough already i guessed=) long enough too!!!=Pppp
message to jane: er, i didn't try the ice-cream chef's ice-cream before. but my da jie tried it! and she says it's not bad!!=)
message to kel: oh well, i told you over the msn already=)
message to 1a22: please check your timetable and gems's appointment on april fool's day!!! and gems registration is on 4th april!!!
message to sp'rean: can anyone register my gems for me? because i'll be away. let me know asap can? thankie!
message to teens girls: interested in skin care cum make up session?
Monday, March 19, 2007
geok's birthday=) @ 3/19/2007 08:43:00 PM
here's my evident!!!
my meet up with childhood firends.
though not all my childhood friends turned up. but at least there's S.H.I.T!!!!
S.H.I.T and fionna!
meeting up's mission completed! yayness!!!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
things that i just don't understand. @ 3/16/2007 10:59:00 PM
i'm here to like vent out my nonsense and complaints and grumbles. whatever you want to name it=)
there are things that i just don't understand. seriously man!
- why is it that people just don't apreciate what you do for them?
- why they build up walls around themselves when you are trying to help?
- instead of thinking that you cannot do it. why don't you think in a way that you will do it the best that you can?
- why pesssimist just can't think optimistically? even when there a friend there to help you and spur you on?
- why is it that the way people think that when someone doing something good to you it's like they must be all out to harm/cheat you?
why? Why? wHY? WHY?
i'm like feeling funny. as in. how can i describe my feeling now? er. hmmm. well, i'm trying my best to help this friend of mine to go back to the original her. but. somehow she just don't express how she feels to me as openly as we had in the past. a feeling of dissapointment overwhelmed her. and because of our busy schedule our friendship distanced away. oh well. i'm trying to be in touch with her and things like that but she just feel so reluctant. in a way i knew her reluctantness. how can i help??? i had already squeeze out my time for you! as in i placed you into my schedule. argh! it's alright.
i'm just speechless for a moment. and for the next moment. i just felt that i should should not give up! especially she's a dear friend of mine! nothing is going to let you lose the trust!!! no!!! not even in me!!!!
well. you know what! if you ever encounter this. don't lose heart yeah=) come and talk to me. because i believe one day whatever i do. the dear friend of yours will greatly appreciate you! really!
[[ a joy or a worry ]]
Thursday, March 15, 2007
action! @ 3/15/2007 12:52:00 AM
argh!!! you know what???? modules with 10 and 7 credits are like killers!!!! whatever it is. i Thank God for the grades. even though it's not like wonderful. alright. enough enough. i have to start to post the main content like now.
action! yeah. i have put my words into action! like meeting up with friends. that's like 1 out of so many. haha=) i'll be working on my birthday chart soon.
here are some evident!
meeting up with my girls.

these 2 pretty ladies are who i dated=)
and we settled down at TCC @ Bugis.
as usual taking pics in the toilet=)
one more shot!

because he worked at Bugis too. so he meet us up after work.
ELSINTA!!!! i got a pic with him!!! but there's nothing!!! look at the gap between us=)!
meeting up with jia!!!
we locate ourselves at pastacafe @ taka!
aha! charis you don't have!
it has been a long time we 3 take pic together yeah!
a flying kiss for you=Ppppend of post. i met up with childhood friends too! will show you the evident once i got the pics=)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
boys are just boys! @ 3/14/2007 10:39:00 PM
hello everyone!!!
i'm back to blog about my happenings again=)please don't scold me yeah. i'm trying my best to update regularly. well. let me explain my title -- Boys are just BOYS!alright i come to this conclusion because.on monday and tuesday i went to help out at ACS barker's a chinese fun camp for the primary 1 and 2 boys. organised by my primary school teacher in which i'm like still in touch with=)as you know. it's a boy's school. so you will see like 'monkeys' running around here and there. pratically everywhere!on top of it! to see all the mummies pampering and worrying of their boys before the camp starts. oh my oh my! cannot imagine it man!and because i'm in charge of logistic and to help out whichever teacher that needs help. so i'm able to see different kind of rich kids. as in different rich kids behaves are some of their behaviour (which really 'impresses' / impresses me) --- complaint about anything and everything.
- lost something, the boy will come asking you (teacher. )
- show no interest with the activities that are carried out.
- cry for the slightest thing. for example not able to see the whiteboard.
- miss his uncle. ( because the parent were out for business trip and is the uncle that took care of him for the week. ) and this boy was worried that the uncle won't picked him up and even cried until we assured him.
- uses vulgarity!
- denied his mistakes.
- picky on food.
- was really polite. ( they boys don't addressed you by 'cher' but madam or sir. )
- speak good english!
- are helpful. ( for example: bring you to the water cooler when you asked him where is it. )
- keep used utensils to the destinated place.
well. these behaviours really interest me man. but not all the boys behaves the same. just as the saying says, each individuals behaves differently.
i'm just so curious how these boys will turned out to be man? gentleman? gangster? playboy? mummy's boy?
and because my tution kids are boys too. so i also realised that boys just behaves super duper differently from girls! this is all i can say. they are just lazy, untidy etc. though there will be exceptions=)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
random thoughts @ 3/04/2007 09:47:00 PM
shoik! i'll be like spending money for the rest of the days in march lah! oh my oh my!!!
because i decided not to get a job already=) hmmm lazy me!!!=Ppppso i'm going to do whatever i can just to catch up with friends etc. and because of this i really have to watch over my purse man!argh!!!! this is what i can to express my fustration upon whatever flew passed my mind man!i don't know why. but i've been like pondering some stuff which i don't know how it actually crossed my brain man.- relationship
- well. not that kind of BGR that i'm thinking of. but the kind of human to human relationship. come to think of it. relationship between person to person is really a complicated case study. oh people. please don't mistaken of anything yeah. i'm fine.
- just that. hmmm. i'm sort of have the urge to share with whoever. just that i don't know who the person is. just decided to blog it out! haha=)
- knowing that you are an introvert. you have to like overcome this. hmmm. how can i phrase it?? let me give you an example; A the introvert just entered a new class. a class by which A don't know anyone. instead of asking the one sitting beside her what's her name etc. she kept quiet. A should overcome the introvert her by asking and start talking to whoever she sees in class.
- sorry. if you don't understand but i'm just saying the nudge in my brain. feel so much better=)
- God instituted relationship for us to encourage one another, build up one another, to share with someone your joy, sorrow etc.
~ so make the most of your time to build up the ralationship you had. to care, love and encourage those around you!!! appreciate them!!!! by saying 'you made my day', 'i love you', 'thank you' etc. - putting your brain and every talent you had into good use???
- i've been pondering what talent do i have man. being crazy??
- have i been putting whatever i had into good use???
~ whatever it is i just hope that i can be a joy to whoever around me=) - is money everything???
- nowadays, money worked wonders. with money you can buy whatever you one. you can do anything and everything with money for your own benefit. even bribing the whoever authority for your own good.
- but what's the point?? when you die. you'll not be bringing your money with you to heaven or hell. be generous! bless whenever is needed. not to be so self centered.
- guard your money well. in term of financial planning. you will never know when is your rainy days. so don't spend unnecessary money. but also don't hold your money too tightly that you don't buy anything for yourselves.
~ spend your money wisely is all i can say=)
alright enough of my nonsense=) just some grumbling.
[[ sleep to the fullest!!! ]]
Friday, March 02, 2007
hello people!!! @ 3/02/2007 12:58:00 PM
i'm backed!!! a round of applause please!!!!=Pppppbacked to reality!!! slacking time in singapore is boring!!! oh man!!! i better start looking for a job in order to earn some extra cash!!!for the month of march i'll be like rotting like crazy. comparing my schedule of the month february and march. way different! march has so much e m p t y space for me to fill up with!!!!and because of this i decided to -- ( either..or.. )- find a job
- organise my storing pressie cupboard
- birthday chart!
- set up notice board by drilling some holes on the wall ( if i'm allowed to)
- meet ups with loads of people!!!! ( wengxi, S.H.I.T, fen, jia, cousins etc... )
i spent like half of my week up on this hill --> Genting!!! what i've done the past few days=)
- monday --> slacking day! but sarah jie, charis and me fully utilised the day by doing quite a number of stuff. we ate then head on to achery, bowling, shopping, dinner, movie and then try calling using the pay phone. which makes us keep popping coins into the phone!!!! so advanturous!!!
- tuesday --> outdoor and indoor theme park!!! took like all the rides!!! and it's like giving me a hard time sleeping. wonder why??? we watched movie by sitting on the osim chair. torturous!=) then went to sing at ''k-box'' really a box for you to sing in it!!!
- wednesday --> took the rides again. but i controlled this time round=) so i can sleep soundly! slack a bit and sing in the box looking room. then movie again!!! and we like walked outside of the hotel. which is freezing cold!!!!
- thursday --> eat, slack, packed bag and shopped. Thank God that we found the bus if not we'll be trapped up on the hill!!! and all you people will miss me!!!! =Pppp
i promise i will upload picture for you guys to see when i've got them yeah=) that's all i have=)
message to shan: here's my update!!!=)
[[ slacking is bad for your health!!! ]]