Thursday, February 22, 2007
birthdays after birthdays!!!! @ 2/22/2007 09:46:00 PM
shiok! everyone is like having birthday this month yeah!!!5 feb = sandy's birthday11 feb = kimberly's birthday13 feb = my birthday=) yuchin, zheng yu and luarent's birthday!!!14 feb = keith's birthday <-- dionnie's friend18 feb = fen and jia chi's birthday20 feb = anson's birthday21 feb = constance's birthday22 feb = fourth uncle's birthday, hui shan's birthday23 feb = denise's birthday.these birthdays are all that i can remember=) still have some more!!! forgot the dates=Ppp and i left my little organiser in church. so got nothing to refer to=)happy birthday to all february babies!!! enjoy your day!!!! Labels: i'll have picture updates once el send me her portion.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
eat and grow fat!!! @ 2/20/2007 10:52:00 PM
attention to everyone!!!!happy chinese new year!!! haha. though i'm a bit late. but it's better than nothing right=)today is the chu san = third day of chinese new year!so far. i've been eating non-stop! oh my oh my!!!! sure fat!!!!alright! let me jot down some thoughts of this chinese new year yeah=D- realised that 2 of my parental side's cousins are married and i'm sort of unaware or i forgot. but good arzz! because there's an addition of red packets=D
- a time of cathing up with my maternal side's cousins=)
- having a car in the house is good!!!
- time of feasting!!!
- you have to say nice words to those elder than your parents and greet them with the oranges! which i hate most!!! haha=)
well. i thank God for provisions. shelter, free rides, food and of cause all the red packets and extra cash!!!=) good arzz!!! my bangkok trip is saved!!!! haha=Pppp
alright shall post regularly when i'm free=)
Monday, February 19, 2007
february's birthday celebration cum BBQ part 2 @ 2/19/2007 03:57:00 PM
part 2!!!
birthday celebration. the process.....

the cake that png, el, xiana, uncle chen and ric ''baked''!!! it's super sweet lor!!!! but it's the heart and effort that counts=D

present to you february babies: sandy, chloe and huishan!!!! what are you doing here dionnie???

making a wish! don't try to peek dionnie!!!! aiyo!!! what am i doing????

i puff and huff and blow!!!!!
say cheese before cutting the cake=)

posing with the cake!

the baking cake and celebration committee! shan, el, xiana, uncle chen, ric and pingping!
let's have a group photo before everyone start to pack their bag and go home=)
the committee insisted to have a picture with the pressies=)
dionnie is the first to guess her pressie correctly! she and her presenter=D
finally! after all the forfits, all of us guessed our pressie correctly!!!
everything's ok!
yeah! finally completed my part 2's post=) i will upload my overnight photo soon alright=) as long as i gather them all=Pppp be patient yeah!!=D
Labels: there's part 3 too. please wait.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
special thanks.... @ 2/15/2007 12:50:00 AM
happy valentine people!!!
i'm late but still.
thankie for all who made my valentine's day possible!!!
- first of all: Rachel da jie!!!! thankie for applying the zoo pass for me and friends. thankie your colleague too!!!
- secondly: Sarah jie jie, ben, dionnie, kelvin, nana, el and charis ( this ranking is according to senority=D ) thankie for accompanying to the zoo and tolerating my nonsense in the zoo and walk with me all the way! thankie for visiting the whole zoo with me!!!!! =D
- thirdly: ping and denise and all who went for the steamboat=) thankie for eating at this pin xian's steamboat=) i promise we'll choose some other steamboat store alright!!!
- forthly: uncle chen! thankie for your bear with heart=) so sweet of you!!! thankie!!! heard you no money yet you still spend on we girls! so kind of you!!! thankie!!!!
alright! i promise! i'll allow all of your to go out with your honey next year=) i'll not interupt your honey's day alright!!!!=PPpppp
thank God that today's weather is GOOOODDDD arzz! not too sunny! not too big a rain=)
happy happy happy!!!
oh ya last but not least.
thankie to those who made their effort to really join us in the fun at zoo or steamboat but they didn't suceed. thankie=) at least you try=D
Labels: upload picture soon.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy birthday Chloe!!! @ 2/14/2007 01:32:00 AM
this post is delicated to all my DARLINGS!!!!i'm happy happy happy!!!!reminds me of this song: if you happy and you know you clap your hand!!! clap clap!!!thankie for everything darlings!!! -- dad, mum, Rachel da jie, Sarah jie jie, Denise and Charis sisters, Ping, shan, dionnie, uncle chen, xiana, el, fiq!!!! etc. the list goes on....i felt so loved! of all the treats and fun!!! i really enjoy all of your's company!!!!words just can't describe how i feel man!!!i promise i'll always be there for you whenever your need me alright??!!??sometimes i really ponder! why God bless me with all these darlings???and now i finally realise. because he wants me to feel more loved. just because of my background?? -- this is my guess=)but i really Thank God that i have them!!! because with them i have more laughters and happiness!!! thankie darlings once again!!!!Labels: following updates will all on pictures and not words.
Monday, February 12, 2007
february's birthday celebration cum BBQ @ 2/12/2007 11:44:00 PM
instead of words. let the pictures i had speaks about the bbq cum february birthday celebration yeah=)
let me start the posting by having a twist at the camera=)
looked! it's our uncle chen!!! he's happy with the hotdogs that he had bbqed=)
i'm massaging the chicken wing. so will taste GOOOODDD arz!
ping in the preparation of food and stuffs???
sob! i'm always the chef whenever there's bbq=( Thankie Richard!!!!
look what look??? get started to help out!!!
some 'para para' movement during bbqing=) this is the tatic to keep our dear mosquitoes and flies away!!!
sister chan can't you just help richard??? don't stand near the pit!!! spare a thought for your fats=)
i'm the real chef alright?!?!?
let me get a drink first alright=)
sorry! all we know is eat=)
aaaaaaaa!!!AAA!!!! what are you doing????
cheese everyone!!!!
Raincoat time!!!
see lah. who call you go play with the raincoat of ric???

xiana: dionnie wrapped up by the raincoat=)
the hair advertisement!!!

who's hair is longer??? of course is my dearest dionnie!!!!
the hair's fight!!!!
chloe: charles!!! what are you doing???? this is not the way!!!!
let me do it!!! you're pulling shan's hair off!!!!
shan: finally the fight is over=) oh my!! this is how my hair lookkkk????!??!?!
Picture time!!!!

post your best pose!!!!

look here people!!!!

don't scold me! i open my eye big big kkz=)
we're strong!!!
end of part 1. i'll upload the part 2 soon alright=)
Labels: to be continued...
firework for you?? @ 2/12/2007 01:34:00 PM
woah!!!! chinese new year is really drawing near!!!!
i just remembered about this e-mail that my dear classmate -- kenny sent it to me=)
The Singapore River Hongbao 2007 will be held from the 16 Feb to 4 March.
Below is the schedule of the firework displays for seven days:
16 Feb (Fri) - Opening Ceremony> >9:15 to 9:30 p.m. ( Duration of Fireworks : 3 mins )
17 Feb (Sat) - Eve of CNY> >9:00 p.m. ( Duration : 5- 8 mins )
18 Feb (Sun) - 1st Day of CNY> >Time: 9:00 p.m. ( Duration: 5- 8 mins )
19 Feb (Mon) - 2nd Day of CNY> >9:00 p.m. ( Duration: 5- 8 mins )
24 Feb (Sat)> >Time: 9:00 p.m. ( Duration: 5- 8 mins )
25 Feb (Sun)> >Time: 9:00 p.m. ( Duration: 5- 8 mins )
4 Mar (Sun) - 15th day of CNY>>Time: 9:00 p.m. ( Duration: 5- 8 mins )
Please let your family members, friends and visitors know about the firework displays.
check out the fireworks yeah! haha=)
Saturday, February 10, 2007
thankful=) @ 2/10/2007 12:23:00 AM
if you happy and you know, you clap your hand!!!!woah! i'm just so thankful for the friends around me!!! Thank God for providing me with good friends!!! really!!!! this is something i must say!!! because i just realise that all the friends that i met arz. they are all kind souls and good souls. don't have those so called ''bitch'' and ''bastard''. but all the people around me are loving, caring, kind etc.frankly speaking, i'm actually. er. quite upset when i first got into the course i'm currently in. because it's like i can't get into a course that i really want to pursue. but Thank God that i'm in this course=) haha. because all the more i know His love for me. having a group of sweethearts that are so fun-loving=) and i'm kinda alright with my course of studies=)these few days i have been thinking. thinking about how actually i am who i am. really Thank God for his mercy and grace that i didn't turn out to be a rotten egg=) i'm happy and contented=) what's more can i expect??? i'm glad with what i have. but whatever weaknesses or things that you guys are not happy about me. do let me know yeah=) so that i can change=) i'm open for correction=D[[ count your blessings!!! ]]
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
just for viewing=D @ 2/06/2007 01:01:00 PM
here are some picture updates -- taken on dionnie's birthday=)
when we first arrived at dionnie's place=)
her ''birthday cake''!!!!
everyone were ''called'' to have a pictures with their doughnut!!! there you go!
ping ping with the doughnut--chocolate flavour.

shan with her doughnut=)
me and my doughnut=D don't look at my watermelon juice arzz!!!
el with her doughnut!!!
did you realise something??? shan, me and el had the same flavour!!!=)
2nd part of dionnie's birthday celebration=) it's at Ben&Jerry!!!
look at the birthday gal!!! she's looked elated with the ice-cream and cake=)
she's happily making her birthday wish=) wishing that she gets prettier each day???

there goes all the lited candles=Pppp

ah har!!! looked!
the closeness with the waffle=) we're really biting it alright!

this is the evident of celebrating in Ben&Jerry!!!=)

still taking picture???!!?? the shops are all closed already my friends!

let us have the last shot with the crocs=)
and the credits goes to Syafiq Hussien!!!!!thankie for taking pictures for us!!! love you!!!!