Friday, January 05, 2007
save save save!!! @ 1/05/2007 11:05:00 PM
save Save sAve saVe savE SAVE!!!!
what are the reasons for me to save up????
firstly, to go to genting with sarah and charis a week after chinese new year=) a time of relaxing for us=D
secondly, to reach my goal of spending non-stop at Bangkok in April. no matter what's going to happen! dad, mum, jie, charis, denise and me will still go! [ that's what jie, charis and me disscussed today=) ]
thirdly, to go Hong Kong by september!!!
fourthly, save up as much as possible to fulfill my beijing trip!!!! not forgetting australia trip at the age of 21=Pppp
all these reasons really urged me to save up!!! because it's always my dream to travel around. looking at how people in other countries are like and see what i can do to help them if neccessary=) what's more i have sisters that wants to go with me too=) because of this trip, i will work hard and and really be budget=D
well well well!!! first week of year 2007 is going to be over soon!!! meaning start of school!!!!
i'm feeling butterflies in my stomach!!! don't know why this feeling for this week????
hmmm. just feel that God wants me to be His mouth-piece. because quite a number of people have been asking me about being a Christian. Thank God for wisdom upon answering them all=)
one of the reason is also because i haven't finish my drawing yet!!! and i need to pass them up by tuesday!!!!!
also, tests and exams are coming!!!
alright i have to start planning my revision timetable already!!!! there goes to all SP students!!!!
message to fiq: well. ping ping has too many accounts=)
message to rachel da jie: thankie for allowing us to clean your house!!! hopefully we can clean your car too!!!=D
message to constance and theresa: come on don't be stress!!!! believe that you can do it!!! and soon you'll be like enjoying life=)
message to 1a22: start studying now!!!=Pppp
[[ drawing is killing me!!! ]]