Friday, December 29, 2006
just a few blink blinks! @ 12/29/2006 10:47:00 PM

ATTENTION people!!!!!
we're only 2 days away from the year 2006!!!!
look people. today is the 29 december 2006. wow!!! we're entering the year 2007 in hmmm. less than 50 hours time! have you spent your time wisely????
just a few blink blinks!!!

this year really flies man. without realising, i'm like going to finish the first year of my course of study=) a month to go in order to advance into poly year 2!!!! really glad that i met angels like dionnie, ping, el, shan, fiq, charles etc.

the year 2006 is a year in which i went through tough and good times. come to think of the tough times. it's something that i learnt from and get over it. what about the good times??? i thank God for it and will keep those times in mind.

just a few blink blinks and there goes year 2006!!!! so allow me to say a BIG thankie to all that i've met this year! of course not forgetting all the members in Lifelink Christian Church! as well as classmates and friends! thankie for everything you've done to help me in a way or another! thankie for being a joy to me=) thankie for always pushing me on and there to support me. THANKIE!!!! alright people. please be excitied of what's coming in the year 2007!!!!

last but not least let me wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!! happy new year pull your ear!!!=D

P.S. :this entry might be a little bit differnt from the rest yeah=)

Updated By: CHLOE=)


happy reading=)

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