Tuesday, January 30, 2007
happy birthday dionnie! @ 1/30/2007 12:30:00 AM
happy birthday to my dearest dionnie!!!!!!!!!- woah! this gal is super happy that she's 18 already!
- legal age to really get naughty!!!! haha=)
- had a hang over at her place last night! together with shan, ping, and el!
- dionnie's dog licked my leg! when i stepped into the house. oh my! saliver!=Ppppp
- though we reached at about 12 plus. but still we're on time=) because it's officially 29 of jan when we get into her house=)
- so sweet of her sis to queue for like 2 hours just to get her the donuts that she longed wanted!
- and instead of having a cake. she has 18 doughnuts!!! haha=)
- hmmm. had an emo night i guess=)
- as in the 4 of them are like so sad over xu weilun's death.
- i'm feeling alright. because i don't know her though=)
- just feel that life is so fragil! so treasure every moment you have alright!
- hmm. watched DVDs. but i fell asleep!
- is either the show doesn't interest me or it's too just too slow that i'll sleep!=))
- then moved to the room at about 0400!
- we gals always had chit chat session. i meant heart to heart sessions=D
- then we all get to know more about dionnie! haha=)
- i don't why i fell asleep again! haha=)
- when i opened my eyes is the next morning already!
- had a time of watching news! then ordered canadian pizza for branch! yummy!
- woah! dionnie's dog named baby. is more friendly as compared to the last visit=D
- not so much barking=) but baby seemed to like el very much=) haha=D while el is afraid of him=)
- see!!! dog is just so cute!!!
- jie, charis!!!! are our savings near to getting a dog??!!??
birthday surprise for dionnie!
- alright. all of us went home and met up again!
- went vivo city! i'm very late. just nice yeah=)
- so i can go and buy dionnie a cake=) while they ( shan, ping, fiq and dionnie) are up in Ben&Jerry!
- then realised don't have lighter. so while getting to ben&jerry.
- i asked the secret recipe's crew whether they have lighter.
- and i lited all the candles with the help from shan.
- and after the candles were all lited, both of us walked very slowly and steadily to ben&jerry!
- then when we reached!!! fiq, ping and dionnie still ordering ice-cream!
- i'm like don't know what to do!!! because the candles are getting shorter each seconds=)
- hmmm. good thing when she's get back to the table the candles are still burning=D
- we took pictures. as usual=)
- and had a lot of unglam poses!!! haha=) shall upload those when i got the pictures from dionnie kkz=)
alright!!! shall embark on my pineapple tarts baking tomorrow=) haha! will be swimming tomorrow too!!! opps! did i forget about studying for building services1 totally??? haha=) will be multitasking tomorrow=)
[[ sleeping!!!! ]]
Labels: multitasking
Saturday, January 27, 2007
chinese new year!!!! @ 1/27/2007 01:42:00 AM
good friday everyone!!!! here i'm blogging again=) because i'm just too awake to sleep!- don't know why! i'm itching everywhere!!! feets, thighs, heels, some part of my hand!!!!
oh man oh man! it's driving me crazy!!!!
can you imagine how torturous it is that you can't scratch!!!!
and i've applied layers after layers of cream!!!!
itchiness can you please go!!!!!
my goodness! i hate it most when my allergy come back!!!
God please change my sensitive skin!!!!
argh!!!! i don't want anymore scars!!!
if not i will receive naggings again!!!
chinese new year's coming!!!!
- chinese new year is coming!!!!
- haven't buy clothes yet=)
time for eating and feasting!
gain weight! oh man! nightmares for ladies!!!!
time for cathing up with cousins and relatives?
excuses in order to escape from any huge gathering???
chinese new year's goodies making????
neoprint took =)

nice nice??? woah! it's such a long time ever since i take neoprints! haha=)
oh ya before i forgot! i want to wish my cousin peiyi
[[ bakings here i come!!! ]]
Thursday, January 25, 2007
argh!!! @ 1/25/2007 12:04:00 AM
happy!!! irritated!!! excited!!!Happy:- because i'm nearer to holiday!!!!
- because i'm left 2 more papers to go!
- because i'm nearer to catching up to watch all the DVDS after exams!
- because there's too many reasons to be happy for=)
- because the itchiness is driving me crazy!!!!
- i had enough of scratching already!!!! and those are giving me enough scars and etc!!!
- plus now, i don't know why and how!
- i'm like scratching non-stop all because of new 'lovebites'!!!!
- why must all choose me?????
- because holiday's coming!
- because class chalet coming up=)
- because i'm looking forward to everything that i'm going to do during the holiday!
- because soon i'll be in year 2 already!
- because sarah, charis and me will be spending our 3somes together in Genting for 3 days 2 nights!
supposingly i should be uploading quite a number of pictures. but!!!! i keep forgeting to get those pictures from el=) sorry. you people will have to wait a while while more kkz=)
[[ jia you jia you!!! ]]
Labels: itchiness??? sensitive skins. irritations. mosquito bites.
Monday, January 22, 2007
lack of sleep??? @ 1/22/2007 10:36:00 PM
good monday everyone!!!!hello everyone! yes! i finally completed my first major paper!!! it's ECT&P which cost me 10 CREDITS!!!!!it's so tired today!!! probably is because yesterday didn't had a good sleep=) keep waking up and study then sleep etc.- today, my paper is like in a mess!!! i got the sketches of door and window's horizontal and vertical section mixed up!!! in the end everything that i drew are like the same!!! oh man!!!
- whatever the result is, at least i knew that i did my best=)
- you know what??? everyone in my class is like chionging for exams and then huh! sleep late late. never drink water! untill some fell sick!!! oh no!!!!
- after paper, went to foodcourt 1 to have lunch. then booked meeting room at library.
- but in the end slack in there and went to find my it lecturer to go through microsoft excel with us=)
- then went to city hall for a walk. at the same time kill time arz=) because my tution starts at 1830.
- then? tution and here i am blogging=)
- oh man! my granny run away from home again!!! haha=) she went to my aunt's place. and i'm like left alone at home. so lonely!!!! haha=)
that's all i'm going to have for today's post=)
message to 1a22: please drink loads of water!!! rest well!!! drink water chestnut whenever i offer you=)
message to jie and charis: we have to be budget for everything!!! in order to take up the challenge mum gave!=D
message to theresa: do ask me out when you're shopping yeah=)
message to zhu, geok, reen, fen: i'm penniless to go out!!! so we budget kkz???
message to el, ping, whoever going hong kong: save save save!!!!
[[ bed here i come!!!! ]]
Friday, January 19, 2007
hatic week! @ 1/19/2007 10:51:00 PM
oh my goodness!!! this week is really hatic!!!!
reasons are:- had to complete one page reflection about the community service my group did.
- had to complete site report.
- had to master microsoft access!!! which is a NONO to me!!!!
- tutions!!!!
- exercising--jogging!
even though this week can consider a revision week for my class. but i just don't know time is like running away! haha=) maybe because of the staying back in school on wednesday and thursday to 'yan qiu' how to go about do mircosoft access???
ya! i have to thank God for sending angels=) like i always say my classmates are fun-loving people! and they really are! so sweet man! willing to help me, in fact those that don't know access! and if they got any shortcut or tips for exams they are more than willing to share!!!!
- thankie my friends!!!! and that includes: chairman charles, vice-chairman richard, lawyer cai, xiana, ping ping, the curry puff girls-- el and dionnie!
- basically thankie to all who are like our lecturer of the day for microsoft access!!!!!
- there's always the case where people are not willing to share the 'tips' for exam. but what's the point right????
- i just don't understand why??!!!??
- oh ya! must thankie those that called me and wake me up today!!! so that i'll be like practising access!!!!
something to look forward???
- happy happy happy!!!!
- why? because charles says that if quite a few of us will be going hong kong this september. he'll sort of open up his hong kong's house for us to stay!
- yes arzz!!! got free accommodation=)
- will be baking pineapple tarts, almond cookie and peanut cookie after test week! yippy!!! this is for the fund rising project for my church=)
- upcoming class chalet=D because each of us in class have 6 bucks to use. sponsored by school!
- zoo!!!! here i come!!! i must make it a point that i visit the zoo!!! this holiday!
- er. start making badges for sales--Josh's command=)
- 'revamp' my jewellry business!!!
- bake cheese cake!
- kayaking!!!!
yuppy! i'm going to make full use of my 9 ++ weeks holiday!!!! don't want to waste my 9++ weeks=) haha=D please date me out if you need accompany=) provided theer's any free day=Pppp
message to everyone: anyone interested to buy chinese new year goodies??? homemade pineapple tarts, almond cookie or peanut butter cookie???
here are some picture=)

look at charles!!!! what a potential keropok's seller=)

since when ah cai, el and dionnie became wire engineers?

are they pretending or really into learning how to deal with the sound system???

ping + shan + el = traffic light=)

twists of the day!!! success in selling ice-cream????

christmas gift exchang!!!!

can you spot the difference?
Labels: something to look forward for?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
packed schedule! @ 1/13/2007 09:41:00 PM
something that i've missed out while updating my blog on thurs=) i've tried editing my post after it was being published but i just can't get through. there you go!
had house cleaning=) the house belongs to Rachel da jie=D this is a new project for me to get to Hong Kong nearer!!!! happy happy=)
had gift exchange too=) i got evan's pressie and sandy got mine=) the pressie of mine is a teapot??? something like that=)
so happy that everyone participated in this gift exchange=)
see my class is just so adorable and sweet yeah=)
my tests and exams are like round the corner!!!!!
these are the following dates:
19 january, friday: ICA - Access @ T725 [ 0800-1000 ]
22 january, monday: ECT & P @ T3A11 [ 0900-1110 ]
24 january, wednesday: design & drawing @ T3A12 [ 0900-1110 ]
24 january, wednesday: ICA - microsoft excel [ 1300-1430 ]
26 january, friday: law @ T3A14 [ 0900-1110 ]
01 february, thursday: building services 1 [ 0900-1110 ]
P.S.: no venue stated = i'm not too sure about it=)
ARGH!!!! simply don't like tests and exams!!!! why??? why??? why!!??? why can't Singapore just be like any other western country??? in which the students are to take up 7 CCAs instead of subjects!
come to think of it singaporens are like extremely stress!!!!
be it adults or students.
why? why???
can singapore be a non-fast paced country???
CHLOE!!!! all you have to do is to accept it=) though i had long accepted the fact=Pppp i have to be automatic and get ball rolling by studying soon!!!
[[ coughing ]]
Thursday, January 11, 2007
ahhhh chooooo! @ 1/11/2007 10:27:00 PM
wooo! updates updates!!!!i'm feeling terrible!!! oh man!!! coughing and nose blocked!!! wanting to ahhhhhh choooo but just don't why the sneeze just can't occur!!! argh!!!! plus plus the weather is like--- raining and cold!! I NEED A THICK BLANKET AND WARM WATER PLEASE!!!!=)alright that's my introduction=) here's the real juicy information of my today's update=Ppppdon't worry, be happy!
have you ever wonder why this catch phrase ''don't worry, be happy'' ever exist?
alright! this phrase really applies people!
it just simply means that if you don't worry and you'll be happy=)
let me show you what's the meaning of worry yeah=D
here's the defination:- to torment onself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.
in other words if you worry you're like very disturbed! and you can't be happy.
and i'm trying to bring across the point not to worry of anything. even if you don't have a single cent with you when it's like beginning of the month.
trust that everything will fall in place. who knows right? maybe the next minute an angel came to you and said that he/she just feel that the amount of money is for you!!!???
base on my personal experience. frankly speaking, worrying about anything and everything doesn't solve your problem.
just take a deep breath and count to 10 and release your breath slowly. this helps=)
if you see things in a different angle. it will not ba as bad as you think the problem is.
if you're happy everything will be fine=) isn't it?
i've learnt how to not to worry! have you???
end of update=) time to study!!!! opps, i guess i'll just sleep=)
[[ holiday mood syndrome ]]
Friday, January 05, 2007
save save save!!! @ 1/05/2007 11:05:00 PM
save Save sAve saVe savE SAVE!!!!
what are the reasons for me to save up????
firstly, to go to genting with sarah and charis a week after chinese new year=) a time of relaxing for us=D
secondly, to reach my goal of spending non-stop at Bangkok in April. no matter what's going to happen! dad, mum, jie, charis, denise and me will still go! [ that's what jie, charis and me disscussed today=) ]
thirdly, to go Hong Kong by september!!!
fourthly, save up as much as possible to fulfill my beijing trip!!!! not forgetting australia trip at the age of 21=Pppp
all these reasons really urged me to save up!!! because it's always my dream to travel around. looking at how people in other countries are like and see what i can do to help them if neccessary=) what's more i have sisters that wants to go with me too=) because of this trip, i will work hard and and really be budget=D
well well well!!! first week of year 2007 is going to be over soon!!! meaning start of school!!!!
i'm feeling butterflies in my stomach!!! don't know why this feeling for this week????
hmmm. just feel that God wants me to be His mouth-piece. because quite a number of people have been asking me about being a Christian. Thank God for wisdom upon answering them all=)
one of the reason is also because i haven't finish my drawing yet!!! and i need to pass them up by tuesday!!!!!
also, tests and exams are coming!!!
alright i have to start planning my revision timetable already!!!! there goes to all SP students!!!!
message to fiq: well. ping ping has too many accounts=)
message to rachel da jie: thankie for allowing us to clean your house!!! hopefully we can clean your car too!!!=D
message to constance and theresa: come on don't be stress!!!! believe that you can do it!!! and soon you'll be like enjoying life=)
message to 1a22: start studying now!!!=Pppp
[[ drawing is killing me!!! ]]
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
early in the morning! @ 1/03/2007 09:38:00 AM
good morning everyone!!!!
School Reopens!!! but not for me=)
please don't scold be for blogging at this hour=D it's just that i'm too awake to do anything now=Pppp some updates=)
there goes my money!
i think the month of january is a month for me to go on diet! so broke now!
it's just the beginning of the month only!
and the gals and me might be ordering another pair of brik.
and have to get prepared to buy new clothings. because Chinese new year's approaching!
alright i have to plan my money well this time round=D
lesson learnt for all of you is that please plan your monthly finances properly! but it's alright that you spend on things that you like once in a blue blue moon yeah=) that's all for today!
message to all: anyone willing to change blog skin for me??? i'm sorry because i don't know how to go about doing it=)
[[ fetching little princess ]]
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year!!!! @ 1/01/2007 11:43:00 PM
wooooo!!! it's the first of january now!!!!!
let me post something before i waste today's time!!!
hello everyone!!! so how's your first day of the year 2007???? happy??? sleepy??? tired????
well, i spent my first 13 hours sleeping!!!! waste of time hor???!!??? anyway didn't do much stuff today.
went to my aunt house at jurong west for a while.
then off i went to city hall with my cousin.
a time of catching up with one another=)
then here i am blogging=Pppp
since it's a new year so let me jot down my new year resolution yeah=)
shop like crazy over at Bangkok during April.
save up and maybe go to Hong Kong at the end of the year.
save up and get a new handphone=)
be more involved with school activities.
tidy up my stuffs--it's accumulating dust=) those that are hidden.
get a notice board and get my notices placed within that area!
that's for all=) i will get all these mentioned 'goals' done by the end of year 2007! so have you set your goals already??? let's not waste the year 2007!!!! in fact not to waste any minute of the year! because before you realise, it'll be another year gone.
message to 1a22: our last paper is on 1 february!!! we'll have an earlier holiday!!!!=D
message to all: get started to think what you want to achieve by the end of year 2007!!!
[[ time is precious ]]