Friday, December 29, 2006
just a few blink blinks! @ 12/29/2006 10:47:00 PM
ATTENTION people!!!!!
we're only 2 days away from the year 2006!!!!
look people. today is the 29 december 2006. wow!!! we're entering the year 2007 in hmmm. less than 50 hours time! have you spent your time wisely????
just a few blink blinks!!!
wooo. this sunday is a thanksgiving sunday!
and everyone will be a preacher=) for 5 minutes!
haha. there's like so many to thank God with!!!!
i shall start writing them down=Pppp
this year really flies man. without realising, i'm like going to finish the first year of my course of study=) a month to go in order to advance into poly year 2!!!! really glad that i met angels like dionnie, ping, el, shan, fiq, charles etc.
- dionnie always there to encourage and be our mother=) always reminding us what to do and what not to=)
- ping always there to inform me about anything and everything=)
- el always there to say OE!
- shan always there to crack jokes=)
- fiq always there to say i love you!
- charles always there to remind of law cases=)
the year 2006 is a year in which i went through tough and good times. come to think of the tough times. it's something that i learnt from and get over it. what about the good times??? i thank God for it and will keep those times in mind.
just a few blink blinks and there goes year 2006!!!! so allow me to say a BIG thankie to all that i've met this year! of course not forgetting all the members in Lifelink Christian Church! as well as classmates and friends! thankie for everything you've done to help me in a way or another! thankie for being a joy to me=) thankie for always pushing me on and there to support me. THANKIE!!!! alright people. please be excitied of what's coming in the year 2007!!!!
last but not least let me wish everyone a Happy New Year!!!! happy new year pull your ear!!!=D
P.S. :this entry might be a little bit differnt from the rest yeah=)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
christmasss!!! @ 12/26/2006 10:19:00 PM
belated Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
hmmm. everyone still in christmas mood??? alright let me share with you guys what i did for christmas yeah.
Christmas eve:
it's a sunday. so had service in the morning.
then had a delicious christmas lunch in church.
straight after that headed down to orchard.
well. because of the cosy seats in starbuck @ wisma that attract the gals and me down.
the chit chat session begins from 1500 and ends around 2100.
in between i went out to help richard buy his girlfriend's pressie with ping.
see! so kind of me to help him=) that i missed part of the session.
hmmm. richard owes me a meal!!!!
don't try to be funny to go down to town on christmas eve or even new year eve!!!!
it's like filled with people up to the edges of orchard road!!!!
had dinner at food republic then went off to catch train at about 2330.
had the christmas countdown in train! haha=)
Christmas day:
went to aunty kate for her house's blessing.
and we gals went earlier to help in the making of sushi=)
as usual eat again!!!
then went home. took a rest and then off i go to city hall to meet my dearest classmates.
actually there's only dionna, fiq, ping. and 2 cscc's friend of dionnie -- kelvin and benjamin
er. first thing first is eat then we went round searching for log cake.
good thing the guys all agree to my stupid idea=)
and we bought the logcake and went to somewhere near explanade and fullaton hotel to eat.
we're like so romantic!!!! haha. eat until the sky drizzles then rain!
then we went home after some funny poses=)
i had enjoyable christmas celebrations. what about you??? have you ever wonder why you celebrates christmas? something for you to ponder over=) if want the answer do call me or ask me=D
message to jie: thankie for lending me the phone=) i'll return you once i got a phone yeah=Pppp
message to aunty kate: thankie for the JesusBible!!!!
message to denise, jie: thankie for the christmas pressie!!!
sleeping time!!!!=Pppp [[ contented ]]
Friday, December 22, 2006
live to the fullest! @ 12/22/2006 11:02:00 PM
i had an eventful week so far!!!!!
Thank God for the strength!!!!
went to JB with dad, mum and jie=)
watched the movie, Eragon. not a bad show though=) i'm hundred percent sure that there's a high possibility that there will be a continuation of it=D
went to palangi. while mum go and do her hair. while waiting jie and me shopped around=)
went to eat at the back lane=) had some pork rib cooked with black beer. hmmm. lemon chicken. claypot tofu and kang kong chilli. yummy=)
worked at cinabun tree.
hmmm. finally sort of strightened my boss's thought of me not able to commit to work for them=)
it's like raining so heavily!!!! while i made my way to have tution for my cousin.
my uncle sent me home=)
really glad that he mention, "if you have not enough money do let me know."
after reaching home. i'm like busy packing bag for the recuitment camp=)
met charis at batok mrt station at 1010.
head down to bedok station to meet ping ping and kaiwen.
then met jason and edwin to go to camp (Camelot recuitment camp)
supposingly expecting like 2 of the guys but never did we expect a whole group of guys that's with them=) got a shock man. haha
we're short of late for the camp because of the bus that will bring us to tanah merah ferry terminal.
straight after settling down for the camp. we had our activities on already!!!!
charis and em were like distributed to a group by which we know no one. while kaiwen and ping in the same group.
it's 3 water activities. first the inflatable rafting, then improvised rafting and kayaking.
we're to like sort of experience everything inside out about these activities. because if we're to becaome a trainer in future. can't expect us to tell the campers that we don't know anything right?
yuppy. had capsized trial for all. and the instructers shared with us their experiences as well. of course it's about how to handle different kinds of scenerios and campers etc.
everything has to be fast and quick. can you imagie how hatic my days were. after water activities. we were given 30 mins to bath. in fact less that that. it's not a person but the whole of 42 people!!!! within 30 mins you know. oh my oh my=D
then had dinner and proceed on to rock climbing. of course we had to master the skills of belaying=)
after that will be the blinded mice game. hmmm. follow by group debrief.
great! learned many things from those instructors that are taking my group=)
then had a fire drill and then debrief for the day=) by the time we actually go to bunk is about 1200.
at first all of us were like sweating like crazy and can't sleep. then halfway through it rained heavily. Thank God for the rain!!! that's why we'll have natural air-con=D
and becuase of the location of the campsite is like at changi. then high tendency of airplanes flying off from changi airport. and because of that all of us had free alarmsssssssssssssss=Pppp
woke up at about 0645. then had a washed up and off we go to have our breakfast=)
then had high elements' training. followed by abseiling and flying fox's training.
last but not least the general stations.
then we had our lunchwhile the rain just started. and after lunch, no more rain=) Thank God for that too=)
and we had area cleaning after lunch. and my group were scheduled to clean up the bunks' area and the toilets.
just after cleaning there come the rain again. and all the 3 groups gathered together and had debrief etc.
one thing i want to say is a big thankie to all the trainers!!!!
off we went to homes. while charis and me had to head down to town with our big bag!!!
we had a date with our dearest miss toh (secondary school teacher).
we had a japanese barbeque session for our dinner. cool!!! sort of nice=) had a time of cathing up with my teacher=D
then home sweet home=D
today???? my church had a christmas lunch for the peoples that worked in the building of The Spire.
not too bad, people turned up. and all of us, i meant the youths. we're like munching all the way=) eating non-stop.
Thank God for the aunties that cooked for the lunch!!!!
after lunch, all of us were like slacking=) hmmm. while we gals teaches our baby danielle the actions for the song 'we are the reason'.
and before we realised it's 1800. had some practice on the instruments.
as usual, every friday night is prayer meeting. and we had prayer meeting=)
now i'm blogging becuase i need to have some updates and share with whoever is reading my activities=)
hmmm. tired of reading??? haha. anyway what's mentioned doesn't really matter. it's something that i want to share with you guys and to inspire you guys to live life to the fullest. as in live with a purpose. do you have a purpose of doing what you are doing right now??? how should i put it??? let me phrase it this way: do you know what you're doing now??? have you ever think of why am i doing what i'm doing now??? for example: why are you attending lessons??? -- to make more friends??? to learn more stuffs??? or just for attendance's sake???
i Thank God that i'm living with a purpose everyday. and Thank Him for giving me strength to go through the ups and downs=) people might say me being holy etc. but this is fact and not something that i've made up of.
and my friends especially my childhood friends, they always complained that i'm always so busy with stuffs that i can't even have the time to meet up with them. well, it's not that i want it that way. it's that i don't want to waste time you see. and i try to live my live to the fullest. with livliness and happiness=D
alright enough of my naggings. i have to stop if not this entry is never ending=)
message to 1a22: don't forget to do drawing tutorials yeah!!! and are we having any outing or what??? =D
message to 4E2 (2005): people we're having a chalet on 26- 28 december. the plan i'm too sure with it. so please contact mingjie or shunping for more information=)
good night everyone. have to tuck in now. will be another long day tomorrow=) [[ increase!!! ]]
Friday, December 15, 2006
itinerary @ 12/15/2006 11:28:00 PM
today is charis's birthday!!!! happy birthday gal!!!!!
wow! time flies! it's holiday for me now!!! hip hip hurray!!!
upcoming events:
20-21 december: will be having a recruitment camp.
21 december: having dinner with miss toh together with charis and jeremiah at somerset.
22 december: collection of things for the home for the aged and NKF dalaysis centre.
23 december: christmas caroling session at the home for the aged and NKF.
24 december: christmas service
25 december: pending class christmas party
26-28 december: secondary school class chalet
27 december: SP CSCC no more poly event.
30 december: thanksgiving night.
31 december: new year service.
01-07 january: pending activities!!!
things to be done:
2 tutorials of drawing
children church's chart.
birthday chart
calendar (to be filled with daily activities)
pack all my drawers and cabinets
the lists goes on.....
looking at the events i had and the things to do. i seriously don't feel like working!!! and thankie to my dearest boss and lady boss for keep pestering me too work for them.
message to all: who is really good at microsoft access??? can your help me with that???
message to charis and whoever going to recuitment camp: please check out your junk mail=) and register before 18!!!!
that's all i have for now=) will get back for more updates soon!!!! [[ busy busy busy!!!]]
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i'm backed! @ 12/13/2006 11:15:00 PM
how long have i abandon my blog???? i'm sorry people! have been kinda busy yeah!
- just backed from Rachel da jie's house.
- sarah, charis, denise and i stayed over for like a week!
- we really treated that house as if it was ours=)
- had fun! really enjoyed the stay=)
- this really bonded we gals together.
- and teaches us how to be independent! for example, do housework, cook.
- yesterday had a mini celebration for charis! since she won't be in singapore on her actual birthday.
- after celebration, charis, denise and myself were like out of control! totally!!!
- we kept on singing christmas carols! then shouting and screaming and acting very crazy in early morning. around 0400!
- this scares sarah jie jie man! she thought we're drank or what! haha=)
- slept at around 0500 then woke up at 0700 and prepares for site visit today!
- hmmm. just don't know why! when i put on the helmet my head like ache like nobody's business! maybe my head is too big???
- well well, after site visit. backed to da jie's house to be maid of the day=)
- jie, charis and myself cleaned up the place then charis went off to chinatown with her family. me and jie went to viva foodcourt to eat dinner=)
- here i'm backed home to blog and slack and stone!
a few more days to holiday!!!! 3 cheers for me!!!!
message to charis: do take good care of yourselves when you're out in Penang! don't miss us yeah!
message to denise: your t-shirt and braclet is at da jie's place!
message to all: anyone interested in helping out and having a caroling session on the 23 dec???? my church will be having event at the home for the aged and dalysis centre. for more information do call me and clarify=)
i am going to catch up with my beauty time! sleep sleep sleep!!!! [[ enjoyable stay ]]
Friday, December 08, 2006
update!!!!! @ 12/08/2006 08:29:00 AM
chloe is too lazy for any updates=)
people try wacthing one litre of tears on youtube!!! this make you think and ponder upon you current situation and allows you to think that you're too fortunate!!!! and never take life granted!!!!
off i go youtubing while having lesson=) not that i didn't make an effort to listen, it's basically don't know what microsoft access is all about! and the lecturer was like tu-tu train. trying hard to catch up with his lesson. struggling!!!!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
exercise!!!! @ 12/01/2006 11:22:00 PM
sorry people. i'm so tired recently. so didn't bother to blog yeah=D so here am i blogging about some exciting event i had ever since wednesday=)
my first exercising day=)
well, ever since i stepped down from my netball team from secondary school. i didn't have any proper exercising day untill yesterday=)
we gals have been saying about detox week and exercising week etc. but we haven't really put words into action yet arzz.
finally!!! together with dionnie, el, charles and his friend, micheal???
hmmm. me ran 6 round around the stadium. oh my goodness. it's like killing me!!! haha=)
thankie to charles and michea to keep the 3 of us going. they are so encouraging!!! when we want to give up. they will like come on come on!!!
almost there!!! something like that=D
there's more to come yeah. and don't blame us for running so slow yeah=)
after jogging, went to bowl at SP guild house.
and joke of the day was, our dearest zhixiang fell while he was dancing.
it all started because of me=) it's fun to turn and move here and there with your sock on the bowling alley platform. so slippery=D
went to eat fried mars bars!!! from chippy. oh my goodness. all the 'fats' which i so called burnt away is backed!!!!
but that was nice!!! sorry people, because i'm a country pumpkin, never try before arzz=Pppp

you're on candid camera!!! charles!!!! he's warming up??? what a cartoon face he had!!!!=Pppp
el looked so excited over something!!! curry puffs????=D

pant pant pant!!! finally i can sit down and rest=)

our victory is to rest=) look at our cheesy smile!!!!

thankie to our dearest charles and not forgetting micheal for encouraging us all the way!!!!

we three trying to dance ballet but failed!!!!=)

we three acting cute and siao in the toilet=D
message to jia: happy birthday!!! though i was 3 days late=)
message to lydia: happy birthday!!!! am i on time=)
message to all: please pardon me for not replying your msg. because my handphone just cannot allow me to read it.
happy day!!!! it's easier to stay happy then unhappy=) [[ exercise!!!]]