Monday, October 30, 2006
trespass??? @ 10/30/2006 12:28:00 AM
welll. decided to have this entry because????
i was reminded because as i was doing my law tutorial and then saw my blog full of trespass tagged message!!! my goodness!!!
trespass = entering into others territory without permission.
give you (the one reading it now) a short lesson about law=)
my objective of having a blog is to keep a record of the interesting events and to share with people about it. i didn't expect this to happen!!! so chester don't be offended by that yeah!
message to annonymous: er, chester is my classmate.
message to annonymous and National karate reserve: er. do i know anyone of you???
message to mingjie and weijun: so sorry i got your into deep trouble. but i believe you two enjoys it right??? thankie for being such a great help!!!=D
alright i shall post something interesting tomorrow or on tuesday when i have time to do it alright=) [[ confused ]]
Saturday, October 28, 2006
projects and assignment stacked up??? @ 10/28/2006 10:50:00 PM
hello everyone! i'm back to post today=))
have the feeling to post because i want to stop myself from facing the school works and the accumulated stuffs i have to work on.
i have to take leave for the whole of next week!!! seriuosly man!!! got so many things to do before i'm kick out of Singapore Polytechnic=))
naming them: law, web page design, drawing, goal setting, CIP and presentations!!!
my goodness!!! and i have decided to quit my job!!!! so i can have CCA!!! if not is like no fun!!! as in all along i longed wanted to join CCAs. but time don't allows me to. so people!!! especially those that are CCA-less you can join me=) we can 'gather gather' go find one cca=D
this is also a form of me getting to live every single day to the fullest!!! as in when i'm young i can still join clubs that is of my interest. imagine when i'm 55 i wanted to join scuba diving. it's like the instuctor will advise me not to man=) so live every single day to the fullest now people!!!
treasure everything you have and had in which God has blessed you with!!!
message to kenny and xiangyong: don't be sad because the camel lecturer actually lecture your on the attendance stuff. no worries! i will go hunt for lolippop for you guys=)
message to el, fiq, ping, dionnie, charles, shan: looks like our halloween party is gone=)
talking about halloween. do your know why people celebrates it??? it's because in the states or mexico, can't remember. people believes that it's the day whereby all your souls are out. in short. it's just like chinese's hungry ghost festival!!! however to deal with it, all the catholics and christians kind of changed it into a celebrative day because it's when all the catholics, christians and whoever gather together and was known as all saints day.
and how do the name of halloween comes about??? it's actually interpreted from hello evening. something like that=)
so can people celebrate halloween?? hmmm. welll, why not if you are going to use your talent on the clothes and image you are going to create on yourselves or others. this trains your creativity man!!!
this short introductory about halloween is contributed by josh, when i asked him,'why do poeple celebrates halloween?' =D
message to josh: thankie for being a walking encyclopedia=)
message to fiq and fifi: no worries=) as long as your are happy=D the candy means nothing for me but it helps to cheer your up=)
alright back to reality already=) [[ tonnes of work ]]
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
pictures!!!! updates on genting trip!!! @ 10/25/2006 10:39:00 PM
something different for today's entry=)
me and sarah jie jie=)
during an indoor ride at first world hotel. look carefully into the picture. what's mum and dad doing???

wow! what a fruitful trip=)

the ladies of the trip=)
misty misty us=)

evident of us going to the casino???

enjoying our tea!!!!

see!!! we're on a boat??? or sampan???

sleepy me=D after checking out of our hotel.
credits to MUM and DAD!!!!my dear spiritual daddy and mummy=) 
see how happy are they=) enjoying the ride man=D
after checking out=) 
really thank God for placing where i am in this family (lifelink christian church) where love and biblical values are practiced!!!
message to likelinkers: remeber to review memory verses!!! and not forgetting to pray like Daniel=)
message to fiq and fifi: cheers boy and gal=) lollipop for you ya=)
this is an entry of pictures describing the trip i had over at genting. looking forward to the coming LTT at JB and after that i will be able to post pictures of the other members in my spiritual family=)) [[ thankful]]
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
monday blues??? @ 10/24/2006 12:56:00 AM
do you have monday blues??? i think for my cliques in school the monday blues, tuesday blues up till friday blues will always be the same. they have blues as long as there's school=) i think is due to the lack of sleep. and the favourite catch phrase will be,'' wa, very tired nie.'' haha=D- see i knew them too well=) haha=Ppp as usual, every monday my lesson will start at 1000 and ends at 1630.
- i was drawn to the conversation in which xiangyong was saying,'' aiya, you guys are aunties and ah pek already.'' i thought for a while then i just realised that that guys in which xiangyong was referring to were - Richard, Christine, Kenny, charles, Nana, Junchen, zhixiang. they were born in the year of 1988 and they are 18 now. then ping and shan are standing at the other side in which this conversation took place. i said,'' haha, ping and shan should join your=).''
- looking at the people present at that moment, only dionnie, xiangyong, el, chester and myself are born in the year 1989. meaning we're still young=) then the topic of going clubs and pubs was the discussion factor there. and because of what i said, i was being 'shoot' saying that,''soon all of us can go into club without any worries but what about you, chloe???'' then dionnie was like i can join your soon. because her birthday was on the january. and 2 weeks plus after her birthday will be mine. then ping said during the 2 weeks, they will all tease me saying me not able to enter clubs or pubs at ease=)
- i was like it's alright el and xiangyong have to wait long long untill their neck are long=Pppp i believe the club and pub will always be the conversation topic among youngsters at the age of 17 - 19. of course my dear friends will also bring up this topic into our conversation casually=)
- and that's issue 1 i wanted to shared=) issue 2, after law lecture dionnie, el and ping went to the looloo. the nana, christine, shan and me waited outside. so richard, zhixiang, junchen, xiangyong entered the lift first and as usual the playful factor in us will try to stop them from going down successfully. and when the door was almost closed, i went over to press the lift button so the door will open. ans second time is shan that pressed the button. the third time we missed. so i was to the toilet too. when all of us go out of the toilet we saw ric and the rest came up then go down again. so all of us was like,''huh??? why they come up again???'' after entering the lift, we proceed down to level 1 but somehow we stopped at the second level and rich and the rest were like hi!!!! then finally we moved to level 1 together=)
- as you can see from issue 2, my dear friends are still very playful and 'young at heart!' haha. but it's the small little things that we do that make someone happy. isn't it good that everyone are happy and the words of SAD and ANGRY wasn't in our dictionary???
- alright after a fun time in school, i had fun time out of school too! went to partyworld at woodland civic center. sing, sang and sung=) 4 hours inside the room to sing, sang and sung all you want man. just realise that i have to brush up! especially reading chinese words!!!! end the singing session at 2315. and headed home straight after that=)
- that's all. have to sleep already=D
message to shan: thankie for the M&S's chocolate!!! it's taste great!!!!=))
message to 4E2: please block your schedule on 26 - 28 of december!!! we'll be having a class chalet my dear classmates!!! please let me know whether are you guys able to make it. we'll be having the bbq on the second night.
message to dionnie: no worries=) your aunt is up in the Heaven enjoying every minute and second=) cheers!!!
message to reen and vonne: whatever happened i just hoped that you can clear the misunderstanding face to face rather than over the phones.
my eyes can't take it anymore!!! [[happiness]]
Saturday, October 21, 2006
friends are forever and boyfriends/girlfriends are whatever! @ 10/21/2006 08:24:00 PM
all thanks to syafiq! this is why i deceide to post an entry. becuase i was plain lazy. sorry people. was tired and was like feel like sleeping all day long. haha.well. i'm going to have an entry about what i did yesterday=)- had lecture at 0800 in the morning. and was like so fed up with the lecturer. he's talking like so very very fast! somemore it's on computer stuff! which is something i'm not really good at. oh my goodness. was like panicking also. because after 2 hours of the computer lecture i'll be having a computer test. and can you believe it or not! i didn't study!
- we had to get out of the cless before the test actually starts. this is because the lecturer have to log into our test account. and during the few minutes outside the room all of us were like thinking and chewing our notes hard. then some even suggested to use e-buddy (msn without downloading it) to exchange answer. and even our dear kenny's blog to exchange answer. because he got 2 tag board. in the end we didn't. you know why??? because we're allowed to surf the net for answer. and it's like so time consuming that we don't even borther to go and tag etc. and what's more? the lecturer was walking here and there. so for honesty and intergrity purposes. most of us didn't do it=)
- after the test, the first thing i had in mind was. i'm going to fair badly. because i literally fill in the blanks with any numbers and was like anyhow attempt all the questions. haha. naugthy me ya=)
- hmmm. after test. actually intended to go for a swim but the haze was like so terrible and my friends just pulled me along to join them for lunch. had big prawn noodle at potong pasir. well. Richard was our tourguide=) ping, el, junchen xiang yong, ric and mesylf went alll the way down just to eat. hmmm that's near for junchen, xiangyong and ric because it's purple line and they lives somewhere there.
- after that i wanted to go chinatown to buy some materials for craft work. and with much persuasion by el, junchen and xiangyong tagged along. so all of us went except ric. because he got something on after that. off we went to chinatown. i was unable to get the material that i wanted so we ate dessert in the end. oh my goodness! eat again!! we're chatting and enjoying the desserts at the same time. around 1545 we left chinatown.
- i went home for a change and picked up my Bible and off i go to church. had prayer meeting. while we're having our dinner. josh raised up this question on who wants to join him to geylang serai. this is so to make the cab fare worth the amount=)
- after much desicions, nick, denise and myself went=) josh was meeting up 2 of his friends. so we just tagged along with the main objective of buying deng deng-malay barbeque pork.(ba gua)
- when josh first met his friends. they actually bought food for josh and 3 funny coloured drinks. and josh commented,'everytime i meet them i've food. don't know why.' so funny ya.
- i think there is the sweetness between friends. aren't this great??? like what my title says friends are forever and boyfirends/girlfriends are whatever!!!
- am i right??? like being friends for so long and you actually knows what your friends wants even when he/she didn't mention it. is this telepathy??? =D Cool uh!walked around geylang serai. on our way to the car (one of josh's friends' car) we're enjoying the deng deng that one of us bought. hmmm. and denise said, 'it's just wonderful staying in singapore with a wide variety of food to choose from. especailly having to taste the food of cross races.' come to think of it. that's true=)
- in singapore we're like living in a country that's kinda different from other countries like indonesia, malaysia etc. it's like in singapore, all of us live in harmony together. ragardless of race and religion. that's what made me proud being a singaporean!
- shall post when there's interesting activities on ya=)
message to josh: thankie for the ride back home and down to geyland serai=)
message to cliques: we're supporting fiq for his soccer match on monday after law???
message to fiq: this is my update!!!!
message to sarah jie jie: thankie for the photos=)
message to all: any idea where to get good phones at rather good price??? =D
long and naggy entry again???? haha=Pppp [[ here i come my bed!!!!]]
here are some picture of Genting=)
is this singapore??? nopy, this is genting!!! see the cloud!!! not haze!!!

kinda cloudy???

clear view!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
botak jones @ 10/18/2006 12:03:00 AM
hello everyone. i'm back again=))- well. had a very very full dinner!! where?? at botak jones. finally ya=D it's a sudden decision=) all because of syafiq. haha.
- i had fish and chip. my goodness. so very full that as usual i can't finish the food. all of us were like can't finsh most of their food=) if charles was there. he sure say,'why waste food??? must think of the people in third world country!!!' and he will forced himself to eat them up, just to finish the food=)
- great food! hmmm. who joined us??? they are dionnie, shan, ping, fiq, el, el's friends (aiye and su fong???) and of course me=) but we waited for about 40 minutes just for the food to be served to us. so the business at botak jones is not bad ya?
- my goodness!!!! i have to go and do my assignment for marketing already!!!! so so so lazy to touch it man. haha.
message to alvin: thankie for your encouragement=)
message to annabel: who are you??? how did you get my link???
message to vonne: cling onto God's promises!!! not to be shaken in faith!!!!
oh man. i have to deal with assignment with a pair of sleepy eyes=) [[exercise please!!!]]
Monday, October 16, 2006
shops?? dreams??? @ 10/16/2006 10:39:00 PM
my blog was inactive for 2 days. and i'm back today=)- was thinking what to post for today's entry.
- well i think i shall just start with what have i done today=) hmmm. i was late. not for lectures but for the character development's slides discussions. good thing i wasn't the last one to reach. it's dionnie=)
- then had lunch at foodcourt 1 again! after character development. it's was like so very hot there in foodcourt 1!!! plus the haze. my goodness. so smelly. haha=) had lectures up till 1630. then the long waiting botak jones was closed so we didn't go and eat. but we ( fiq, ping, el, xiangyong, junchen, zhixiang and me) went to guildhouse. and we had an hour of pool there and in between had some arcade games=) we're like shouting and talking inside the room. as if there's no one else in the room like that=Ppp
- after that, we went to support derong (ddr) - christine's boyfriend??? haha. because he was having a basketball match? and soon i left first because i had a dinner with my granny and aunt's family.
- had Mayim at westmall. hmmm. it served chinese cuisins. dinner was delicious!!! then walk around westmall and her am i having a long entry now=D.
here's the real juicy details=)
- hmmm. not really juicy. haha. today during building service1's lecture. ping and i was talking about working life etc.
- then i was like thinking. what kind of working industry will i be in in like 5 years time. my goodness. dare not dream man. who knows maybe i might be a road sweeper??? haha=D
- when i was young, my ambition was to be a teacher. as years goes by i want to be a doctor. after knowing that the course of study of being a doctor was so expensive and long. the dream of being a doctor was crashed.
- since young i love to see people getting married. because it's like a day that both the bride and the groom will be dressed up so nicely. celebrating their big day with great joy and spending the rest of their life with their beloved. it's like fairy tales, like the princess and the prince got together and was married and they stay a happily life ever after. soooooooooo very sweet ya=)
- so i wished that i'm able to have a boutique. wedding boutique=) but knowing that that's kinda impossible. so i feel that having a pastry shop. which sells cakes, pastries and cookies=) something like famous amos like that=) will be more realistic. since i love baking but i don't know how to. haha=)
- but definately i want to work in zoo, theme park, night safari for a few month before me getting to start on my stable job=D [P.S. to sarah da jie: i meant it jie=)]
- i knew that God has a plan for me. as long as i'm placed into a job i'm not so interested in, i'll just accept that. who knows right? i might just fall in love with that job=D just like the course i'm studying=) i just fall in love with my friends and classmates and starting to love what i'm studying=D
message to xiangyong: thankie for the fries you bought. the $3.80 fries at guildhouse=)
message to all: sorry for my lousy english and poor grammer. something wrong with my english today. hope you guys can understand=)
message to connie: i might need your help if i really has a shop of my own=D
message to fourth uncle and wendy aunt: thankie for the dinner=)
message to christine: thankie for lending me your disc=D
end of today's entry=) finally man! [[dare to dream!!!]]
Friday, October 13, 2006
cherish=) @ 10/13/2006 11:10:00 PM
hello everyone=) today is friday once again. so fast! maybe just a few blink will be term test already. oh my goodness. hate test!!!! haha.- here i am blogging again. and just remember fiq saying ' without fail, everyday chloe will blog.'
- the answer to that is that. that's what online journal are for!!! haha=) don't scold me alright because most of my entries are long and naggy and windy. this trains me to write better essays=Ppp
- as usual every friday ever since 2 weeks ago, i'll be having some IT lecture. my goodness. it's so not interesting when come to lecture part. BUT!!! come to web design. i'm like so happy because can learn how to go about making a webby for anything and everything=) however my lecturer is like taking a super duper fast train that goes on and on without stopping. and i'm the one that keep interupting him to repeat and slow down. my goodness!!! he must be annoyed and irritated by me ya=D
- after lesson by right i should be swimming with jie. but! got to discuss law and character development. so cancelled swimming appointment=(
- so we gals went to foodcourt 5 for lunch and then christine, el and nana go library to enjoy air-con cum doing their tutorials etc. while ping, dionnie, shan and me remained in foodcourt 5 for the discussion of our assignments. hmmm. a while while, shan left for law tutorial. left dionnie, ping and me=) hmmm we ended up splitting our law tutorial and complete at home. as for character development, lacking shan we discussed and then end up chatting=)
- have you heard of 3 women make up a market. that's why. we're girls and we've never ending topic to chat and talk about=) we're too confident with our presentation about early dating that we need not write our speech down on paper. first time ya!!!
- then there's question raised by dionnie 'chloe have you ever think of having a boyfriend?' which girls doen't right??? just that i'm happy with what i have that i'm looking high and low for a boyfriend=) God will bless me with my mr. right. when the time is riped=)) just one to take this time to say ' i treasure everyone around me!!!' it's treasure = present tense meaning ever and ever=)
message to dionnie: Jehovah Jireh = God our Provider
message to 1a22: please bring extra cash on monday if you're joining us to eat at botak jones=)
seee! it's another long entry!!! time for me to do summary instead of essay=Ppp [[loving everyone]]
recent pictures=) @ 10/13/2006 12:16:00 AM
i'm lazy to type out anything and everything. since nothing so 'happening' occurred so i will just upload some pictures=))that's all for today=D [[lazy bum]]i. me, shan, ping and dion.
ii. charles, me, shan and ping
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
eee!!!! yucks!!!! @ 10/11/2006 10:01:00 PM
yesterday didn't post because didn't know what to post. but not for today!- oh my goodness!!!!yesterday while we are on our way to library from foodcourt 3. thank syafiq for telling us to take the shortcut ya. then while climbing the stair, syafiq and charles got spilled with the cement water. this is due to some renovation work around our school campus.
- and syafiq topman brown long sleves shirt got stained with grey pokka dots. good thing he run away fast enough. if not he will be like charles=) and charles was drenched with cement water. from head to top. hair, bag, drawing holder, top, jean, shoe. my goodness. he dressed so smartly because he got a wedding dinner to attend. and because of that he had to make an extra trip home. just to change. can see that both of them are very angry. when we ( el, ping, shan, nana, christine, me) saw that. we're like stunned and shocked man.
- and heard el or syafiq either one of them saying to sue the person who pour the cement water down. Thank God that we learned law if not we don't know what to sue man. in this case we can sue for negligence? am i right??? haha=)
- then after complaining to our lecturer - mr. koh soo seng. he told them how to lodge a complain. and he even told them how to reason for a compensation etc. cool arz. my lecturer. having him as our lecturer. we'll have never ending good stories and his experience sharing man=) meaning less drawing!!! haha=Ppp
- saying about the cement water. today, shan, ping amd me meet up for ect&p tutorial. after that we went to foodcourt 4 for lunch and halfway having our lunch. the cleaner don't know what happened. he threw the saucer with chilli sauce into the pail i guess. but he missed it and the chilli sauce flew over to our table. and the 3 of us got that chilli sauce stained to somewhere of us. me - hair and shirt. ping - face and hand. shan - bag and hair.
- the first thing we thought of is that,'yesterday charles and syafiq and today we three???' my goodness!!!! who's next??? haha=Ppp
- the chilli sauce is not those normal chilli sauce you know. it's the sambal type. then after cleaning off. during gems i can snell the smell of the chilli. oh my goodness!!! don't know is emiting from my hair or shirt!!!
- and i have assignment for gems already!!! why??!!?? i decided i'm going to take those gems that doesn't required assignment from next sem onwards!!!
- after gems. head down to westmall to meet shunping, mingjie, daphne, alyssa for the chalet meeting. supposingly is to meet at coffee bean but there's no connection of wireless. so we moved to macdonald. discussed and get everything done. if not always discussed over msn is like such a chore!!!
- and here am i blogging=) enjoying the barley my granny boiled. Granny still the BEST!!!
message to kenny: thankie for helping us buy the drawing paper yesterday=)
message to xiang yong: thankie for lending me, dionnie and ping the money during tea=)
thankies to my dear friends. they simply love taking photos of me sleeping!!! i have pictures of couple of them sleeping too!!!! [[sleeping club]]
i. in class

ii. in chalet

iii. in KL

they are sleeping!!! think i didn't miss out any=))
i. syafiq sleeping

ii. christine sleeping

iii. charles sleeping

iv. ping sleeping

v. me, el and charles sleeping

Monday, October 09, 2006
can you imagine?? @ 10/09/2006 09:16:00 PM
reporting to you that i might be entering a long entry today=) stay tuned!- i longed wanted to have an entry of this already. or did i post it already? maybe is the same title but different content. alright i shall get my brain working on how exactly i want to get this done without much crapping here.
- today during one of my lesson - character development. we had a case study and that's about a gal being obsessed with a hunk in class. she was so caught up with him and actually got herself pregnant. the guy dumped her and wanted her to abort the child. oh my goodness. this is a real case study man.
- during discussion. ping shared with us her friend that actually experienced this before. and i was also reminded i had a few colleague - left long ago. about 3 of them. 1 of them was shot gun marriage, 2 are with children already. and no idea where the the father of the child when. heard from my boss that the father was inprison or don't know what.
- can you actually imagine this??? this happened in singapore??!!??
- whatever it is. this is really saddening. why both parties never think of the consequences before getting themselves with such huge responsibilities???
- people. please bear with me. i just want to point out this problem out and to warn anyone of you not to get yourselves into such cases ya=))
message to 1a22: we're eating botak jones on the next coming monday. who want to go please let anyone of us know=)) as el says we have to catch the movie worls trade centre also!!
that's all for today=) i have to crack my brain o complete my drawing already. [[ sleeping is my hobby]]
Sunday, October 08, 2006
absorbing and digesting! @ 10/08/2006 10:19:00 PM
here's my report for today=)- woke up late. so i'm late for today's practice before service starts. and holy communion was prepared by aunty joselyn.
- THANKIE aunty joselyn for helping me prepare the holy communion!!!
- THANKIE denise for taking out the score for the additional song!
- today's sermon is about how to be a CIA - christian in action!!!
- come to talk about that. my hearts really go all out for those who are christians in name!!! why??? if you're a christian and you are not applying God's word into your life and living a Christ liked character then you're not christian at all. i'm challenging you! yes you! if you're a christian and you're not practicing what i've mentioned then i think you really have to REPENT! and submit to God once again!
- after service. we had a quick tidy up before leaving the church. went to soup spoon to drink soup! i had pumpkin soup in bread bowl. my goodness. it's so filling!!! and i can't finish that=)
- walk around raffles city and then head to TCC at city link??? hmmm. had a drink and sit for a while before heading to Church Of Joy for City Celebration.
- this is when all singapore NCMI relating churches will gather together and have a time of preaching and sharing and fellowship=)
- while i'm entering this entry. i'm thinking. what's the thing i can do when there's a next big meeting like this? the comming up one will be the Asia LTT in JB. well, the thought of mixing and mingling around with people and get to know one another is my job=)
- and i want to know the mexican wedding cookie's recipe!!! also have to search for nicolas to know the recipe=) he's away to bangkok.
- and not forgetting to play with any children i sees=)
- hmmm. after City Celebration, head home=) and i'm the first to reach home i guess=)
message to lifelinkers: remember our reading duty!!! starts from Genesis!!!
oh no. tomorrow there's lesson! how i wish another friday will soon be here again=) [[ holiday mood]]
Saturday, October 07, 2006
the air is bad!! @ 10/07/2006 08:18:00 PM
can you imagine??? today morning the PSI is 130 and now when i'm typing this entry the PSI is 150!!!! so very very bad!!!- today as i was on my way to the bestway building at tanjiong pagar where the all leaders training time was held. i can like smell the smoke! that's very very bad man! and then i can really see the haze. oh my goodness.
- i cannot believe me eyes. yesterday night after prayer meeting when i'm making my way home then i can also see thick haze. oh my goodness. for a second i thought i'm in genting. haha.
- according to today's PSI i just want to remind you people not to do strenuous activities outdoor ya=)
- why am i blogging at this hour though i should be with the rest joining the long waiting fondue??? all because of misplan that's why. didn't sit down and get things organised and everything. haiz. why like that???
- it's alright i'm able to have soup spoon for lunch cum dinner? tomorrow=) because there won't be any equippint time tomorrow after service. as there's city celebration tomorrow's evening. so. we gals will kill time by sitting around and walking around city hall???
- looking at my tutorials and drawings. i think i will have to burn midnight oil to complete them already. have to stop here=))
message to all: please drink loads of water and try not to stay out for too long. because the air is terrible!!!
i shall start to get my memory verses ready on hand now because tomorrow we'll be reviewing verses after a long long break=) [[memorising]]
Friday, October 06, 2006
am i happy or what?? @ 10/06/2006 11:36:00 PM
hmmm. i think that posting everyday really must have loads of thing to say=)) or should i say i'm too lazy to type my thoughts out??? haha.- today i had lunch with my fourth aunt and uncle. the topic during the lunch is about sweetness comes after bitterness.
- why? because of my situation. and they were like encouraging me and were like asking me to think positively. in fact i dare not utter a word because i'm afraid that i might cry. so just nod ans smile=)
- this is like God reminding me again that i have to press on and i will reach that finishing line soon. hmmm. He's cheering me on by sending non-believer to speak into my heart. somemore this season that we as a church is undergoing is breakthrough!!! and those words said by my uncle and aunt was like a comfirmation from God once again=)
- people. you might just think that i'm holy here. but i just want to share with you people that Jesus is the God i know and only true God!!! and he really speaks! if you want testimonies, i have many. different situations and different experiences. even can ask someone else that i knew of to share with you. old, young , not so young and not so old. all different kinds and age group of people also have=))
- i'm happy because i knew that. many people are behind me supporting me=) and i just felt that my aunts and uncles are like my parents man=) know me inside out.
- one thing i want to ask myself is that:''is my smiles lacking or???'' because my aunt said that i used to smiles and luagh a lot. but where's the cheerful me now? hmmm. come to think of that. i think i'm not as bubbly as i was before. change! back to my bubbly and cheerful me!!!
- one reminder: do change for the better! but not the other way round!!!
- do not worry!! and not let your daily work or problems weighs your spirit down that caused you to be unhappy. always think positively!!!! and thing will be better isn't it=)))
- that's all for today. am i going back the long and naggy me??? haha. having long entires again?? haha=))
message to fiq, charles, dionnie, ping, shan, ching ching and el: we have to really go and eat our long waiting fondue. maybe the coming week??? but must be on weekdays ya!!!
message to denise: jia you for your coming paper! no worries. you can do it!!!! don't be stress over the unstress you!!! cheers! we're always there for you=))
message to my dear friends having exams in their midst: be calm and do your paper confidently!!! try your very best! all the best to you people=))
shall i have some picture for your to see??? haha. there you go=) [[happy and cheerful me]]
i. this is what we wore today=) happy green day!!!

ii. our favourite foodcourt 1=)) actually the main objective is to capture us stand in a row nicely=))

iii. animations???

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
the more the merrier? @ 10/04/2006 10:23:00 PM
good evening=) just realise i have making short and sweet entries nowadays arz? let's call it for a celebration!!! haha=)) here's my today's entry, don't think will be a long one=)- heyhey, i'm eating cheese now. haha. was thinking what to blog actually=)
- the thought of the long waiting supper at explanade came to mind.
- why? becuase we finally can 'gather gather' go eat already. ever since our holiday, mind you. haha=) this simply means that we're draggy people=))
- and i can't wait to go to the asia LTT - leader training time in JB this coming november. a week off from singapore hatic living and i'll be skipping class! wow. sounds good=) and was enjoying spritually and physically by then=D so shoik. and i'm so excited=Ppp
- thinking of all kinds of events that'll be occuring the following next few months. i'm a little bit frightened man! meaning there goes my pocket money. sob=(( meaning i have to work extra hard to earn extra cash and meaning that i can't anyhow spend money???
- alright enough enough. do not worry CHLOE!!! there's a way out when the time is ripe=))
message to 4e2: if we were to have a chalet end of the year, after christmas. can you people pay up first? so we can make the booking first? please let me know ya. because shunping is slow in getting things done=)) spread the word ya!!!
end of today's entry=) [[princess hours]]
posing for the best shot=))

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
drawing??!!?? @ 10/03/2006 09:11:00 PM
i'm just too lazy to post everyday=)- today we had our favourite lectures ever! law ans drawing!
- can you imagine you remembering all the law cases and knowing all the facts and content. oh my goodness. and law of tort is something you have read upteen times man before you really understand what's going on man.
- and what's best and interesting is actually our drawing class. my goodness. made everyone of us so dizzy. all because of the drawings and etc. it's like so eye straining! all except shan didn't bring home and redraw. why?? because she's good at it and her drawing what what my lecturer says, good!
- think that i've to really get down and understand that this semester will soon be over!
message to syafiq, ping, dionnie: sorry that i can't make it for the superstar musical. sorry. enjoy yourselves ya=)
shall upload picture when i have time to do it. [[ sleepy??]]
see the similarity???

Monday, October 02, 2006
mixed feeling! @ 10/02/2006 12:01:00 AM
i'm sick yesterday so didn't post any entry. well. basically eat sleep and eat and sleep yesterday since no worship practice.just have the urged to post this entry. read and you'll know=Pppp- today is Children's Day!!!!
- seeing parents bringing their kids out to play was like a heart warming scene for me man. on my way to work, just saw the train was filled with childrens dressed nicely and beautifully with their parents. must be go to some place to have fun, have good meal etc.
- on my way back, seeing the daddy of the family carrying those kids that're exhausted on his back. the kids were sound asleep. this shows the kid really enjoy themselves to the fullest man. so innocent and without any worries=)
- come to think of it. i don't have any memory of my mummy or daddy doing this to me. sob=(
- only remember my uncle bring me and cousin to a big big toy'r us!!! and i got my monopoly. that was like when i'm 7 or 8??
- just hope that i can give joy to those children that really needs some love and joy when i'm financially stable. they will be very happy if anyone just drop by the home and bless them with little things like a sweet or etc. people do consider blessing those childrens that doesn't have a complete family ya=))
- if you're looking for volunteer to help out in your ophanage do inform me=))
message to auntie siew yee: thankie for your enzyme!!! i'm better now=))
message to lifelinkers: remember to set aside certain amount.
alright i think i have to sleep already=)) [[children's day = my day??]]