Saturday, September 30, 2006
finally it's friday again=) @ 9/30/2006 12:00:00 AM
good evening everyone=)) finally it's friday once again!!! after a long and lengthy week, finally i'm going to enjoy my weekends.
- hmmm. today i'm late for lesson. haha. overslept. don't scold me. i think i didn't set my alarm clock. anyway, i made the effort to go for the remaining lesson ya=)
- er, it's about computer. oh my goodness! my weakest thing of all. just have to really work hard and get some help from friends=)
- my class's artist manage to get a logo designed based on the number 22. hmmm. the logo i can say not bad BUT a little bit like 'ah beng' nie. so we gals suggested for a modification of the logo=) in fact is only dionnie and me=))
message to junchen: thankie for the class logo. but can you furthuer modify it??? thankie=D
don't know why i kept on coughing! my goodness. thought i've fully recovered. haiz. time for me to sleep already. good night folks!!!! [[sleep]]
Thursday, September 28, 2006
lazy me??? @ 9/28/2006 09:23:00 PM
hello=) i'm back to really get down to post everything and anything i feel like having=)- firstly, sorry to all! i'm just plain lazy to really have a detail entry man. hmmm and the pictures too, it's like taking years in insert photos. so i decided to stop and then go to bed=)
- well, today is like my 4th day of school. as in after a 1 month holiday. hmmm. my classmates remain the same=) just that there's a change of lecturers.
- for me i'm like still in holiday mood. don't know why. haha. guess that my friends too!
- due to this week is the first week of school we're kinda relax and then lessons all ended early!!!
- don't know why we're always like slacking after class. haha. not as energetic as we're during lunch or in class. think we're all tired already=)
- cool huh! my class are going to have a class jacket instead of class t-shirts! design and cost and material -- still in process=))
- that's all i have in mind. don't know why i'm like brain block. haha.
message to 4e2!!!: please be willing to help out in miss chong with the peer tutoring thing! let me know whether are you available to help as soon as possible!!! thankie very much=)
message to 1a22: save up and go somewhere!!!
message to rachel da jie, sarah jie, denise and charis: are we reaching our bangkok trip nearer?? or even hong kong trip??!!
message to reen, vonne, yechao: jia you. last week already!!! try your best and all the best to you people!!!
here's a picture to reward you after reading my kinda long entry=) [[lazy]]
guess which one is my hand???

Wednesday, September 27, 2006
short uh? @ 9/27/2006 10:16:00 PM
sleep is all i need!!!shortest post ever=)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
tired?? @ 9/26/2006 09:44:00 PM
good evening=) well, didn't blog yesterday because reached home late and was too lazy to post an entry=))
- can anyone imagine!!! my one month holiday is over!!! and i'm back to school! that's when my life gets busy man!
- at the same time enjoy the time crapping with my dear friends in school as well as pondering and cracking our brains where to eat etc.
- well. that's all i'm going to post. picture time!!!
message to denise: jia you jia you!!!! must study hard and get into the course you want to be in ya=))
i'm so so elephant!!! because previous posts i had some picture uploaded and it wasn't shown in my blog anymore. you know why??? because i delelted it away from my photobucket. so clumsy and careless of me!!! [[sotong?]]

Sunday, September 24, 2006
back to reality! @ 9/24/2006 08:33:00 PM
well. after some playing and relaxation up on the mountain top (genting). i'm back to the reality!!! which is attending school and live a hatic lifestyle.<--- hate this!!!
alright shall do a recount on my trip to genting ya=)20 september:
- PRAISE GOD!!! good thing i'm not taking a tuesday's flight to bangkok!!! and then the postponed of flight doesn't require me to pay extra for the change of flight=)) and that the accomodation wasn't pay for yet.
- there's a sudden change of plan. my goodness. can you believe it my trip to bangkok was postponed to april! way long ahead man!!! all because of the couping in thailand.
- this is a sign people! God is disciplining the land of thailand of the country's corruption that's why. hmmm well God is sovereign this time. you know why?? when i was reading a newspaper article about bangkok and there's a sentence that the resident said "this is the best couping." can you imagine?? couping that's the best?? simply means that it's not as messy and chaotic as compared to the previous coups they had actually encountered.
- hmmm. swifly change my trolley luggage to a handle luggage. and head off to JB to buy bus ticket to Genting. hmmm and the bus set off at 2300. so dad, mum, jie and me go shop shop at city square and catch a movie named: you, me and dupree=)
- nice show! then after, had dinner and take our time to walk to the bus and there we set off to Genting!!!
21 september - 22 september:
- basically eat, play and sleep.
- enjoy the cloud!! it's so cooling! unlike singapore!!! so warm. haha=)
- stayed in theme park hotel. it's not five star hotel but at least it's bigger than first world hotel!!!
- and it wasn't peak period. so not so many people up there in Genting=))
23 september:
- had some last minutes shopping.
- and head off to take our bus back to JB at 1200.
- sleep all the way in the bus!!!
- reached singapore at about 2045.
alright that's all i ahve for my Genting trip. all i can say is relax and shiok!!! maybe we can have some class outing there. kinda cheap man. per person (twin sharing of room) cost me just about 95 dollar. plus breakfast. hmmm try considering. BUT MUST GO DURING OFF-PEAK SEASON HUH!! if not you won't enjoy=)
objective of today's entry post!!!
well. i believe everyone was near to end-of-year exams, 'N'-level, 'O'-level or whatever exams. just want to bring across this idea of doing the best you can!!! and having the mentality of 'i can do it!!!' because all the while in my studying life. everyone was comparing how well he/she scores on exams. but what's the point??? because i believe that no matter how good you can fare in your acadamic studies but you can't find a job that's useless!!?? hmmm. as in a job that you really enjoy working and interested with. if you have certain skills then you'll be able to get a job. not neccessary As and distinctions in you're certificate.
understand what i'm trying to say??? hmmm. haiz. it's alright!!!
message to 1b22: able to see you guys tomorrow already!!! haha. don't miss me=D
message to charis: you'r effort is being paid off. rest well!!!
message to whoever having exams in their midst: jia you!!! as long as you've put in your best effort that's good enough already. leave everything else to God!!!=))
tomorrow if i have all the photos by tomorrow then tomorrow's entry will all on photos!!! [[holiday mood]]
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
quick post! @ 9/20/2006 01:11:00 PM
well, didn't post yesterday because was busy packing bag to bangkok. and you know what!!- my trip to bangkok was postponed to next year march!!! all because of the couping in thailand!!! haiz.
- sudden change of plan. go genting instead! haha back on saturday also.
- hmmm. just finish registrating my GEMS. and i got into essential of marketing. hmmm i was like done but dionnie is halfway done. and she was asking how how?? hmmm. think many people still stuck there ya?
message to whoever that "longbang" me buy thing: sorry not able to help your buy due to that couping!!! unless your want wait for me till next march=)
well gotta go already. just a quick post=)) [[confused]]
Monday, September 18, 2006
i'm sorry. @ 9/18/2006 11:58:00 PM
sorry is the word to describe my day today.- woke up late. woke up at 0815 by right should wake up at 0700 to prepare myself to go and get my passport then to work but! i was like rushing her and there. because must report to work at 0900. my goodness. Thank God that both of my managers didn't scold me=)) reach workplace at 0945. then didn't collect passport. haiz.
- what else? my production manager said "chloe arz. you must work closing since you're late." i was like huh. really? because have to meet up with josh, rachel, sarah and charis to have dinner together then... thank goodness that was a joke but must knock off from work at 1800 instend of 1700. then because of this, can't fulfilled my monday plan!
- it's alright we can always have togetherness even school starts, right?=Ppp thankie charis for buying uhu glue for me=) and when i asked her to help me buy she was asking why buy in malaysia? cheaper or what? but the fact is that i have no time to go and buy. so ask her help me buy since she and jie will be loitering around city square. haha. hmmm. and she bought and this is what she posted on her nick "chloe is saving 20cents for shopping in JB.. n 40cents in bangkok just to go hongkong next year!!!!!"
message to all: how i wish to go to zoo! sentosa! please ask me along if you're going ya=)
message to rachel, sarah, denise and charis: remember to save up for the coming hong kong trip=)
that's all i have in mind=) [[ recovering?]]
Sunday, September 17, 2006
so sick of working. @ 9/17/2006 11:39:00 PM
by the way my correction! my previous entry on rachel's birthday's celebration. by right should be a 16 september's entry=)i'm just so sick of working already. these few days i'm really in deep thoughts whether to quit or stay. so tired so tired!- study + work + tution + commitments = 24 hours a day is not enough=D
- Lord, i need your affirmation whether to stay or leave. i'm just so sick of the things cinnabun tree already though this job is the job that i learned the most from. i'll do whatever you says.
people this is my coming week's schedule (17 sep - 23sep):
- monday-18 sep: reach immigration at about 0800. then collect passport. go to work. at about 1700, head straight down to woodland to meet josh and rachel then go into jb for dinner=)
- tuesday-19 sep: work at 0900. meeting classmates at 1830 for dinner down explanade.
- wednesday-20 sep: head off to airport in noon time. have lunch there and hang around there. at 1545, i think. i'll be flying to bangkok=)
- thursday, friday-21, 22 sep: shopping and bargin time!
- saturday-23sep: leave bangkok at about 1800 i think so. reach singapore at 2145??
- sunday-24 sep: sunday service. equipping time. tution (pending).
end of holiday=(
message to denise: all hor!!! talk to guy over the phone every night. cannot arzz. unless God says so=))
message to jennifer: thankie for calculating our pay even though you're so busy and tired=))
well, i have to catch a good sleep after a hot bath=) good night. [[better]]
rachel's birthday celebration!! @ 9/17/2006 01:07:00 AM
today is rachel da jie's birthday!!!
- well. today woke up at abt 10 plus. my goodness. the weather is so cooling plus my air con. i'm like sleeping like dead log. haha.
- went to church to have tution with zac and then iwas like coughing like mad! my goodness.
- hmmm. had worship practice and then was like thinking what can i do in worship ministry. pick up instruments? oh my goodness. whoever going to teach me please be patient. haha. you'll understand how sotong i'm if you are to coach me. haha.
- before worship prac starts we (sarah,denise,charis and myself) surprised rachel da jie with the cinnabun and cookies and cream ice cream. by right the ice-cream should act as a cake but don't know why become the cinnabun. so funny. candles on cinnabun. haha. sung birthday song and then eat the ice-cream. haha. one big tub so can't finish shall continue eating tomorrow=)
- after worship prac, we headed town without letting rachel da jie know. haha. hmmm. went to lucky plaza to change money and then headed to soup restaurant (a chinese heritage cuisine place) to chop place first. at the same time order the dishes. good thing everything went smoothly=) just when the dishes are out rachel and josh appears. and it's the highlight of today=) haha. because we said we're going home but the fact is that we're giving da jie a surprise=D she's happy and we're happy too!
- walk around and then bough Gelato ice-cream for desert=) hmmm order tiramisu and bailey (spelled wrongly?) and another cup with durian and choc. mint. my goodness. you don't want to try the durian with choc. mint man! weird tast. as in kinda strong and then minty minty taste. don't believe you can try it=)) but jish likes it. haha. anyway, it's still ice-cream!
tibits for today:
- tiramisu = chocolate + coffee + raw egg
- bailey = alcohol + coffee
message to Rachel: happy birthday!!!
that's the end of today's entry=)
Friday, September 15, 2006
it's just a normal friday @ 9/15/2006 11:27:00 PM
basically i'm lazy, really! but after looking into my blog arzz. my goodness. doesn't appear good. so i want to update a little bit about my friday=)- went to work. but i was late. haha. thank God that my manager didn't scold=) all because of the good weather=) so cooling!
- and then my voice was like still as "sexy". so when i serve customer. my goodness. they can't really catch what i'm talking even though i try all my might to speak already! worst thing is that my colleague over at Amara asked my lady boss,"jennifer, we have new staff arz? also named chloe??" all because of my voice they said that my voice's different. sure is not the chloe that we know what! my goodness. there's a confusion over there. but i'm still chloe the same old colleague my friends=)
- headed to church for prayer meeting.
oh ya. i forgot to describe my dear buddy. old old friend. friends since primary school, joanne=Ppp.
- joanne: hardworking is the word for her. she work doubly and triply hard for exams. don't be stressed over school staff my dear friend. must study smart and play hard!
that's all after editing my friday's page=)) [[cough cough and cough]]
Thursday, September 14, 2006
describe please? @ 9/14/2006 10:32:00 PM
here i'm going to post on how well do i actually know my hang-out friends=) look out for your name! see what you're in my eyes. this really testes my observation uh!- Rachel: purple is her favourite colour. she 'loves' milk!!!
- Sarah: she loves food. as in good food ya=) always so observant and her hobby is to dig out secret from us=D
- Denise: loves flicking her hair. creativity and artistic are what i can see in her.
- Charis: can never be vegetarian! talk non-stop=)
- Shi jia: her laughter rules!!! always keep things (problems and troubles. worries) to herself.
- Lee ping: wants to try chilling out in MOS. stand out for friends.
- Pei shan: hardworking. wanted a house of her own.
- Dionna: mummy among us. small yet powerful=)
- Elsinta: 'gather gather' is her famose verse. always sleep.
- Christine: so motherly=) 'fliming' lakehouse series instead of movie.
- Syafiq: anything can be his mike. our entertainment.
- Charles: muscles muscles and muscles. our cake cutter.
message to dionnie: let bygone be bygone. just carry on and see what are the joy and good thing around you. cheers!!!=) our ears are always here for you=)
message to all: i treasure my friends for who they are=)
isn't it nice to see praises from someone and having someone to know how you actually behaves, likes or dislike?? [[tom yum!]]
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Thank you for everything=) @ 9/13/2006 10:58:00 PM
today i'm filled with THANKS!!!- done with my passport application.
- able to meet sarah and denise to go into JB. and the going in was smooth=))
- had pretzels.
- went to dad and mum's hotel room. my goodness. that's five star!!! we're going to have the rooms for our coming LTT!! had complimentary drinks somemore and the 3 of us grabbed one each=))
- watched movie (the edge) - good show though=)
- had pedicure.
- had good almond milk tea over at hong kong's cafe in city square.
- good dinner=)
- smooth coming out of JB.
- passed all my papers.
message to sarah and denise: please be gentle with your nails ya. especially when you're unzipping your pants=Ppp
message to 1b22: hello everyone. if so happened you're reading this i'm here to congratulate those that fair well in this semestral exam. must continue to work hard to get better grades. those who didn't get the results that you want. don't be discourage. jiayou jiayou jiayou!!! you can do better next time round=)) see your soon=D
i hereby declare that i'm sick. hmmm. coughing non-stop and then have "sexy" voice man. haha. have been spending money ya?? i have to save up already. because i'm planning to go hong kong next year!!! haha. anyone want join me=D but sometime after working so hard you've to reward yourselves with something like what i did, pedicure. haha. this is to ensure that what you're working for is worth it=Ppp [[cough drop]]
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
my hands = 35 years old @ 9/12/2006 11:41:00 PM
oh my goodness!!! as days go by, i realise that my hands are turning older. as in become rougher and then more wrinkled then before. just like i'm 35 years old already.- I DON'T WANT MY HANDS TO BE LIKE THAT!!!! why why??? all because of my job lor. have to wash this and that. somemore my hand seems to be allergied to gif, bleach and washing detergent. either one. hmmm. i don't mind doing all the washing. just that my hands will develope rashes or became reddish pink?? something like that.
- alright whatever will be will be. hmmm. today while i was flipping through my new paper, i saw this article saying about a female police died during the 911 incident while trying to rescue a lady. then i was reminded that yesterday was 11 september. all of us should be Thanking God that we're safe and sound in Singapore with all the neccessary measures to protect singapore. hmmm and preparing us upon what to do when we met such incidents. so never take singapore for granted ya=)
message to spiritual mum (aunty mary): happy birthday!!!
well. i shall just end here. just too tired to continue. let's just bow our heads and just pray for the family members of the heros who died during the 911 incident. pray that they'll be able to live a life with cheers and happiness. let not the past hinder them from moving on with their daily duties. [[sore throat]]
Monday, September 11, 2006
singapore's life @ 9/11/2006 11:02:00 PM
so sickening man! in Singapore, everyone is rushing and rushing and rushing!!!
- i just can't stand the rushing and rushing attitude or in fact behaviour of sigaporeans. why?? because when we rush here and there we tend to make mistakes here and there and then will also have high chances of forgot to do what we suppose to do. you're like panting like no body's business then you can't archieve the best result. what's the point???
- i made this introduction is because as i'm working i realised that my colleagues tend to be like this. for example: wash the dishes very fast but after that found out that it's still oily. then have to rewash. it's double washing right?? this is wasting more time right??? well. i can say it's not that they did it purposely but it's because those customers. i just don't know why they kept on hurrying us.
- i know time is gold in working adult's life but can they just slow down a little bit and enjoy the goodness around them??? isn't it better???
- for me i just want to do things at the correct pace. not too fast neither am i slow. this is so because i can improve myself or even savage the situation if i did something wrong=)) hmmm. i'm so blur that sometimes i have problem remembering what i must do next.
- alright alright enough of my complaints=D today when i'm on my way back home on the train. i was thinking, my time for me to enjoy and really to do the things i want is like very little. out of 100% only 20%. because the rest of the time i'm occupied with my commitments and work. oh no. when can i get away this type of lifestyle??? i'm still young i want to enjoy to the fullest before i enter the working society!!! at the same time i want to Thank God that when i'm this young i', already exposed to experience the hatic lifestlye=))
message to everyone: tibit!!! in order for your cells n your body to rest. please sleep between 2200 to 0200. this is the so called "beauty time"=))
jia you chloe!!! you have to cross this period of life in your life with great joy!!! you can do it!!!=D [[sick??]]
Sunday, September 10, 2006
love=) @ 9/10/2006 11:50:00 PM
what is LOVE??? well. today i'm going to post something special. not about what i've encounter for today but the topic on love.- the love i always wanted is having someone to care for you. that kind of warm feeling. just like your parent asked you "have you eaten" or "what would you like to have for dinner?" this is call simple love. this is what i always longed for.
- well. do your not know a man, Son of God named Jesus came down to earth to save us from sins. but how??? he died on the cross for our sake. not for His sake but yours, ours!!! he died for our sins. this is all out of His love for us! you really have to experience God yourself. and you will know exactly what i'm talking already.
- well. just want to let you know. yes you! the one reading it my bloggy. i love you!!! basically i love anyone and everyone. as in not those world love the so called BGR. but agape love. you know what's that??? agape love = the love you have between friend, parents, relatives. this is empowered by the Holy Spirit in me!
- everyone is so troubled by BRG in the world. am i right??? people cut themselves because there's some misunderstanding and mistrust between their partner. what for, right?? just hurt yourself that's all. and leave some ugly scars. everyone is also seeking for true love. true love as in another partner??? don't understand why?
- for myself i seriously don't know how to answer my friends or anyone that asked me whether do i have a boyfriend. i admit i don't have one before and now i still don't have a boyfriend. because this type of thing. God will show me the right one when my Mr. Right appears. definately not any dick, tom and harry.
- i do envy my friends that has a boyfriend or girlfriend. but just a short urge of enviness. not say i'm i don't envy. i'm a human after all people=)) but just the sweetness part and the loving part. Not the arguement part and fighting part=)) whatever it is. i believe that after an arguement. the relationship between each other will be more bonded. because they know one another more mah. i guess. this is my mentality. haha izzit true???
- well. i actually wanted to go on and on and on and on. but there's alot more to go so i think if you really want me to share with you just dial my hotline=D i'm more than willing to tell you=) i sound like i'm some love advicer. haha.
message to jia: see you're in my bloggy already. don't say don't hvae. happy??? star in my bloggy somemore=)
message to everyone: there's true and real love people. it's just a matter whether are your accepting it or rejecting it.
alright people. that's all i will post. i just hope that it somehow speaks to you. be it yes or no. i just want to thankie you for your patience in reading it and thankie for visiting my bloggy=)) [[coughing]] cheer up people. here i am posting my dear friend's pictures to cheer your up=)) she's crappy she do all sorts of things. stay tuned!
1.told you she's crappy. don't know what she trying to do man=))

2.what's in between her lips???

3.aiyo. she's trying to photocopy herself!

4.and this is her=) shi jia!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006
it's saturday once again. @ 9/09/2006 11:49:00 PM
today is another saturday already!!! meaning my school holiday is going to
end in 2 weeks time. my goodness. have i fully utilised my time????
- sad to say. the answer is a big NO NO!!! the first week i'm buzzing here and there for the enrichment programme and 2nd week the KL trip took up alomost half of it. it's coming 3rd week already!!! i haven't really get things done.
things have to be done:
- make my own birthday chart!
- organise my shelves in store room.
- print pictures and put it up in my album.
- tidy up my wardrobe.
- finish reading the Bible and the books aunty kate lend me=)
message to sarah, denise and charis: we have really to act out our monthly saving up plan in order to go for holiday!!!
message to cousin xin and connie: when weill we gals meet up and have a never ending chit chat session???
message to joanne: heyhey when will you be free??? always must wait for me to ask you out one. how can like that???=D
just don't understand why in singapore we have to live a very fast paced life. haha. alright i shall plan my time and get thing done before school starts!!!
my day 3's entry! @ 9/09/2006 07:25:00 PM
DAY 3- hmmm. day 3 was a mess to all of us. because all of us woke up late. even the guys. because they are the one who suppose to really wake us (the gals) up. and don't know why. i'm sleeping like a log. even when shan wakie me i'm still sleeping. haha. so are the rest. untill fiq called and said it's 0730 already! by right is 0750!!! and i shouted "it's 0730 already!" and everyone automatically wakie=)
- so funny. and everyone dashed to the toilet. bath and washed up all in one! haha. we fully utilised the toilet. haha. one bath and the other wash up. just don't care whether will it be embarrassed or not. just hit it. haha. because we have to gather with the rest by 0845.
- and we rushed down to have a quick breakfast. and dionnie found out that their room key was lost. my goondess. we were like oh my goodness. haha. in the end we're the last again. hmmm. everyone waited for us. and the key wasn't found and we headed off to the destination we suppose to be. Thank God that the hotel's management let us off=))
- we have tibits all the way in bus. as the journey to the brick factory was like so long and bumpy!!! and as usual we sleep and eat and crapped all the way.
- finally we reached and we are all so tired and restless to listen to the process and everything about bricks. we just use eye power that's good enough=)) of course we took pictures=)
- and then got back to bus to continue our journey back singapore! this time round we were like trying all sorts of game to play but just failed halfway and then went back to sleep again. haha.
- reach singapore at about 0645?? then all of us were so hungry and decided to eat out before going home. because we didn't had a proper meal for that day man. and we ate in tiong bahru plaza's foodcourt. and headed home after chit chatting after meal=))
that's all for my KL's expedition. so long ya??? haha. did your eyes went crossed?
Friday, September 08, 2006
my legs are aching!!! @ 9/08/2006 11:10:00 PM
my goodness. today is a NO NO to me man!!!
- woke up at 0500 once again for to get myself prepared and headed off to work. i think i'm getting old that i can't stand for too long man. my legs are aching like nobody's business is all i can say. my goodness. i need some yoko yoko!!!! Thnak God for sustaining me!!!
- let work place at about 1630 then went to church for tution. hmmm giving tution i meant. my goodness. like a marathon ya? and after that had prayer meeting.
- my dinner is water cress soup. and some fries from denise and charis and had some pasta (the one that zac can't really finish, the gals shared too.) and stingy ray curry. a little bit only=) because have to share=)) and then was full at that time also=D. saying about stingray!
- steve erwin dead all because of stingray. and we're eating them!!! my goodness. what a sudden man. he always been careful aren't him? poor kids and wife.
- after prayer meeting and here am i blogging my short entry=) as i have to continue my day 3 KL trip entry=))
message to ju: i missed you so much man. tell you working with new crews is my greatest nighmare!!!
that's all folks=D
Thursday, September 07, 2006
am i awake? @ 9/07/2006 10:33:00 PM
wow! what a nice sleep! with my bed, pillow and blanket!!! so much better!!!=))- woke up at about 1115. because have to get myself prepared for the personal skin care enrichment programme=) hmmm. suppose to meet dion, shan and ping at somerset 1215. but i'm late. haha. sorry gals!
- when i reach arzz. my goodness. everyone of us don't know how to get there. so i called el to check with her. haha. we went to shiseido at orchard building for the workshop. hmmm. i can say that the worshop is good!!! because it teaches us how to really handle our faces with care!!! GALS I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU TO TAKE UP THIS WORKSHOP IF YOU'RE A SP STUDENT=))
- after the workshop. the four of us went to heeren for a drink and ping and dion had their lunch there. it's about 1600. i can say it's a lunch cum dinner already=) er. they had the wanton noodle. looks good=) and we share a plate of wantons too. had soursop drink=) a while later. shan's boyfriend came and they left once shan's is done eating. shy arzz. the boyfriend. haha. ping's friend also joined us=)) and after shan and the boyfriend left we also left soon after that=) dion headed to work. ping and friend headed outram and me meet fen for a shopping spree.
- but. me didn't buy anything!!! haha. got so sick of shopping already. because the things are all the same. and i have to stop spending as i'm going to bangkok and in bangkok i can buy all i want=Ppp people any shopping list from your??? must let me know before 20 september ya!
- went home and here i'm blogging my today's activities=)
message to friends: please give me your shopping list (things to buy from bangkok) before 20september!!!
alright i have to continue reporting my KL trip's entry=))
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
i'm backie!!! @ 9/06/2006 10:40:00 PM
people. i'm back to singapore already!!!! haha. singapore's still the best=)) let me share with you my trip to KL.
- i woke up just in time. with the rushing here and there. then manage to reach school on time. and it's the start of our journey to KL.
- hmm. our first stop is at somewhere near johor. we stopped over there for a quick breakfast=) hmmm.we bought drinks like milo and tea iced. but we can't bring it up onto the bus. so all of us gulped it down. it tasted so horrible that we cannot continue drinking=) i had lotus bao and the gals had 'da bao'. my goodness. the bao is really big man!!! and the 'da bao make them so full that they didin't even finish it. they ate like slightly less then half then throw it away already. and the smell of 'da bao' made me want to vomit man. haha. what a memoriable 'da bao'=))
- after that we hadead to a tile factory with the coach. and then go round looking and knowing the manufacturing process of tiles=) cool. we had our lunch there too as it's provided. hmmm. we just ate very little because we haven't get over the 'da bao' smell and everything. hmm. everyone had a piece of chicken i guess=)
- after that we carry on our journey to KL=) my goodness. what a torturous ride!!! because we got nothing to do in the coach other than sleeping and eating. my goodness!!!! bad bad bad! haha.
- and in between there's toilet breaks ya. hmmm. and i can say it's worst than any toilets in our coffee shop's toilet=D my goodness. so never take singapore for granted. where everything is so clean and safe etc. when your go third world country it will bw worst right??!!??
- we had kenny roger for dinner. and we are staying in Federal hotel=) it's 49 year old already. no wonder the furnitures etc look so 'new'=)) our tourguide said that federal hotel is the hotel that's very famous 40 year sago. cool huh??? what i know is that it operate on the same day when malaysia is independent. and this is to say that malaysia is 49 years old also=))
- did some shopping along the streets near our hotel. Thank God that our hotel is located on the street that's filled with shopping centres=) and fiq got his diesel jean in one of the shopping mall. he's the first one who get bought stuff!!! haha. it's a good buy!!!=))
- our curfew is 1030. and thus we have to be back to the hotel by 1030. hmmm. what we do arzz??? the guys come over to room 536 (ping, shan amd me's room) after their bath too. hmmm. dion and el came over too. because they sleeping in our room. we had tibits and then decided to see how the swimming pool of the hotel looks like then we go tour around the hotel. my goodness. so freezing cold!!!! and end up everything are closed except! the pub. they played indian songs man. haha. funny right??
- well. everyone were forced to wake up at about 5 plus in the morning because of el's phone's reminder or alarm. hmmm. we are so reluctant to check who's phone izzit untill dion said 'can someone just go check who's phone is that.' it's kinda scary because all phones are with us except el's phone and she did mention that her phone was switched off. until dion wake up and walk towards another part of our room to check. BRAVE gal=)) while the rest of us were just so lazy to get up form our bed. at first i thought that was a morning call that i'm so stupid to go and picked up the hotel phone to check. haha. in the end it's el's phone!!!! haha. and we all get back to sleep.
- and followed by hotel's morning call (set by us) then syafiq called us and wake us up and lastly we finally woke up by the morning call from the hotel (set by the teacher who brought us there). throughout i'm the one picking up the phone. my goodness. having a hard time waking all of them up. haha.
- some washed up and some took a shower. there we head off to have our breakfast=)) and our very first stop is the TWIN tower. my goodness. it's so near our hotel and we're taking a detour. going round and round. haha. so excited!!! i can say that malaysia is proud of their twin tower. everywhere you go, you can see something that's of twin tower. like soveniors, chocolate covers, etc etc... the lift can travel real fast man. 1 level per second! and it's so cool! when i have the picture i upload and you guys can see=))
- after the visiting of twin tower. we have 1 and 1/2 hour of free and easy time at KLCC. it's a shopping mall i can say. which has shops like prada, gucci etc. hmmm. i can say it's like singapore's takashimaya=)) we didn't really shopped there because of the pricing is about the same as singapore. but we had pretzels from auntie anne=)) cool. charles bought a orange bag for his girlfriend. shan bought a pair of slipper, pencil case and accessories?? el bought a comb for herself. haha.
- we thought we're late again but surprisingly! we're not!!! and we headed the pewter factory called the royal selangor. hmmm. we go through the process of how pewter actually appears in malaysia and who's the founder and the process of making pewter products. interesting!!!
- after that we went to chocolate factory. they have all sorts of chocolate i tell you. but befor we realise we've been cheated to go there. haha. because we were given short introduction of chocolate and we were told to proceed on to buy the chocolate. and most of us bought something from there=) and for me i bought durain chocolate and dark chocolate. haha. it's for my church's people. as they are durain lovers=))
- and then after the chocolate factory we headed our hotel. supposingly should be having some KL city tour but the group sitting in front didn't want it and looks like majority of them don't want the city tour and we sitting behind can't really catch what's all about and that's why no opposition occur=) and the city tour was cancelled. hmmm. and we can have free and easy.
- we headed time square. which is a huge shopping centre!!! it's near our hotel=D just behind our hotel. didn't really get to shop because we wanted to go to the chinatown in KL. so we had a very quick shop around and then we had our dinner. we had secret recipe=) don't be jealous people=))
- and we drop whatever things that charles and shan bought in the hotel and then we had a 15 minutes walk to chinatown. where all you can buy all the fake stuffs. like fake gucci bags, addidas jacket etc. so packed with people man. it's kinda scary when the shop keeper have to keep the neccessary stuff into their big hiding box?? no wonder every shop keeper has a walkie talkie. it's for the purpose of telling one another that the police or whoever is coming. the whole chinatown was filled with stalls that sells fake stuffs. and they really marked up the price man. you know why??? how izzit possible that a belt from 60 RM can drop until 20 RM??? well. it's the fruitful trip for the rest. and i only bought a polo-t and a pair of sock. haha. i can say that. i'm the one who bought the least stuff man!!! haha. i just want to Thank God that i didn't overspent=))
- and we walked back our hotel. by right we wanted to take a cab back but the taxi driver wanted 15RM for the ride. we're like we must well walk. it's just 15 minutes. and we headed straight to charles, fiq and chester's room to divide whatever and distribute whatever we bought to the right owner. and took some pictures.
- then we went back to our room for shower. before that we said we wanted to chilled out for the night and fiq, charles and el went over to KFC which is opposite our hotel to buy KFC for supper. and we had it in fiq's room. hmmm. they waited for us till the everything turned cold man. haha. Thankie fiq for laying everything nicely for us!!!=) and we ate and finish everything was about 0200??? because we chit chat and etc. and we go back to our room and sleep=) this is something you people cannot follow!!!--> having KFC before sleeping! bad for your health=))
day 3's entry to be continued...
Monday, September 04, 2006
KL here i come!!! @ 9/04/2006 12:16:00 AM
oh my goodness. after long hours of sleeping i just feel like stoning and feel even more tired as before man!!! aunty kate told me that the more we sleep we'll feel more tired because when we sleep we take in lesser oxygen and then hor brain doesn't function as well li mah. that's why. tibit to learn ya???- alright. sunday celebration service is preached by josh. hmmm. it's about knowing God's character to do his will better. haha. interested to know more you can always contact me and i 'll share with you ya. because i'm too lazy to type. haha. sorry.
- today's lunch was KFC. it's uncle jimmy's treat. why?? because he's 55 this year already and then he and aunty carol are both going away. if i'm not wrong is to the states. hmmm. having holiday??? at the same time visit their precious children and grandchildren=)) hmmm. we'll miss your!!!
- went to work after that. because there's no equipping time and the boys followed josh to the SAF open house??? how i wish i can go=) to see the planes etc. cool!!!
- and here i'm blogging before i have my shower and really get started to pack my bag for tomorrow's journey to KL=)) my goodness have to wake up so early man. and this will be my first time reaching school so early=)
message to dad, mum and sarah: take good care and don't spend too much in hong kong ya=)) remember to buy me something=PPp
message to uncle jimmy and aunty carol: enjoy your holiday and don't forget us ya. we'll miss you!!!
message to everyone: don't miss me!!! i'll be away for 3 days. hmmm. back on wednesday (06 september) =))
that's all for today. sleep well and rest well everybody=) [[headach]]
Saturday, September 02, 2006
another slackig day again=) @ 9/02/2006 08:26:00 PM
what i do today is eat and sleep!! haha.- hmmm. basically i woke up around 1100. all because of my cousin peiyi!!! she keep waking me up while i wanted to sleep longer. my goodness. these few days i have been sleeping like nobody's business. Thank God for the 3 days off from work=))
- hmm. had my shower then headed church for worship practice. thankie charis for helping me buy bubble tea. as usual every saturday charis will be our bubble tea deliverer. THANKIE SIS!!!
- and went home after practice and i'm like surfing the net till now. hmmm. think i have a minor sign of depression. haha. because i got tv i don't watch and then all i do is surfing the net. haha. hmmm. sooner or later if i didn't watch tv i think i will be so way behind of what's happening around me man. so. i after i post the photos i had and i'm going to stay in front of the tv li.
message to sarah jie: thankie for the hannoi's hat. the small little hand sewed poach and the pear fork and spoon. [she bought it for us durign her trip to hannoi=))]
people, this is my last second entry before i go to KL. don't miss me!!! [[tv here i come!!]]
this is me wearing azliza's mask on thurday (the day me went back to hillgrove - my secondary school). and WEIJUN!!! YOU!!! YOUR SLIPPER destroy the picture. hmmm. i think i should have stay still so that can see my eye=))

this my ex-classmate. though not all are present. A, where are the rest of the gals???

Friday, September 01, 2006
good day to sleep=) @ 9/01/2006 10:55:00 PM
my goodness. it rained don't know since when. the weather is so cooling plus the air-con in my room. wow! shiok!!! what a good day to sleep=)- hmmm. woke up at around 1100 then go iron clothes etc. and had a shower then meet ping at orchard. and i'm late. haha. hmmm. we went to lucky plaza's mac and had our lunch cum breakfast??? haha. hmmm then after that we get started with our shoe. haha. hmmm. a while later el reached then we do lor. hmmm. and i ruin my shoe with some funny drawing then i colour the whole area pink because of that!!! hmmm. able to rescue a little bit=) decided to make another pair!!! ping have no idea how to decorate so she stoned there and said she go home and paint a base colour. hmmm. i quickly finish up so that i can lend them my fabric paint. so i headed church while they continue decorating=))
- hmmm. had waffle plus bluberry for dinner. thankie charis to help me buy!!! thank God that i always have sisters that help buy dinner. haha. today's prayer meeting is lead by Rachel and Josh. because our dear daddy and mummy are not back yet. as in on their way back li. good thing sarsh also no back yet then we can 'fong' a little bit more=)
- and i'm home after prayer meeting. can say slacking is what i'm doing=) yesterday and today are days that i can say that i'm relaxed after such long long time. let me think the last time i'm slacking was like don't know how long ago man. haha.
message to cousin jiyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! well older li arzz. must behave and no more tomfoolery ya. if not your dad and mum will like go crazy again. haha. be decent ya!!=))
alright. that's all for today. people are your happy that my entries had actually reduced in length??? haha. continue slacking away=Ppp [[relax]]