Thursday, August 31, 2006
aching!!! @ 8/31/2006 09:21:00 PM
i'm aching her aching there aching everywhere!!! all because of the mtv dance i guess. haha. also a good sign i think. shows that i haven't been exercising. so people remember to date me out to exercise ya??=))- alright today went to the basic DIY jewellery class. hmmm. got to know those things that i knew. but!!! is to improve on the skills that i had. kinda worthwhile=)
- after the lesson headed hillgrove which is my secondary school. er. can't really get to see the performance. when i reached the concert about to end li. haha. hmmm. got to talk to miss toh, miss chong, miss chew, miss siew, mrs leong, mr teo etc. hmmm. miss the days in secondary school. haha. no need to bother to consider what to wear and what not to wear. just put on our uniform=) also a time of seeing my classmates man. and kinda like see how's everyone. cool uh?
- hmmm. went to westmall to have my lunch with classmates and then went home. because i don't wanna join the guys to the pool. hmmm. and i slept throughout. just woke up. haha. cannot imagine man. am i that tired??? haha. didn't had a good dinner. because can't finish one full packet of rice then my granny bought 'fan cai' instead. my goodness!!! it's something like the 'lou mai kai'.
- hmmm. doing own shoe for the KL trip. cool right. haha. well. got to go and search on cookie recipe li=))
message to all teachers: happy teacher's day!!!
message to gals: el and myself and maybe ping will be making our shoe by our own=)
message to cousin xin and connie: must let me know the timing and venu. so i can do some follow up=) must grab jiyou along!!!
no more procratination for me!!! [[just do it]]
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
what's wrong??? @ 8/30/2006 11:57:00 PM
tell you guys. i just realised that the post i posted yesterday wasn't successful. why why why?? my goodness. that's the limitation about internet. can't really work well. haiz. haha.- too bad too sad. you people and and my memory won't be able to capture what i did last 2 days. basically nothing. just had some fun doing chocolate from scratch=))
- hmmm. today wake up at around 0700. haha. then go bath and meet ping at foodcourt 5. and while waiting for dionnie and shan i change my shoe. hmmm. because we going mtv dance workshop. my goodenss. tell you i'm like so stiff. unlike olden days. i can twist here and there. bend here and there too=) haha. for your infomation i'm a dancer in primary school. haha.
- then went to foodcourt 5 to eat KFC. oh no. i had ate junk food. haha. ping and me were like so hungry already that we don't bother. haha. hmmm. when both of us were about to finish el, christine and kailing joined us. then charles. haha. chatted for a while while. hmmm. saw cscc people. and we spotted shand and dionnie. oh poor gals. they're like so tired and then here ach and there ach. ach ach everywhere. haha. and dionnie stole some fires from us. and eat it with the help of charles to block the view of the people from cscc. haha. in the end still got spotted for eating that. haha.
- went to work. and back home blogging. =Ppp
message to all smokers: stop smoking before i kill you. haha. by right is the cancer that kills you not me=)
message to government: please have a singapore wide ban by smoking. please the smoke or 'air' is killing me!!!
have to go catch with sleep already. good night people=) [[flexi]]
Monday, August 28, 2006
can you imagine??? @ 8/28/2006 11:58:00 PM
well. just got home.- went to work at 0745 and then finish at 1830. went to shop and save and food lion to shop for neccessary ingredients for me to make chocolate for teachers=)
- around 10 mins when i got home i received a call from my third aunt calling me to go and attend my cousin's granny funeral wake. hmmm. really sad to see her go. but it's part and parcel of life.
- decided to go after 10 mins hesitation. and then got to see my small little cousins and they were like kinda sad. all i can do is to comfort them. got to talk to connie the elder one and recap upon what we actually do when we are young etc. good time of sharing though=) decided to meet up with one another for a time of catching up with another. especially with jiyou!!! we seriously need to talk to him. haha.
- oh ya. i'm annoucing!!! my second uncle and aunty will appear on tv on channel8 at 2000 i think. something about their store=)
- i gotta stop here and go and figure out how to do my chocolate. because tomorrow will be a long day for me.
message to wendy aunt and family: may the Lord be with you at this difficult time! take good care of health ya!
good night everyone. treasure whoever is with you now. before you really missed the times!!! [[souls]]
live every moment to the fullest!!! @ 8/28/2006 12:18:00 AM
hello people=) as usual i'm late in posting my sunday's entry. haha. it's 0017 now. haha. - hmmm. sunday morning is always booked!!! hmmm. today's sermon is about thinking positively and let our actions speak much louder then our words=) people. be it are you christians or not. i think it applies to you. because when we think positively we are able to do things that is of greater joy. don't you think so?? if not you can always try. an example can be: having the 'you can do it mind' does make a difference. as it enable you to try out things that you never try before with a confident heart. hmm. understand what i say??? well, people i think by now you should have heard of the phrase of 'action speak louder than words'??? am i right??? so i no need to explain right? if need explaination then let me know=) i will specially explain to you. sorry i'm just plain lazy=)
- then had popiah for lunch and then josh ordered pizza because it's his birthday=) well. if you know him. he is a person that doesn't like surprises and then he's weird. haha. because he hinted us that he don't want cake for his birthday but pizza. haha.
- didn't have equipping time (Bible study) today. because uncle sandy, aunty mary and sarah are leaving to hanoi (spelt correctly?) and after eating they left=) funny thing is that, denise, charis and myself is having the bye bye for so long. taking turns to breathe so as our bye bye doen't break down. haha. we're crappy=) we even shouted as high as from the 10th floor to the 1st floor. haha. josh joined us=) and he used tambourine. so we're loud man! haha. we're just plain crazy. haha.
- after that we packed up and then go home=) but i went to work. haha. just so sick and tired of working man. seriously. haha. kkz. bloging = complaining??? haha. nopy just to let you know what's happening in my daily life=Ppp. don't tell anyone else ya=)
message to josh: happy birthday!!! you hit the big 30!!!
message to sarah, dad and mum: don't miss us! we'll not be nuaghty one=) mice come to play when the cats are away. hurray!!! haha.
alright that's all for today=) [[should i or should i not?]]
Saturday, August 26, 2006
this is saturday=) @ 8/26/2006 07:54:00 PM
hmmm. relax day i had today=)- woke up at around 1100. by right should have 2 tutions before worship practice at 1400. but don't know why my cousin didn't come today so no tution with her. headed church and had tution with zac at 1200 and when it's about 1400 we finished and moved on to worship practice.
- my goodness. today's practice songs are all oldies. haha. trying hard to catch how to sing and listens too=) hmmm. all are meaningful. just right for the season that my church is in=Ppp BREAKTHROUGH!!!
- After that went home and here am i slacking slacking and SLACKING!!! haha. no dinner! my granny don't know go where li. haha. so hungry!!!
report of what i do yesterday...
- didn't blog about yesterday is because i'm so so super tired. haha. nothing much though.
- went to work in the morning and then go home and had a shower then headed church for prayer meeting and then went home.
- and i slept=)
message to sarah da jie: must bring all the stuffs needed for your trip ya!!! (don't be jealous out of the 4 weeks holiday she's going for holiday for 3 weeks. my goodness!!!)
message to brother josh: happy 30th birthday!!! you're aging. eat no expired food anymore ya=)
feeling empty. why??? izzit because got nothing to do??? as exams are over and then no need go shcool for anything already. i'm like going to work work and work. that's all. my goodness. so boring. poeple please date me out nie. haha. [[mixed feelings]]
this is my company' logo ( as in my group used it for our ideas. ) think i really set up this company meh??? haha. Luz = Light=))

this is my product - Mr. Beam's logo. the product my group came up with for ideas=)

Friday, August 25, 2006
happy me=) @ 8/25/2006 12:09:00 AM
oh no!!! by right this is 24th august 2006's post but i log in a little bit late. haha. anyway, people. this is my report on what had happened today...
- woke up really early today man!!! woke up at 0630. after many alarm's ringing noise!!! why so early?? it is because i'm having a super formal and final presentation on one of my module - ideas. and my group memebers are meeting at 0800 at dover mrt station. as usual. haha. hmm. and once again i must emphasize this Lilian is late agin. haha. good thing she is able to meet us just in time before we actually enter into the lecture room. we're all very happy that our group is the second group to present!!!
- Praise God that it's over and i think our group fair kinda well??? though we stutter. all because of the mike!!! anyway it's over. as long as we tried our very best and put in 100% of effort for this presentation preparation can already right, gals??? =)) as usual before any nervous moment i will call the rest to practise my breathing exercise. inhale. and exhale=) it does help right=Ppp.
- hmmm. and 1b22 which is my class loves taking picture. we always have photo taking session on special occasion like presentation, birthday celebration etc. we take photo as if we're graduation alread and as if we can't see each other anymore. haha. is this a sydrome or unknown disease?? haha.
- alright then we took so long to decide where to go for lunch. as a form of celebration of the end of school's exam and this ideas presentation. as kenny, richard, junchen and chester to join us with the celebration and you know what they actually intended to have sakea sushi buffet. my goodness. then everyone of us plead them to forsake the buffet and yet still as stubborn. though we had the same bus ride together to suntec city. who are the we actually??? they are dion, ping, shan, el, fiq, charles, kenny, richard, chester, junchen and myself=) a stop after we board the bus mr. yeo also boarded the same bus as us. and then he sat next to ric and ric is like interviewing and interrogating mr. yeo for the percentage of passes and failed case. but mr. yeo's mouth utter nothing.
- we ended up eating at dion's work place - surf and turf. we had the student lunch set meal?? yuppy cheaper and kinda reasonable=) i had grilled chicken with baked potato!!! my goodness. i'm like eating non stop man. no wonder add to my size now. haha. hmmm. poor el had to grab auntie anne because she's reporting to work. her first day mah=) and after eating me left first while the rest went shopping!
- i headed work and then now i'm home=))
message to el, ping, dion, fiq, charles and shan: change 100 sing to RM for the KL trip however must have extra cash of 50 bucks(sing) with you!!!
gotta stop everything and go sleep li. see you people!!! [[don't miss me ya]]
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
what a day!!! @ 8/23/2006 11:59:00 PM
oh my goodness. can you imagine i'm like slept in the living room last night?? till this morning around 0500 plus then go to my room. my goodness!!!- today met in school for ideas again. chiong arzz. but i overslept so i'm like 15 mins late. sorry girls=) haha. hmmm. manage to complete most of the stuffs. hurray!!!! lilian is forever late. haha. hmmm. we had our lunch break. for once=Ppp
- then after discussion and everything. i had tution with zac and then go causeway point=) haha. hmmm. wanted to buy poach but out of stock!!! my goodness.
- and now my group members are like conferencing and discussing our speech for tomorrow's presentation. haha. actually say is 2300 conference one but. end uo don't know what time. haha. and my eyes are closing=)
message to 1b22: all the best people!!! must jia you jia you and jia you man!!! after tomorrow we'll be able to celebrate!!! free from all school work!!! 3 cheers and 3 cheers=Ppp
message to christine: all the best for your oral!!!
i'm going to stop writing already!!! go back to ideas discussion again. my goodness. tomorrow sure got panda eyes one. haha. here are some pictures we took on monday and the day me and friends go watch fireworks=) [[ i want to sleep!!!]]

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
chionging for ideas!!!! @ 8/22/2006 10:53:00 PM
well. believe all my classmates are 'chionging' for ideas final presenattion ya??? my goodness. lack of sleep not because of exams but of this presentation. can you imagine???- slept at 0400 this morning because i'm preparing my slides for the presentation. then woke up at 0800. i'm like so so tired man!!! can you imagine when i reached school, my group members consisting of ping, shan, dionnie and lilian, we're like in the project room from around 1015 till 1500??? without any break, we're doing and working on our slides and propasal. my goodness. we're really seriuos at work man!
- after 1500. because of no extension of project room we have to 'shift house'. and we went to the study area outside library while waiting for our another booked project room. we actually stonned there and decided to give up the room because it's so cold. and we continued our work there till around 1800. and all of us were hungry!!! because we didn't had lunch.
- after project ping, shan, dionnie, el, christine, christine's archery friend and myself went to plaza singapura for waffle ice-cream at Gelare=)) yum yum=Ppp christine and her friend went to catch lakehouse remaining the 5 of us. haha. christine romantic arzz=) finally we get to eat the waffle ice-cream!!! after so long of saying tuesday is the waffle's day. haha. why tuesday??? because tuesday got 50% discount for student off the waffle mah=)
- then go home and now. trying hard to spot any mistakes inside the presentation. but after a long day of facing the computer. my eyes seriously cannot make it already!!! that's why wanted to blog blog and blog!!!
message to huimin, shufang, mingjie, weijun and whoever having exams: all the best people!!! do your very best arz if not i'll lecture your next time round to make sure your study and do the paper with all you can=)
hmmm. i only have 4 weeks of holiday. sob. while most of the other poly has 7 weeks. it's alright. my holiday will be a fulfilling one=) why??? because i'll be attending courses and then will going to KL study trip and then bangkok for holiday=)) don't be jealous ya=) [[excited]]
this is my product. Mr. Beam=) this is the fellow we've been working on for the presentation. cool huh??

the creators of Mr. Beam=Ppp

Monday, August 21, 2006
finally exam's OVER!!! @ 8/21/2006 11:16:00 PM
hurray!!! no more exams for this semester!!! congratulation to me??? haha. well. i'm over excited! finally i can catch up with some sleep=))- well, i woke up at around 0600 today. i'm like jumped out of my bed. because supposingly i wanted to take a nap and planned to study after the nap. i'm so angry man!!! i slept throughout untill this morning! my goodness. i am like haven't really finish studying for my today's paper man. anyway. just browse through and then went for the paper. Thank God that it was a manageable paper! able to complete all though. hmmm. for the faring part, have to really pray hard that i will do well in the papers=) or at least a pass will do. then i can move on and not stuck with the same old modules.
- hmmm. after paper. went to foodcourt 1 for nana's and lilian's belated birthday celebration. it's a nice cake=) er. then me had beef set and watermelon yakult for lunch=) what else??? oh ya. headed library to book project room. while waiting for our room, went to any seats for 5 of us to sit down and really slack. haha. we are like chatting about what nonsense things that we did in secondary school. come to think of it. it's really stupid and crazy man. haha. then headed project room for ideas!!! and for the following 2 days we will be chioning for the ideas project. because we will be having the final and the finest presentation this coming thursday!
- after discussion, it forever took us some time to decide where to go and do project man. and then we stood outside library together with christine's group. el suddenly said, lets go and do something but don't go home can??? then we came out of a lot of nonsense ideas like go ice-skating, cycling, watch movie etc... the result is that we go watch movie at the new cathay. next to plaza sing. we watched my super ex- girlfriend. oh my goodness. it really has to be rated man!!! what a lamo show.
- shopped around and then christne wanted to eat long john silver then she ate and soon after that we headed home.
- and now i have to do my slides and peroposal for my ideas. oh my goodness.
- fell asleep halfway. so tired!!!
that's all for my posting today. really tired. gotta work hard for my ideas now. post more about my malaysai trip ya=))
message to peishan: all the beat for your oral! jia you!!!
here is the group picture we had during the belated birthday celebration=))

Thursday, August 17, 2006
it's thursday. @ 8/17/2006 09:26:00 PM
so fast?? now it's thursday already??? goodness gracious. - time flies man. before i knew it i think it should ne like christmas time?? haha. and i'm still stuck with the 2 chapters which i studied. haha. tomorrow will be a busy day. go work then go home packed stuff and take a shower and head church for prayer meeting. hmmm. then go sarah's place and then sleep and on saturday's morning go JB. then spend our worship practice in JB.
- haha why? because my church will be having a combine service with one of the relating churches in JB. then will be spending my weekend there . and what about my paper on monday??? well. i gotta chiong for it today and tomorrow lor. just have the faith that i will do well is half battle won=)
- alright will not be posting these few days. don't miss me people!=)
message to dion, ping, shan and lilian: don't be angry with me kkz. your can always meet up and discuss ideas without me. just let me know the details can li.
hmmm. whatever things that you people are not happy with me just let me know. at least i know and change from there. i won't be angry=) [[confused]]
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
indescribable... @ 8/16/2006 08:51:00 PM
oh my goodness!!! you know what??? yesterday i didn't blog. for once ya=) here it goes...
- well. yesterday i'm too tired! after BMA paper. i just head straight home and surf net then slept for like 15 mins??? then extend to half an hour. haha. and obviously i'm late!!! supposingly i'm meeting fen at 1415. and i reached at about 1450?? because i took a bath before going out.
- and we go eat sushi!!! haha. sushi buffet. oh my goodness. got to eat those that i like (eg. the octupus???) and many many more. and i ate until i'm like pregnant!!! so full. my stomach was filled to the brim man. and remembered someone told me that i should not eat buffet because if i eat huh. it's like not worth it. not the restaurant 'loogy' but me. haha. because i can't really eat much. when i finished my 3rd sushi i was like telling fen that i'm fulled. haha. but i must eat till my money worth the amount. haha. and i'm like looking and spying on all cream puffs. hoping that other table don't take it=) because we're sitting on the last few seats before the conveyor belt ends. in the end we like sit there for 2 hours!!! eat and talk at the same time=)
- hmmm. after that we walk around and then go home li=) and i was like watching tv for 1 hour and decided to take a nap and ended up me sleep till this morning. so i say i'll put on some weight this week man.
- and this morning i woke up at 0500!!! so early!!! because i have to report to work at 0700. and i worked till 1900. my goodness. so tiring. all because of crew not turning up to work. so irresponsible ya?? and then lack of crew so more!! planing to study after i reached home one. then this happened!!! it's alright. i can study later=)
- that's all for my daily report. and now i'm moving on to my thoughts for today=)
i really don't understand why youth with parents cannot turn out to be someone responsible, polite, caring, considerate. and me??? when my parents don't really bother me??? hmmm. it's by God's grace and mercy that i turned out to be who i'm today. just don't know how and why??? now though i'm leading a tough years. but i believe and trust that something good is installed for me=) whatever i'm facing and doing now is just like a training session for me. maybe 10 years down the road all these some little hardship is nothing to me anymore=) CHLOE SINGAPORE IS JUST A TRAING GROUND FOR YOU!!!! SO IF GOD SENDS YOU OUT TO ANY OTHER COUNTRY YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SURVIVE THERE!!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! alright enough. sorry people. that's to remind and motivate myself to keep on pushing and moving forward.
message to nadiah, lilian and weijun: happy birthday people!!! wish your earlier first before i forget=)
message to alvin: thankie for the message to remind me to pray=) haha. er. i saw evan on monday. the one we team up together during the narnia carnival. remember???
an entry of indescribable feeling. end here. [[cheers]]
here are some funny pictures:
i. funny uh?? it's a candid shot. i think is jia took it when i'm like so engross looking at the pic i took during racial harmony=)

ii. itchy itcht scratchy scratchy. haha.

iii. see no evil. hear no evil. say no evil.

Monday, August 14, 2006
oh my goodness!!!! @ 8/14/2006 03:40:00 PM
oh my goodness!!! tomorrow is my paper and i'm blogging right now without studying anything yet??!!???- i had an early entry because i'm not going to switch on my computer for the rest of the day. people! i'll also be isolating myself coz i seriously need to chiong for my paper tomorrow. careless me!! go study the wrong subject. haiz. gotta go and study soon after this entry. promise this is the shortest of all entries=)
- woke up at 0800 to iron all my clothes before my granny started grumbling. haha. then had a short browse on my notes and had a shower. after that went to causeway point to meet sarah. haha. actually not intended to have any lunch with her today one. but!!! i simply can't concentrate and not in the right mood to study. haha. i think everyone else blog will have the same sentence. because now is exam week!!! i was 15 minutes late. haha. hmmm. went to delifrance for a drink first. because rachel da jie wanted to tag along during her lunch break. since she's working in RP so should not be a problem. chit chatted with jie and then waited for da jie for around 1 hr plus. because her break starts at 1200 mah. and we met at 1100. =Ppp
- hmmm. the richest one among us complaint that delifrance's lunch ex then we have to change venu. went up to jack's place and check out the set lunch then in the end ate swensen. haha. they got lunch promotion or should i put it as exclusive lunch??? we will get to have free desert, soup and drink when we order any pastas or main course. and jie ordered salmon and mushroom pasta, da jie ordered crayfish pasta and me fish and chips. my goodness. the dessert is a mini paper waffle with mango ice-cream. on top of it with some rice like coco-kranch and choc. syrup. the soup was red veggie soup. basicallt it's just minestrone without meat!!! haha. delicious though=) and i had coke light for drink because had camomile tea before that. wanted somthing gassy and cold=Ppp this lunch is like so full!!!! and tomorrow i am going for sushi buffet. think i will gain a few kgs this week. all because of food!!!! haha.
- now gotta start studying already. people you know what. we should not say that we are starting to MUG for our revision. because mug = attack. and it's not proper english to use that. got to know this while flipping through newspaper searching for some interesting article for my dear student, zachery. haha. enough of my craps.
message to joanne: as requested i'm going to change my font size to large for today's entry. for your sake=) haha. hmmm. i'm sorry. i made a mistake. haha. anyway you will still have to address all problems you faced ya. if not you'll find it hard to handle next time. all the best for your exams buddy!!!
message to ping: so happen if you are reading my blog now (before tues). er. your plan the day then let me know and then i check out with you whether can i make it or not kkz?? if not we can always go Gelare next tue while chionging for our ideas presentation=Ppp
message to charis: cannot always pon class arzz. if not daily grade affected man. jia you!!!
message to alvin and whoever it is: thankie for answering or in fact correcting me about the 'his ' and 'her'=)
told you today's entry is short=) but it looks long with bigger fonts. [[brain juice]]
Sunday, August 13, 2006
earthly responsibilities! @ 8/13/2006 09:55:00 PM
maybe you're wondering what's earthly responsibilities ya??? well. basically are the things you have to do on earth like study and work. - without fail! everyday sunday morning and afternoon is booked for celebartion worship and equipping time (sunday service and Bible study). well today dad, uncle sandy (spiritual daddy) preached. in summary it's about undivided heart! do you know what's the meaning of undivided heart??? and how to have an undivided heart??? and last what are the strategies for having undivided heart??? hmmm. just ponder upon my pointer and if you really want to know then come ask me ya=) i'm more than willing to tell you=Ppp
- today's equipping time is the sharing of the ministry time we had last sunday about our spiritual defects=) hmmm. really need a BREAKTHROUGH people!! and one exciting news!!!!--> we're having a combine service with one of our relating church: cornerstone! in JB next sunday!!! everyone of us are excited for it man!!! but hor. i still got paper on monday!!! don't care i'm going to push my way through man!!! and God will bless when i do my work=)
- you know what??? i actually studied the wrong subject untill dionnie told me that BMA (building material application) was the earlier paper. i'm like oh my goodness!!! i studied building science instead!!!! haiz. gotta chiong for the tuesday paper already!!! after blog finish i'm going to burn midnight oil and the whole of tomorrow with my notes already. jia you!!!! hmm. isn't it wonderful that we don't have earthly responsibilities and do whatever we want??? it's alright just give my best shot!!!=)
- alright i'm going to post as short as possible today. but before i end there're a few phrases i want to highlight!!! it's as follow:-
- 1. intercession is the place of revelation.
- 2. whenever God speaks, it's not for observation or discussion but of obedience!!!
- 3. whenever there's an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there must be a spiritual awakening.
- 4. God's anointing breaks the yoke.
- 5. reject darkness and embrace light!
- 6. demonstrat what the Bible says.
- people you might not understand all these means. but i wanted to post it to constantly remind myself. hope you guys won't mind=) just one last word=) hmm. whoever you are, just remember you're worth more than what yourself really think. you never know what are your hidden talents. just give your very best in whatever you're doing=)
message to joanne: buddy. i don't know why you said that you're not going to address whoever tagged in your blog unless it's important. well. my point of view is that it's the concern that your frind is tagging. er what i wanted to tell you is that. people will go to heaven when they know the one and only true God=)
message to cousin xin: heyhey. it's no fun working and studying at the same time. it's so tiring!!!! but if i so happen i still got extra i can always treat you sushi=) haha. all the best for your exams ya=)
is this entry shorter than other entries??? haha. must head off to study already=) [[gambatte]]
no pictures today coz my dearesr el, christine and syafiq haven't send me the pictures yet=) patient kkz. i'll definately upload one=))
fireworks!!! @ 8/13/2006 01:16:00 AM
i seriously wanted to have a long and naggy entry today! please don't stop me from posting alright. don't be giddy people (like joanne) haha. this's my purpose of having a blog. to write down what i really wanted to remember. who knows? maybe tomorrow i may just lose my memory then at least i got something to refer back to right?? haha. sorry i'm like a bit crazy today=Ppp- well. had worship practice today at 1400 as usual=) hmmm. i was like stoning all the way. haha. except last part when we got to play some fast songs and oldies. which we long long never play or sing already.
- so happen charis is going down to explanade to watch fireworks so we took train to cityhall together. hmmm. my meeting time was earlier than her so what i suggest in fact she suggested that i should chop seat for her. in the end??? er. separate way beacause it was toooooooo crowded that i think we can't meet. oh my goodness. my classmates and i were like squeezing all the way to the place we watched the fire works than after that squeezed all the way out. haha. that's singaporean's spirit?? squeeze here and there???
- haha. who went with me??? of course got christine, dionnie, ping, syafiq, kenny. not forgetting xiangyong, junchen and el. oh no. charles and joanne ended up not joining us?? because they 2 lovee birds wanted to spent their time together mah. er. in fact is that there's a communicationg breakdown. charles and joanne(his girlfriend) wanted to grab a bite at new york new york??? then ended up in one ramen eating place. i guess it's because of the queue! it's was like so long everywhere!!!!
- then we people can't buy any food!!! hmmm. we choose a place to watched that's near to DXO. suddenly el said want to eat corn not??? then we all are like so hungry that okok please!!! haha. then el, chris, kenny and junchen went to buy for us while syafiq, dionnie, ping and myself stay in place. while waiting fdor them we are like crapping all the way. saying all sorts of nonsense!! haha. just wanted to highlight this: 'if xiangyong dressed with the npcc uniform pretending to be police. saying excuse me make way please.' then everyone will just ignore his presence. my goodness. because he was like so gay??? so gentle??? aiya don't know how to describe. but if kenny is the one instead i think we can still make our way through=) other than that everyone was like pushing and pushing!!! my goodness. fireworks is in the sky. what for to stand in the front??? be contented with where you were. just like me. haha. though can only see those high high shots of fireworks. but i'm happy enough=) good thing el got everything recorded!!! thankie el!!!
- i'm just amazing on how gunpowder can turn the sky into colourful fireworks. how pretty the sky was man!!!! actually i really don't mind waiting for 3 hours and then only get to see a few minutes glimpse of the fireworks. it's worthwhile though=)) beacuse no words can describe the excitement and sight of the fireworks people!! what else??? i guess government will start collecting fines and taxes every now and then. people have to watch out arzz!!! this is due to the fireworks. it definately cost them a bomb!!!! haha. just making a guess.
- after the 15 minutes of fireworks we went to marina square wanted to eat kenny roger but!!! too crowded then we walked all the way to plaza singapura!!! my legs are like breaking. thank God we got christine of not we'll be some gundoos walking here and there untill we're lost. thankie chris!!! sorry to caused to go home that late!!! we ate burger king then. have a chit-chat session then headed for the last train.
- and now i'm here blogging all i want after my shower=)
message to kenny, junchen, xiangyong, syafiq, el, chris, ping, dionnie: it's a great day today!!! anymore to come except the KL trip??? be excited for that!!!=)
message to syafiq:thankie for carrying my heavy bag for quite some time while waiting. thankie!!!
message to chris, el, junchen and kenny: thankie for helping us to get cup corn!!!
message to chris especially: thankie for leading the way though you're in a situation where you ned to reach home early.
message to el and chris: i want the pictures!!!
message to charis: sorry that i can't chop place for you coz we're not sitting also. we're standing up and packed with people around us in fact.
message to S.H.I.T, vonne and fen: our sushi deal!!! this coming tuesday=)
that's all for now. gotta sleep li. good night everybody! [[delightful]]
piccture upload tomorrow can??? lazy now.
Friday, August 11, 2006
desperate!!! @ 8/11/2006 11:01:00 PM
i'm here to blog again=) don't blame me if this is a long and naggy entry again=Ppp- well. shall start off with what i did today=) er. woke up at around 1100. then took a shower and head off to civic centre (in front of causeway point). my goodness. why am i there??? thanks to sarsh yee hsu fen!!! she wanted me to go sell books for her. good thing is that i'm paid=) haha. hmmm. find it kinda relax. because just have to sit down and make sure that the children don't go and mess around with the books. haha. but also got to read some children books. hmmm. if so happen i go work there again. i think i can finish reading all the books man. interesting books=)
- then around 1700 i left. and headed church as usual every friday go church for prayer meeting=) that's all for my day=) now my essay going to start already. my thoughts of the day=Ppp
why is my tittle desperate??? hmmm. don't be mistaken arzz. i'm not desperate for lover. neither am i a desperate housewife nor am i desperate for good grades. DESPERATE is what today's prayer meeting all about!=) hmmm. how should i start???
alright! desperate means wanting something badly??? extremely intense??? well. today The Lord just showed my church the desperateness to bring people into His kingdom. last few weeks uncle sandy did mentioned about praying desperately. well. we prayed because God will answer and he listens to every petitions. he knew what's going on! Proverbs 19:21 is what God showed me even before the meeting starts. God is an amazing God. he showed me this verse which comfirmed the worship time=) and we prayed along this line. asking for souls is what we've been praying for! now we just have to continue to interceed again and again! until the wall of the jericho is down!!! (hmmm. christians will understand this better). i believe christians out there are also praying for lost souls don't you? just continue interceeding for them!!!
well. today while tending the book store. the thought of selfishness came to mind. why? because i simply don't understand why people just can't part with their money when come to buying books??? somemore those books are of good moral and educational values man! there many parent that bypass the store and don't bother to buy for thier kids. but there're like parents that will buy for thier children also. there definately are but not many! if i'm a parent i think i'll buy whatever books that i think are neccessary for my kid's knowledge man! alright enough of that. my point to bring across is that. i realised that now money rules over people man. it's like no money no talk!!! what is this man!!! have i mentioned this before?? haha. anyway. just want to let whoever reading this know that. money is not everything! if you have all the money you want and then you are not happy. neither do you have close relationship with your close ones. then what's the point right??? er. as long as you have enough for you to spend or pay whatever bills needed isn't it good already?? bless part of your extras to those that need it more than you? like the needy fund?? or whatever you feel like giving to.
message to denise: hmmm. well don't feel that you're taken advantage of at work. maybe it's because of your experience that they pile you up with work??? just finish whatever you can. cheers sister!
kkz kkz. stop here before i continue again=) haha. going to see fireworks tomorrow!!! for once kenny is not going to ps us=) [[excited]]
no picture today. sorry=)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
hurray!!! @ 8/10/2006 09:38:00 PM
cool. i only slept for 3 hours and have to wake up for my paper this morning. and i can like slack like nobody's business for today before i get the ball rolling by having some revision on my coming papers.
- i'm kinda relieve today=) why? coz finally!!! law test is over and i can kinda relax a little bit already=) the next paper is on 15aug. which is 4 days later. can study at a slower paced=) i'm left with 2 papers only. haha. but these two paper is like 50% man. meaning if i fail for anyone of these papers meaning i have to repeat that paerticular module. NO! I DON'T WANT TO REPEAT THIS 2 MODULES!!! jia you jia you!!!
- hmmm. today after law paper. had lunch in foodcourt 1. not again? foodcourt 1??!!?? haha. i'm so sick of eating man. especailly during lunch. if it's not for my growling sound in my stomach i would not even bother to eat. haha. what i had was like funny=) after trying lilian's choc. prata i decided to eat that too=) what a funny prata arzz? CHOCOLATE in prata? haha. anyway it's nice. as usual had apple yakult as drink.
- well. charles, syafiq, dion, ping, shan and myself had quite a long chat in foodcourt 1. as we are eating we are talking and after finishing we sat there and had a chit chat session. haha. saying about the KL trip. we're all so excited man. haha. thinking of what to do and etc. my goodness. we're like in the holiday mood already. oh ya. we also had a 'class outing' to go watch fireworks this coming saturday. cool right. we're as happening man=)
- hmmm. supposingly to meet wendy aunt today but she's not feeling well so didn't meet up in the end. met fen to go collect bag. this is the bag that was ordered long ago! it's the fake puma bag. haha. whatever it is. have to use it coz it like cost me around 3o bucks. oh no. i should not have that bag. if not all because of fen. i would not have order it. haiz. it's alright=)
- after that went to westmall. thinking whther should i buy the sweater that i'm eyeing for. haiz. decide not to buy. coz i'm going to do my hair next week then gonna spent like don't know how much li. then somemore going KL and Bangkok to shop like never before. suddenly have the feeling that i'm like so rich. but in fact i'm broke man. due to so many events!!!
- 'how i wish i can have that can buy this and do this etc.' does this sound familiar?? it's a catch phrase that girls, ladies, women, mummies grannies would have that on their mouth. alright people i'm going to start my nagging and complaints again. haha. i just don't understand why people nowadays are after material stuff man. like new handphone, branded clothing and etc. i didn't even complaint about my current phone though it's not surviving well man. honestly i do admit that i wanted a new phone. but come to think of it. if i have the money to buy a new phone why can't i sacrify this sum of money and bless the poorer one??? why people can't think in this way??? like if i have an expensive phone which is equal to 2 or 3 normal phones??? with the extra phones. just bless others with that??? bless those that doesn't have handphone??? hmmm. in this world i think wothout money people can't survive man. and the power of money is like can swallow you up man. like without paying school fee you can't study. as simple as that. prayer for the nation: allow God to do wonder in this materialistic world. change people's opinion of living. living on earth is not about having how many apartments or cars or diamond rings. but about the sole purpose of knowing the purpose of living!!! know the creator of this world!!!
- hmmm. after westmall. headed straight home. my goodness. i'm like slacking for today. and i realised that now companies and coffee houses etc. are like recruiting people to work man. then so happen today by right i have to work but somehow or rather i wasn't informed then hor. don't know where to find replacement. and the full-timers in my wrok place slothed like never before. work extremely long hours man. used to work like them before school actually started. hmm. come to think of it arzz. really miss those days with those old crews!!! miss working with them. haha. because we're like know each other working pattern that we can no need say who do what. we knew what to do already=) cool right? this is call working chemistry between colleagues.=Ppp.
message to charis, denise and sarah: please take good care of your hair arzz. don't wash and don't what to your hair for 3 to 7 days ya=) their head are expensive!!!
message to 1b22: we're going to watch fireworks this coming saturday!!! timing to be comfrimed tomorrow's night.
my goodness! every entries of mine is like essay man. so long!!! have to cut down cut down!!! if not poeple will say me long winded=) [[sleeping soon]]
pictures of rainbows. cool uh?? request mingjie to send me one=) thankie mingjie!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
happy birthday SINGAPORE!!! @ 8/09/2006 06:58:00 PM
well. today is Singapore 41st birthday!!! come to think of it. really thank God for this peaceful and well managed country! aren't singaporeans fortunate??? to have a country that does not have corrupted government. and then have goverment that govern the country that well. so more there isn't any racial riots and religion banation. what a racial harmony country and what a country that you are free to choose what religion you want to be in!!! what more to complaint about there's no life staying in singapore??? [i want to make thing clear here arzz. christianity is not a religion but a relationship!!!]- though i'm one of them=) but i didn't claim to change my citizenship ya. i just want to study overseas. this is to experience a different way of living. how can i forsake my homeland? haha. i will definately miss singapore's food and everything!!! but not the rush here and there lifestyle. the fast paced life in singapore. sometime we just have to slow down and know what's going on and what went wrong etc. there's a saying, slow and steady wins the race.
- people do you think this year's theme song talk sense to us??? especially youth!!! well. i don't know for you people. but for me it does. it's maybe a way of telling me to love our country, singapore!!! because youth nowadays just don't treasure and cherish what's being provided. there's this verse in the song saying, 'my island home wherever i may be i never will forget her nor will she forget me.' the nor will she forget me really touches my heart man. it's like a way that God wants me to reflect on. God had made singapore the way that it is now and what should i do for his kingdom in singapore??? CHLOE BETTER DON'T PROCRASTINATE UPON SHARING ABOUT God!!!! point to ponder about: what have you contribute to the society of singapore???
- enough of thoughts. now i'm going to report on what have i done today=) woke up at 1145. haha. finaaly can sleep till like so EARLY li. then had my shower and went to westmall to pass jia my checkered dree. she need it for something. and then i went to posb bank deposite money machine. i was like a gondoo there. forcing to insert my atm card into the machine and then after a few tries then realised that the machine is not available for depositing of money today. hmmm what a privilage ya? machine also get to have it's day off on national day. sorry i'm crappy here. haha. i then headed gombak's mac to revise on my law. so happen i saw this ty collection bear in mac. though it has 'macdonald' printed on the bear. i don't mind buying=)
- oh no have to get the soup boiling to remember the facts and chew the cases into my body. marinate them into my bone and so i'll be ready for tomorrow test. poor me. have to study during this public holiday. no fireworks for me. no jb outing for me too!!! sob.
message to all: if you are going to have mac these few day can you just like help me buy the bear??? i had the red one already=) let me know then i arrange a date to meet up with you and return you the money kkz??? please!!! thankie very much=)
message to singapore: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! may you prosper and achieve more awards and reputation in other country!!!
Tibits for the day=)

This year's logo embraces our theme "Our Global City, Our Home". It depicts a globe with the little red island of Singapore as its focal point. Despite our small size, our island is widely recognized for its thriving economy, its connectivity to the world and its emerging role on the international stage.
The use of multi-coloured brushstrokes demonstrates our vibrancy as a nation. The merging of the different colours into one icon connotes our unity and harmony as a multi-racial and multi-religious society. The treatment of the brushstrokes gives the logo an Asian feel. It denotes that while Singapore is evolving into a global city, we do not forget our roots and Asian values.
The futuristic black font shows our boldness and that we are forward looking in shaping our future as a nation. this is what i have for today's entry=) [[belong]]
thoughts... @ 8/09/2006 01:06:00 AM
well decide to have a long and naggy and interesting and exciting entries by sharing with you people my thoughts=) hmmm. this entry will take me quite some time=)
- hmmm. for me i loved childrens=) be it from baby to like primary kids. that's why my first choice for poly entry is early childhood education. but God somehow wanted me to take property developement and facilities management (what i'm studying now). all along i wanted to serve in children ministry in church. BUT... the children in my church are limited. prayer for the day will be: bring more families into God's kingdom. why families??? it's because it's lao shao xian yi mah=) (in simple words will be anyone from the age of 1 to 100??)
- yesterday night (mon's night) dionnie sent me the clip on children singing song of the Lord. really have the urge to serve in children ministry man! haha. then this morning as i'm on my way to school. i saw kids dressed in red and white. this is due to the celebration of national day in school? i guess so. hmmm. the thought of 'how are they going to behave when they grew up??' will they be like youth nowadays?? so violent and uncivilised??
- after cadd test. i went home coz i seriously wanted to catch a nap. sorry people for not joining lunch with your. then i bought my lunch at the coffee shop near my house. while waiting for my food to be ready. i witness this malay boy and his mum sitting down enjoying their drink. they are happily chatting and the boy even offer to fill the cup for his mummy. what a lovely scene! and then i was thinking. if every child is to keep a good and loving and most of all communicated relationship with their parents. isn't it wonderful???
- on my way to work, there's this group of people that asking for donation. (their flag day??) whatever it is i manage to find out where the donation goes to. and it's for children cancer society. i don't mind donating like 10 bucks. don't you think having cancer at such age is like so pitiful?? by right these children should be enjoying their childhood man. and not undergoing treatments and therapies! poor kids. and yet they're still able to continue to face their life positively though it's a painful and torturous process. however, youths nowadays will kick a big fuss over jumping off the building, killing themselves, hurting themselves by cutting on their wraist over small matters (eg: boy girl relationship.) why like that, why like that??!!??
why would i have these thoughts is because... well give your a brief background about me kkz. hmmm. since young i'm staying with my granny. then my mummy and daddy were like working and i didn't really get to see them. in fact i should say hardly. this then drifted our relationship. more often than not i'm like asking myself do i really have parents or i'm just an orphan??? anyway it's God's will for me to be in this situation so that i'll know him=) thank God i've know him if not i'll be like anyone out there living without a purpose.
my passion for children is mainly because i don't wish children to grow up in emptiness but of joy and love=) other than that i believe that educate children at young age is the best way of bring up a good person. it is because since young they are taught not to be like this and be someone like this. it naturally become a principle in them. last of all is that i love seeing children with their native thoughts and inqusitive mind=) so people if you're a volunteer in some orphanage or you are aware of some orpahnage that requires people like me to work for them please let me know. i'll be more than happy enough to dig out time to help and contribute what i can for them=)
message to dionnie: don't be stress up ya!!! no point grieving over the spilled milk. just do your very best. as long as you know that you had did your very best then it's like worth it already=)
that's all people. falling asleep??? haha. [[expressing]]
is this interesting??? sometime we just have to stop and think about what went wrong.

Monday, August 07, 2006
it's balloting day=) @ 8/07/2006 10:54:00 PM
today is a big day for those going for KL study trip. it's because we have to ballot whether are we selected or not. there it goes....- this morning i seriously don't feel like waking up man. but have to. if not my effort on studying and absorbing ectp notes will be like gone down the drain. Good thing i'm not late or what for the paper. just in time=) hmmm. can say the paper is manageble. it's tose that if you got memorise the notes and chew it inside out then you'll be able to score with flying colours. but for me arzz. not much confidence though i'm able to complete the paper. anyway, just leave it to God to decide=)
- after test. it's the time already the exciting and nervous part of the day. it's the balloting for the entries to KL in september. for my group of frineds. we're like one for all and all for one. then if one cannot go then all don't go. so happen that ping got the number that says, you're out. and the whole group was like, huh... and we waited for someone to withdraw. haha. and thank God in the end everyone from my group are able to go=) hurray!!!
- after balloting, we headed foodcourt 1 for lunch. foodcourt 1 again??? haha. er. coz it's the nearest. then saw miss jean and we chatted for a while and realised that we had to wear another round of formal wear on 24august for the final of the finest ideas presentation. think it'll be photo session again??? haha.
- headed town for a window shop. haha. then had a desert with fen and we go home=)
- and home sweet home already do some nonsense surfing online. and then get the ball rolling with the practice of cadd. and it made me feel dizzy with all the 3d diagrams. upon that, there's also noise contributed by the seventh month 'ger tai' again. my goodness. trying very hard to concentrate. anyway. just do my best and i'm happy enough=)
message to jia: remember to go and get an external harddisk to store all your pictures. have fun!
message to ju: all the best to your papers too=) really hope to see you soon!
message to cousins xin and ting: if so happen you are reading this. shall meet up one day for some chit chatting cum chilling session!!!
message to S.H.I.T (geok, reen, zhu) , fen and vonne: going for sushi deal next tue(15aug) at lot 1. please comfirm with me timing and whether are you able to make it again=)
message to joanne: buddy! long time no see li. we have been saying about meeting up don't know since when. and til now also haven't meet up. now have to jia you jia you for your coming papers arzz!
sorry people for my long and naggy entries. hmmm. i shall take pictures constantly to edify my entires. so i should start investing in buying a good camera=) got my hint people??? haha. kidding. [[beancurd]]
this is snow mountain from japan. brother jonathan sent me=)

Sunday, August 06, 2006
no more defects!!! @ 8/06/2006 08:11:00 PM
well. today is a fulfilling day ya???- as usual sunday morning is occupied=) today's sermon is about spiritual defects. do you want to know the details?? haha. in short. as children of God, it's our duty to serve God in any and every way. but with spiritual defects we're not able to offer acceptable sacrifies to God. so Christian out there!!! are your doing what's of God???
- finally our dear little princess danielle is backed!!! my goodness. after 2 weeks of staying at home and eating healty and nutrition meals (eg: veggie veggie and veggie) she has really lose some weight. so people, one way of geting away your excessive and unneccessary weight in you. you can pray hard for chicken pox and then stay at home and have plain and simple meal=) Thank God that danielle is alright. prayer for her is that she won't go and scratch untill she is fully healed.
- after church headed gombak's mac to study again. haha. er. it's kinda noisy but i just force myself to swallow all my note into my brain. so far very good. untill now. to reward myself after swallowing 3 full chapters of notes by having some time to do some update to my blog=)
- tonight my granny didn't cook again. had chicken cutlet for today's dinner. my goodnees. i'm so full!!! saying about food. today my church aunties cooked delicious lunch too. in fact they are great cooks. had something new today. and that's baked pumpkin=)
- don't know how to finish last chapter of my notes. coz my house is polluted with the noise due to the seven month festival. the 'ge tai' arzz. poeple will go onto the stage and sing non-stop. something like that.
message to fang: er. are you referring to ghost??? anyway. frankly speaking i can guarantee chop chop. they are just wasting their money.
message to alvin: thankies for the planet shaker's ticket offer. but i'm not able to make it and not really interested=)
alright got to stop here and get back to study mode. [[focus]]
Saturday, August 05, 2006
exam timetable!!! @ 8/05/2006 10:44:00 PM
short and not so eventful day=) a day of revision and rest.
- woke up by the smoke contributed by the burning of joss paper. my goodness. no offence. may i know why people burn joss paper??? it's like harming the environment ya. don't understand.
- left home to worship practice at 1300. help charis buy lunch li then met sarah and rachel da jies at batok's mac then headed church together.
- hmmm.. before practice sarah told me that i had to pick up instruments. oh no. my phobia!!! coz i have no music background. but has dancing background. haha. how how??? God i need your anointing to play any instrument you want me to play!
- after practice i went to gombak's mac to study. manage to study and absorb whatever is needed. supposingly meeting fen for dinner. ended up not having dinner together as her friend got into trouble and she went down to help her. er. don't ask me what happened because i don't know.
- due to there's no dinner today. i'm muching chips as my dinner. and now updating what's needed. oh ya! people don't ask me out from today til 24 august arz! because i'll be busy studying and chewing my notes for my upcoming tests and exams. haha.
message to anyone who wants to ask me out: i won't be available untill 24 august. your'll be wondering why 24 when my exam ends at 21 right?? coz 21-23 my group and i will be chionging for one final presentation!!!
message to 1b22: don't go wrong venue for papers arzz!!!
that's all for today=) [[remembering]]
my exam timtable is as follow:-
Module code: DE 210Y
Module: ECT&P
Day:07Aug (mon)
Time: 0900-1110
Module code: DE 2105
Module: CADD
Day: 08Aug (tue)
Time: 0900-1200
Venue: T324
Module code: DE 211Y
Module: Law
Day: 10Aug (thur)
Time: 1030-1240
Venue: T3A11
Module code: DE 2108
Module: BMA
Day: 15Aug (tue)
Time: 0900-1110
Venue: T1A56
Module code: DE 2103
Module: Building Science
Day: 21Aug (mon)
Time: 0900-1110
Venue: T3A14
this is created by mingjie using don't know what programme. saying 4e2 eagles.

Friday, August 04, 2006
go the extra mile!!! @ 8/04/2006 10:59:00 PM
does this sound familiar 1b22??? haha. well, why izzit my title??? because i just realise that this speaks to me man. it goes like this....- for anyone else reading my blog and that doesn't know why i say 'go the extra mile' is familiar to 1b22 (my class) is because during one lesson in this particular module named comminication skill. we're taught to SMILE in CRS (critical reasoning skill). then one of the pointer in SMILE is go the extra mile lor=)
- here it goes. today's CS role play made this 'go the extra mile' popping up to me=) it's like keep rushing and running through my mind during today's prayer meeting. why arzz??? all because God wanted me to do something and i was still waiting for the right opportunity. don't have the courage to carry it out. haiz. CHLOE CHLOE!!! time to wakie li!!!. today's prayer meeting really speaks to me man!!! God is like telling me 'don't wait', 'don't procratinate', 'just do it' this whole week li. and i decided! i'll just give it a shot! do it with the faith that God will make it happened!
- alright alright. start proper now. hmmm. today ping called me and remind me about my role play timing. haha. coz last night there's a confusion over the timing. good thing ping called me. haha. if not i think i'll be like overslept and missed the cs role play. haha. hmmm. the role play was kinda alright but in the beginning me and dion was like. er. how??? kinda retarded upon answering mis tan. anyway. did kinda well? in b range. miss tan peng peng gonna misss us!!! she mentioned that. cool. we're so happening that made her remembers us?? haha. we'll miss you too=) she's the lecturer that will award us with lollipop and rabina sweets. haha. made me remember of kindergarden days.
- after role play had a short ectp lesson. and during the lesson. ping cheated me!! dion's sis went to perth and she bought noughut (wrong spelling). then dion brought to class. and we gals share among us. then ping said very soft one. then i was like so stupd go bite. then my tooth!!! it's so hard!!! laughing so loud til my face was feeling hot and burning. haha. we then went to t1a to see roof. haha. part of our learning=) putting what we've been studying into vision.
- went to foodcourt 1 for lunch. had chicken chop. people if you're not aware. sp foodcourt 1 has the best chicken chop! it's was cheap and nice. worth it right. but i was too full to finish it all. for drink, i had watermelon yakult. people are you aware that fruit plus yakult equal to a drink?? it's sp's speciality too. i was too full to even move but anyway headed t3a computer lab to print stuff and watched part of 'the terminal'. continue watching when have time=)
- head church after that for short revision for ectp and then went to the coffee shop behind to buy dinner for the gals and had a chitchat session with sarah=) and here i am blogging and onlining to the fullest before any revision starts.
message to 1b22: study hard for the coming tests and exams ya!!! remind each other the timing for the paper. don't overslept and late for the paper more than 40 minutes!!!!!!! once it's over we can play like never before alright=) all the best people!
tibit for today: being happy makes your mind generate better. think positively! [[sleepy]]
this is victoria with the sweetest smile=) cute uh?

this is victoria again. but with the sheep by the side. think should be one of th sheep farm in japan. jonathan and wife and victoria is over at japan now. miss them!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006
foodbies. @ 8/03/2006 09:27:00 PM
foodbies??? what's that? haha. can say it's a new group name. check it out why it's foodbies=)- reach ideas lesson at 1000. well. it's kinda relax. all of us just do our own chit chatting session. haha. so funny. saying about the voodoo dolls that dionnie and shan bought. then call xiangyong to buy coller pin from shan. haha. must give praises to kenny, richard, junchen, xiangyong! coz they bought the coller pins as it's for the charity!!! even though it's of no use to them. rare man. mostly guys won't want to donate or what de. but they did. haha. so kind of them!
- after ideas. christine, ping, shan, el, nana, zhixiang, dion, charles, syafiq and myself went to tiong bahru for lunch. for once we finally make our way out for lunch!!! though the journey to tiong bahru market was hot and warm but we made it!!! haha. charles, ping and me shared food. we had fried oyster, prawn mee, friend kuay tauy and chui kueh (wrong spelling???) then went to tiong bahru plaza for a short while. to enjoy the air conditional. haha. cool manage to show ping and dionnie the hair care oil at the face shop. and syafiq said the face shop is the sibling of the body shop. lack of the leg shop. my goodness. that's lamo???
- headed school for ectp lecture. was expecting lecturer to give tips tips for test. haha. er then go to library to modify our mini project. my goodness. we're like rushing here and there. like business men and women. haha. the fact is that we're not!
- hmmm. have tution with zac then go home li. reached home at about 2030. and ever since then i was like slacking. on no. watching tv and msning and now blogging! goodness. BUCKED UP CHLOE!!! but not in the mode of study. oh no!
message to jiachi: i have to be like you! wanting to studying day and night. haha. thankie for your advice=)
message to alvin: you always had entries that makes me ponder and think about it. thankie for talking to sense to me somehow. er. wish i can have entries that talk sense to people too0=)
that's all for now. must go do important thing li=) goodnight people=) [[slow and steady]]
look!!! this's the cake we bought for syafiq=) nice??

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYAFIQ!!! @ 8/02/2006 10:53:00 PM
it's syafiq birthday today!!!oh no forgot what's my introduction for today already. let me do some recalling work first ya.- well reach school late today as in it's told by lecturer to turn up at 1000 instead of 0900. but people like richard never listen in class. turn up for lesson at 0900. my goodness. can sleep longer don't want sleep. after entering the class, we are trying ways and means to hide birthday cake and pressie for syafiq.
- today's lecture ended early. then had syafiq's birthday celebration in class. haha. took photo again. my 1b22 album is going to explode. haha. though there's so many cocked up and yet syafiq don't anything. he wasn't aware that we are giving him a birthday surprise. haha. we're good at acting ya?? credits go to christine and el for all the plots and everything.
- after celebration, went to foodcourt 1 for lunch again. christine, ping, shan, dion and myself were like having a chat about how we first know one another. haha. our first day of school etc. my goodness. before we realise it's august li. we've know each other for like 4 months already??? and now we're in the midst of having exam. jia you jia you!!! everybody must jia you ya! then we can get into the same class again=)
- left school at about 1415. headed SGH. grandma admitted to hospital. well. go visit her. she looks better. look like she's feeling better. PRAISE THE LORD!!! just pray that she'll accept the Lord soon! maybe she has but i'm not aware of that? coz i said i'm going to pray for her then she closes her eyes. anyway as long as God knows can already=)
- took train home after that and i fell asleep on the train that i missed my stop. before i realised the train door is closing. then go lot 1 to shop=) haha. but awhile later go home li.
- had law revision on misrepresentation. haha. at least did study unlike yesterday, fell asleep before i get the ball rolling. haha.
message to syafiq: happy birthday to you=)
message to charis: don't be stress over your current situation. just leave and commit it to God. he'll smoothen your path=)
people. must study hard ya! then we can play even harder after that!!!=) [[panda eyes]]
is this pretty?? it's snow mountain in new zealand. sent by jiachi. he took it when he's in the plane.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
slacking. @ 8/01/2006 05:47:00 PM
my first entry that's posted in the evening. well today i'm late for lesson again.
- enter into cadd's class at around 0835. don't know what to do and was told by nana to complete our coursework. my goodness. it's free and easy class like that. just do whatever we want.
- after that went to foodcourt 1 for lunch. while waiting for the drinks to be delievered, kenny asked me, shan and dionnie to keep a lookout for his bag. chey thought he wanted to join us for lunchie.
- headed library then to workshop 5. what a stupid act we had in there. mrs lee offered to buy us a drink coz we helped her by posing and took a few shots of us.
- went to t3 computer lab to do mini project and soon after that headed home. my goodness. need to study!!!
message to kenny and zhi xiang: thankie for putting effort to help me print out the past year paper for building science!
what a slacking day i had. hmmm. have to buck up already!!! that's all folks. [[ forward looking]]