Monday, July 31, 2006
just do it before you regret!!! @ 7/31/2006 11:59:00 PM
why is my title just do it before you regret??? well, today just had the feeling that time is short. you'll never know what will happen anything. even the next minute.- received a call from me daddy saying that my grandma cannot make it already. it was like 2130 already. i'm in a blur blur mode coz i just woke up from my dreamland. i haven't even had my dinner. then i was like stunned. don't know what to do. my mind was totally blank. took a shower and rush down to my grandma's place by cab. when i reached it was like so many people and i didn't even greet them and walked into the room. kinda rude ya? sorry!!! but i was like still in the mode of stunned. didn't talk through out. just hold onto my grandma's hand was like don't know what to say. i'm sad to see her feeling that bad. due to my busy schedule, i didn't visit often. i regretted!!! i should have spend more time with her. piece of advice to you people: DO WHAT YOU FEEL LIKE DOING. DON'T WAIT AND PROCRASTINATE!!! YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT.
- what did i do before the stunning new?? er. had lessons. but me, dionnie and pin skipped ectp. so happened that the 3 of us were late and we set the meeting time at 0900. but i'm still late. when i reached then both of them were saying it's rude to walk into the class at that time. so we went cafe at t16 for breaky. we slacked there. then heded to lesson after that. before we reached the classroom. syafiq greeted us 'good morning' then saw xiang yong. my goodness. he wave to me in the fetching cab manner and asked me whether can i lend him the bma exam format. after few minutes then go class li.
- after lessons. headed home. and i slept from 1800 to 2100. goodness. waken up by granny to east dinner. then received call from daddy.
message to rachel, sarah, denise and charis: don't forget to keep each other in prayers!!!
that's all for today. have to continue doing BMA mini-project. [[swollen]]
Sunday, July 30, 2006
sleep is all i need=) @ 7/30/2006 11:34:00 PM
can you imagine i only slept for 4 hours??? haha. hmmm. so tired! tucked in late last night coz doing some cadd's dimension and that's driving me crazy!!! er. at the same time chatting online with dionnie, ping ping and fiq.
- woke up at 630 or 645. cannot remeber already. haha. why so early because the gals are cooking their best dish of the day for today's lunch in church. it's our way of serving God and enabling the aunties to relax and take a rest=) after all we're not that bad ya. dishes are tasty aren't they?? haha. sarah and rachel da jie cooked curry, denise cooked veggie, charis with her chinese sausage rice and myself is LUNCHEON MEAT=) even Nicky cooked too=) he cooked chessy plus mayo eggy. though he's not a gal and yet he cooked. coz we're under youth mah=) Good job people!!! had a wonderful and heavy lunch!!!
- after chuch went to work. my goodness freddy (our dear manager) is going to leave on wednesday. he's no longer working. thankie him for all the scoldings that i'm qualified to do what others can do=) good thing he always give advices though he was fierce!
- Thank God!!! coz i only need to work on tuesday this week. my boss is so gracious that he granted me like don't know how long off. haha. coz me having exams and tests. saying about tests and exams, i haven't even study or revise on any subject=) goodness. don't follow my footsteps people!
heyhey, my entries are always long and wordy ya? coz i'm simply lazy to upload pictures. don't scold me people. when i have time i'll upload de=)
Message to Rachel and Josh: thankie for sending me to clementi mrt station=)
[[position of prayer]]
Saturday, July 29, 2006
simple day=) @ 7/29/2006 10:08:00 PM
saturday is going to end soon. oh no tomorrow is a long long day for me=) review on what i've done today:- woke up at about 10. it's always on saturday that i can sleep until so shiok=)
- headed church at 11 plus for a lesson with zac and then had worship practice. had a time of sharing before practice started. Thank God for the time of encourament and edification of one another.
- reached home at about 1930 then had my dinner and took a short 'stoning' period before i stare into the computer screen=)
missed out the fun down east coast. it's narnia event!!! haha. anyway i'was only informed last night. so it's alright. coz alvin took picture of the event then can see what's happening down there=) aiya next time got fun stuff must inform me earlier mah. haha.
my goodness still got lots of school work not done yet. think have to burn midnight oil to complete all of them already. don't understand, simply don't understand. why exams are coming and yet have to do so many projects and assignment arzz??? who says that poly life is easy life?
message to Denise: thankie for helping me get the moisturiser=)
Friday, July 28, 2006
Formal presentation! @ 7/28/2006 11:21:00 PM
hello people. so sorry that didn't update my blog that faithfully. what did i do yesterday that caused me not to update my entry? er. well busy preparing today's presentation. no wonder.
well, today had a busy and fun day=)
- wake up early at about 6 to prepare breakfast for ping, dion and shan. see i so good. haha. thankie dion, ping and shijia for messaging me or even call me to make sure i'm awake=)
- able to squeeze into the train to school at about 0736. my goodness! i'm late coz we're meeting at 0730. don't understand why singaporean is so typical!!! in train, knew that at entrance will be squeezy and yet didn't move in and at least create some space for those that wants to board the train. how i wish i have the authority to shout please be considerate and move in! and i'll set the rules of not being able to read anything books, newspaper during peak hour. coz when they read newspaper or book arz. they'll tend to occupy more space then is like so inconsiderate. those wanted to board the train end up waiting for the next train. whatever it is. want to PRAISE God for enabling me to squeeze through=)
- today had our first and foremost whole class formal presentation. my goodness. so funny. wear like go work but in fact is go school. haha. my granny thought what special event that i no need go school. haha. after cs lesson then immediately eveyone are ready for photo taking session li. haha. so far study for 3 months and i had like more than 5 folders of pictures already. Thankie kenny for lending your lappy for us to do all the transferring of pictures taken today=)
- after lunch went to discuss bma project and do law tutorial in the library then my dearest dionne took my admin card and didn't return me before she left. still pretend that she didn't take.
- met charis at dover and she wanted had a walk in sp while waiting for sarah. we ended up chilling out in cafe at t16. there came sarah!!! and my feet saviour!!!! thankie jie for bring slipper for me to change=)
- went to clementi to buy dinner. saw shunping. haha.
- headed church after that=)
message to charis: don't be stress over ce points ya. pray and ask God for strength and help=)
message to dionnie: don't be stress over projects ya=) must be slow and steady just like ping and myself. haha. need help just call us=) we are 24/7 on call one.
so happening today=) [[ BRAND NEW day]]
some pictures taken:
i. what're we looking at?? it's just zhixiang mah.

ii. strips of the day

iii. addition to my class photo album=) syafiq i didn't do this on purpose. your face!!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
first of the first @ 7/27/2006 12:13:00 AM
hmmm. today what did i do? - manage to start this blog created by fen! thankie fen for helping me=) too busy li.
- well when for an interview with the student counsellor for my fees problem. Thank God she's a christian and she can kinda understand what i'm thinking=) all because we share the same teaching!
- when to work. er. so sick and tired of working. it'a sll because of --- if not i would have shake leg at home already. Thank God also that i have good and understanding boss and manager=)
message specially for ping and dion! - i had updated my blog li. see. didn;t break promise ya? haha. dion where's yours? the rainbow one?? go go create ya=)
that's all for today. [[relieved]]