Tuesday, May 29, 2007
weirdos around me???=) @ 5/29/2007 10:46:00 PM

well, it's taken by either
(dionnie, kenny, zhixiang or charles)
during our "study camp." =Pppp
it's what they called sunrise=)
alright, back to the main point=) UPDATES! - as requested by er.....
today's entry is about people around me=)
though they have weird behaviour, habits etc.
i still love them!!!
firstly, my sisters.
- Sarah jie jie: would like to have a huge dog as her husband.
- Denise: love flickering her hair (no matter how long her hair is).
- Charis: love sun-tanning though she's like sooooooooo dark=)
secondly, my girls.
- Ping: always complain that she's fat when she's not.
- Cai: needs like 24 hours of sleep.
- Dionnie: love burping out loud=)
- El: love eating non-stop and sleeping everywhere and anywhere.
thirdly, my guys.
- charles: forever that vain=)
- xiang, my "son": always say that he's the best of all.
- Fiq: love singing non-stop.
- richard: behaving so not like him=)
- uncle chen: forever optimistic even when things are impossible to happen.
- kenny: the walking street directory.
- zhixiang: love studying.
the list is not exhaustive, just that i'm lazy=)
you know what?
i just realised, i'm able to clique with them is because i shared a little of everyone's weird character=)
i have to say! i cherish them!!!=)
lazy to continue already arzz. opps=)
[[ time reveals a person's heart ]]