Wednesday, October 25, 2006
pictures!!!! updates on genting trip!!! @ 10/25/2006 10:39:00 PM

something different for today's entry=)

me and sarah jie jie=)
during an indoor ride at first world hotel. look carefully into the picture. what's mum and dad doing???
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wow! what a fruitful trip=)
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the ladies of the trip=)
misty misty us=)
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evident of us going to the casino???
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enjoying our tea!!!!
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see!!! we're on a boat??? or sampan???
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sleepy me=D after checking out of our hotel.
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credits to MUM and DAD!!!!
my dear spiritual daddy and mummy=)
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see how happy are they=) enjoying the ride man=D
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after checking out=)
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really thank God for placing where i am in this family (lifelink christian church) where love and biblical values are practiced!!!
message to likelinkers: remeber to review memory verses!!! and not forgetting to pray like Daniel=)
message to fiq and fifi: cheers boy and gal=) lollipop for you ya=)

this is an entry of pictures describing the trip i had over at genting. looking forward to the coming LTT at JB and after that i will be able to post pictures of the other members in my spiritual family=)) [[ thankful]]

Updated By: CHLOE=)


happy reading=)

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