Saturday, October 21, 2006
friends are forever and boyfriends/girlfriends are whatever! @ 10/21/2006 08:24:00 PM
all thanks to syafiq! this is why i deceide to post an entry. becuase i was plain lazy. sorry people. was tired and was like feel like sleeping all day long. haha.well. i'm going to have an entry about what i did yesterday=)- had lecture at 0800 in the morning. and was like so fed up with the lecturer. he's talking like so very very fast! somemore it's on computer stuff! which is something i'm not really good at. oh my goodness. was like panicking also. because after 2 hours of the computer lecture i'll be having a computer test. and can you believe it or not! i didn't study!
- we had to get out of the cless before the test actually starts. this is because the lecturer have to log into our test account. and during the few minutes outside the room all of us were like thinking and chewing our notes hard. then some even suggested to use e-buddy (msn without downloading it) to exchange answer. and even our dear kenny's blog to exchange answer. because he got 2 tag board. in the end we didn't. you know why??? because we're allowed to surf the net for answer. and it's like so time consuming that we don't even borther to go and tag etc. and what's more? the lecturer was walking here and there. so for honesty and intergrity purposes. most of us didn't do it=)
- after the test, the first thing i had in mind was. i'm going to fair badly. because i literally fill in the blanks with any numbers and was like anyhow attempt all the questions. haha. naugthy me ya=)
- hmmm. after test. actually intended to go for a swim but the haze was like so terrible and my friends just pulled me along to join them for lunch. had big prawn noodle at potong pasir. well. Richard was our tourguide=) ping, el, junchen xiang yong, ric and mesylf went alll the way down just to eat. hmmm that's near for junchen, xiangyong and ric because it's purple line and they lives somewhere there.
- after that i wanted to go chinatown to buy some materials for craft work. and with much persuasion by el, junchen and xiangyong tagged along. so all of us went except ric. because he got something on after that. off we went to chinatown. i was unable to get the material that i wanted so we ate dessert in the end. oh my goodness! eat again!! we're chatting and enjoying the desserts at the same time. around 1545 we left chinatown.
- i went home for a change and picked up my Bible and off i go to church. had prayer meeting. while we're having our dinner. josh raised up this question on who wants to join him to geylang serai. this is so to make the cab fare worth the amount=)
- after much desicions, nick, denise and myself went=) josh was meeting up 2 of his friends. so we just tagged along with the main objective of buying deng deng-malay barbeque pork.(ba gua)
- when josh first met his friends. they actually bought food for josh and 3 funny coloured drinks. and josh commented,'everytime i meet them i've food. don't know why.' so funny ya.
- i think there is the sweetness between friends. aren't this great??? like what my title says friends are forever and boyfirends/girlfriends are whatever!!!
- am i right??? like being friends for so long and you actually knows what your friends wants even when he/she didn't mention it. is this telepathy??? =D Cool uh!walked around geylang serai. on our way to the car (one of josh's friends' car) we're enjoying the deng deng that one of us bought. hmmm. and denise said, 'it's just wonderful staying in singapore with a wide variety of food to choose from. especailly having to taste the food of cross races.' come to think of it. that's true=)
- in singapore we're like living in a country that's kinda different from other countries like indonesia, malaysia etc. it's like in singapore, all of us live in harmony together. ragardless of race and religion. that's what made me proud being a singaporean!
- shall post when there's interesting activities on ya=)
message to josh: thankie for the ride back home and down to geyland serai=)
message to cliques: we're supporting fiq for his soccer match on monday after law???
message to fiq: this is my update!!!!
message to sarah jie jie: thankie for the photos=)
message to all: any idea where to get good phones at rather good price??? =D
long and naggy entry again???? haha=Pppp [[ here i come my bed!!!!]]
here are some picture of Genting=)
is this singapore??? nopy, this is genting!!! see the cloud!!! not haze!!!

kinda cloudy???

clear view!!