Friday, October 06, 2006
am i happy or what?? @ 10/06/2006 11:36:00 PM
hmmm. i think that posting everyday really must have loads of thing to say=)) or should i say i'm too lazy to type my thoughts out??? haha.- today i had lunch with my fourth aunt and uncle. the topic during the lunch is about sweetness comes after bitterness.
- why? because of my situation. and they were like encouraging me and were like asking me to think positively. in fact i dare not utter a word because i'm afraid that i might cry. so just nod ans smile=)
- this is like God reminding me again that i have to press on and i will reach that finishing line soon. hmmm. He's cheering me on by sending non-believer to speak into my heart. somemore this season that we as a church is undergoing is breakthrough!!! and those words said by my uncle and aunt was like a comfirmation from God once again=)
- people. you might just think that i'm holy here. but i just want to share with you people that Jesus is the God i know and only true God!!! and he really speaks! if you want testimonies, i have many. different situations and different experiences. even can ask someone else that i knew of to share with you. old, young , not so young and not so old. all different kinds and age group of people also have=))
- i'm happy because i knew that. many people are behind me supporting me=) and i just felt that my aunts and uncles are like my parents man=) know me inside out.
- one thing i want to ask myself is that:''is my smiles lacking or???'' because my aunt said that i used to smiles and luagh a lot. but where's the cheerful me now? hmmm. come to think of that. i think i'm not as bubbly as i was before. change! back to my bubbly and cheerful me!!!
- one reminder: do change for the better! but not the other way round!!!
- do not worry!! and not let your daily work or problems weighs your spirit down that caused you to be unhappy. always think positively!!!! and thing will be better isn't it=)))
- that's all for today. am i going back the long and naggy me??? haha. having long entires again?? haha=))
message to fiq, charles, dionnie, ping, shan, ching ching and el: we have to really go and eat our long waiting fondue. maybe the coming week??? but must be on weekdays ya!!!
message to denise: jia you for your coming paper! no worries. you can do it!!!! don't be stress over the unstress you!!! cheers! we're always there for you=))
message to my dear friends having exams in their midst: be calm and do your paper confidently!!! try your very best! all the best to you people=))
shall i have some picture for your to see??? haha. there you go=) [[happy and cheerful me]]
i. this is what we wore today=) happy green day!!!

ii. our favourite foodcourt 1=)) actually the main objective is to capture us stand in a row nicely=))

iii. animations???