Thursday, September 28, 2006
lazy me??? @ 9/28/2006 09:23:00 PM
hello=) i'm back to really get down to post everything and anything i feel like having=)- firstly, sorry to all! i'm just plain lazy to really have a detail entry man. hmmm and the pictures too, it's like taking years in insert photos. so i decided to stop and then go to bed=)
- well, today is like my 4th day of school. as in after a 1 month holiday. hmmm. my classmates remain the same=) just that there's a change of lecturers.
- for me i'm like still in holiday mood. don't know why. haha. guess that my friends too!
- due to this week is the first week of school we're kinda relax and then lessons all ended early!!!
- don't know why we're always like slacking after class. haha. not as energetic as we're during lunch or in class. think we're all tired already=)
- cool huh! my class are going to have a class jacket instead of class t-shirts! design and cost and material -- still in process=))
- that's all i have in mind. don't know why i'm like brain block. haha.
message to 4e2!!!: please be willing to help out in miss chong with the peer tutoring thing! let me know whether are you available to help as soon as possible!!! thankie very much=)
message to 1a22: save up and go somewhere!!!
message to rachel da jie, sarah jie, denise and charis: are we reaching our bangkok trip nearer?? or even hong kong trip??!!
message to reen, vonne, yechao: jia you. last week already!!! try your best and all the best to you people!!!
here's a picture to reward you after reading my kinda long entry=) [[lazy]]
guess which one is my hand???