Friday, August 10, 2007
just for dionnie=) @ 8/10/2007 03:47:00 PM
a post specially for my dearest dionnie!!!
remember the caption i've written on the book for you on your birthday?
i wanted to msg you on wednesday itself to tell you the following.
i'm sorry that i forgot, in fact i'm too tired. SORRY!!!
cheers my dear!!! it's alright, everything will be fine yeah=)
i might not experience what you are feeling that day. that you even burst out into tears.
what i can say is that, everything will be fine. i promise!
at least if it doesn't, i'll study together with you alright!!!
anything you don't know can ask me!!! but not over the phone=Ppp
because over the phone = i'm home = i'll be tempted to sleep=D
don't worry!!! worries adds on to your wrinkles!!!! opps=) remember always, i love you!!!!!!!
don't you feel a bit touched? haha=)