Sunday, March 04, 2007
random thoughts @ 3/04/2007 09:47:00 PM
shoik! i'll be like spending money for the rest of the days in march lah! oh my oh my!!!
because i decided not to get a job already=) hmmm lazy me!!!=Ppppso i'm going to do whatever i can just to catch up with friends etc. and because of this i really have to watch over my purse man!argh!!!! this is what i can to express my fustration upon whatever flew passed my mind man!i don't know why. but i've been like pondering some stuff which i don't know how it actually crossed my brain man.- relationship
- well. not that kind of BGR that i'm thinking of. but the kind of human to human relationship. come to think of it. relationship between person to person is really a complicated case study. oh people. please don't mistaken of anything yeah. i'm fine.
- just that. hmmm. i'm sort of have the urge to share with whoever. just that i don't know who the person is. just decided to blog it out! haha=)
- knowing that you are an introvert. you have to like overcome this. hmmm. how can i phrase it?? let me give you an example; A the introvert just entered a new class. a class by which A don't know anyone. instead of asking the one sitting beside her what's her name etc. she kept quiet. A should overcome the introvert her by asking and start talking to whoever she sees in class.
- sorry. if you don't understand but i'm just saying the nudge in my brain. feel so much better=)
- God instituted relationship for us to encourage one another, build up one another, to share with someone your joy, sorrow etc.
~ so make the most of your time to build up the ralationship you had. to care, love and encourage those around you!!! appreciate them!!!! by saying 'you made my day', 'i love you', 'thank you' etc. - putting your brain and every talent you had into good use???
- i've been pondering what talent do i have man. being crazy??
- have i been putting whatever i had into good use???
~ whatever it is i just hope that i can be a joy to whoever around me=) - is money everything???
- nowadays, money worked wonders. with money you can buy whatever you one. you can do anything and everything with money for your own benefit. even bribing the whoever authority for your own good.
- but what's the point?? when you die. you'll not be bringing your money with you to heaven or hell. be generous! bless whenever is needed. not to be so self centered.
- guard your money well. in term of financial planning. you will never know when is your rainy days. so don't spend unnecessary money. but also don't hold your money too tightly that you don't buy anything for yourselves.
~ spend your money wisely is all i can say=)
alright enough of my nonsense=) just some grumbling.
[[ sleep to the fullest!!! ]]