Sunday, September 10, 2006
love=) @ 9/10/2006 11:50:00 PM
what is LOVE??? well. today i'm going to post something special. not about what i've encounter for today but the topic on love.- the love i always wanted is having someone to care for you. that kind of warm feeling. just like your parent asked you "have you eaten" or "what would you like to have for dinner?" this is call simple love. this is what i always longed for.
- well. do your not know a man, Son of God named Jesus came down to earth to save us from sins. but how??? he died on the cross for our sake. not for His sake but yours, ours!!! he died for our sins. this is all out of His love for us! you really have to experience God yourself. and you will know exactly what i'm talking already.
- well. just want to let you know. yes you! the one reading it my bloggy. i love you!!! basically i love anyone and everyone. as in not those world love the so called BGR. but agape love. you know what's that??? agape love = the love you have between friend, parents, relatives. this is empowered by the Holy Spirit in me!
- everyone is so troubled by BRG in the world. am i right??? people cut themselves because there's some misunderstanding and mistrust between their partner. what for, right?? just hurt yourself that's all. and leave some ugly scars. everyone is also seeking for true love. true love as in another partner??? don't understand why?
- for myself i seriously don't know how to answer my friends or anyone that asked me whether do i have a boyfriend. i admit i don't have one before and now i still don't have a boyfriend. because this type of thing. God will show me the right one when my Mr. Right appears. definately not any dick, tom and harry.
- i do envy my friends that has a boyfriend or girlfriend. but just a short urge of enviness. not say i'm i don't envy. i'm a human after all people=)) but just the sweetness part and the loving part. Not the arguement part and fighting part=)) whatever it is. i believe that after an arguement. the relationship between each other will be more bonded. because they know one another more mah. i guess. this is my mentality. haha izzit true???
- well. i actually wanted to go on and on and on and on. but there's alot more to go so i think if you really want me to share with you just dial my hotline=D i'm more than willing to tell you=) i sound like i'm some love advicer. haha.
message to jia: see you're in my bloggy already. don't say don't hvae. happy??? star in my bloggy somemore=)
message to everyone: there's true and real love people. it's just a matter whether are your accepting it or rejecting it.
alright people. that's all i will post. i just hope that it somehow speaks to you. be it yes or no. i just want to thankie you for your patience in reading it and thankie for visiting my bloggy=)) [[coughing]] cheer up people. here i am posting my dear friend's pictures to cheer your up=)) she's crappy she do all sorts of things. stay tuned!
1.told you she's crappy. don't know what she trying to do man=))

2.what's in between her lips???

3.aiyo. she's trying to photocopy herself!

4.and this is her=) shi jia!!!