Sunday, September 10, 2006
love=) @ 9/10/2006 11:50:00 PM

what is LOVE??? well. today i'm going to post something special. not about what i've encounter for today but the topic on love.

message to jia: see you're in my bloggy already. don't say don't hvae. happy??? star in my bloggy somemore=)

message to everyone: there's true and real love people. it's just a matter whether are your accepting it or rejecting it.

alright people. that's all i will post. i just hope that it somehow speaks to you. be it yes or no. i just want to thankie you for your patience in reading it and thankie for visiting my bloggy=)) [[coughing]] cheer up people. here i am posting my dear friend's pictures to cheer your up=)) she's crappy she do all sorts of things. stay tuned!

1.told you she's crappy. don't know what she trying to do man=))

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2.what's in between her lips???

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3.aiyo. she's trying to photocopy herself!

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4.and this is her=) shi jia!!!

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Updated By: CHLOE=)


happy reading=)

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